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Fiery Lions Captain


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As soon as I had read Vulkan's entry in the New Codex, I knew he was the guy to lead my army. So much focus on CC and flamey death simply could not be ignored. :)


However, his entry came with only a drawing and no miniature as of yet. The drawing was too tame though for my tastes; they may have taken my Furious Charge and BP&CCW traits with this new edition but the Fiery Lions background remains the same; close combat oriented boarding parties with a penchant for flamer weapons. And after looking more closely at the new Codex entries, I realised that this could still be achieved be it that the CC aspect should be foregone a bit in favour of short range firefights. Which suits me just fine really.


So, I had to make my own version of Vulkan, as I mentioned that the striding version of the Codex drawing doesn´t suit the Lions´ style at all. Reinterpreting his weapons and equipment was pretty easy really, and I came up with this guy:






As you can see, he has a large powersword, which counts as his mastercrafed relicweapon. It's simply a Terminator Captain's sword bent to a curved shape and then appropriately cut and filed into shape. It's meant to resemble a very large sabre or cutlass (piraty ^_^ ). The backpack (still requiring deflashing) is only dryfitted on, to make sure the lion's head fits on the shoulder.


These are the parts still waiting to go on:




Miscellaneous iconography such as a small shield with a lion on it, another purity seal, his left shoulderpad and either a lion's head or a lit brazier to sit on top of his backpack. I'm leaning towards the brazier at the moment, as the lion part of the chapter's name is already well represented by the pelt on his shoulder. This pelt will be a cape of sorts too, which still requires sculpting. The lion's head will be integrated with that cape, to make one large lion trophy. His right shoulderpad will be sculpted peaking out underneath as well.




This is his 'Armoured gauntlet which can be fired as a heavy flamer'. This also requires some sculpting, to mask where I cut it off its original arm, the contact points of the hoses and the fueltank. This is probably the only bit ever produced by GW with digital weapons on it btw; it's from the very first metal Terminator Captain (bought him boxed with his squad back in the eighties!) B)


When done, he'll be perfectly WYSIWYG and in character to boot. I'm sculpting some iconography on his greaves right now as well as the finishing touches on the gauntlet. Pics to follow. Then it's on to the pelt/cape and he'll be ready for painting...


So; let's hear it. Suggestions, questions, crits? :)

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Brilliant idea and combo of bits!


I also would choose the lit brazier as you would then have two icons that spell out in plain English which chapter he is in. The sword came out quite nicely and it looks like it's in the right place for a charge. Are you going to sculpt the lion cape over the figure first and then apply the back pack?


This is a 10.0 on the coolness scale.

Just as a little update and better impression of the end result, here's the captain again, with the left arm held in position. It will be kept seperate for painting but you can see the final pose like this. Also, the sculpting on the left arm is finished here. It's ProCreate, so not easily identified. It's the slightly darker grey clamp on the fuel tank. There's more underneath though...




Also another shot of the sword, as I felt the earlier pics gave the impresion of the blade being bent along the wrong axle. This is a full side-on shot and it's perfectly flat, trust me. ;) Here too, some of the sculpting can be seen. This time on the right greave; a flame motif, to which rivets still need to be added.




@ Chapter Master Kanithon: like I said; it's from the first version of the Terminator Captain back during Rogue trader. I've really doubted whether or not I'd cut it up but in the end, I did. I'll find out later if I'm sorry or not... ;)


@ Honda: Yup, the backpack has to be taken off anyhow for the brazier to be fitted (You convinced me) and it is not glued on right now. The cape will be sculpted next; hopefully tomorrow, and then he'll be done bar the base. :mellow:

Thanks guys :)


how are you representing the 3+ Inv. save?

The lion pelt has an arcane powerfield generator installed in its head. I'm still working on the fluff but trust me; it'll pass the plausibility test... ;)


Geweldig! Ontzettend mooi zwaard ook!

Dank je; hopelijk kom je de FL ooit nog eens tegen op een toernooi hier of daar! :P


where did you get the sword btw or is it just bent?

To answer you question and Barek's: the sword is from the 3rd edition Terminator Captain. I bent the blade of the sword into a curve and then filed the blade to give it a better 'flow'. Like I said; it has to look more or less like a sabre, cutlass or falchion, but then HUGE. And powered...


Dude, you misspelled the title, it's supposed to be loins. ;)

Every thread eh, every thread... *shakes fist* :P


Now for some updates.


Here, you can see where I put the small shield. I had intended it to be placed either on the shoulder or the forearm but then his upper body'd be too crowded. But since I absolutely wanted this cool little item on there, I had to look for a more suitable spot. Then my eye fell on the cover art of the Squad Command computer game and saw that the captain on there has a shield shaped kneepad, so I copied that idea. I then had to sculpt the greave below to make sure the kneepad would fit, which is what you see here. Also, a better look at the flames on the right greave. Bear in mind that the putty still requires sanding and smoothing:



And this is the first part of the sculpting of the mane of the pelt. I'll take on the pelt itself and the blending in of the mane on his back later, when the second round has cured completely. I had to match the hair on the head in my sculpting, which was rather thick as opposed to the thinner strands I usually do, so I kind of mixed and matched, the end result is pretty good though (the lights drown out the detail on the white mane, so that's hidden for now):



Right; to follow is the rest of the pelt, his hair (no; I'm not leaving him as yet another baldy guy) and the base, which will be 40mm and of course modelled to look like a ship's (damaged) deck. :)

Yes, every thread. :)


See, one day, your going to make a topic, and you'll type it as Fiery Loins, and that'll be that. The days of you taking your chapter seriously will be over. Don't feel bad though. I mean, your playing a game where bright red and yellow armour is a good thing, ultramarine blue is somehow able to be camouflage, and everyone somehow manages to be taller than a space marine. ;)

@ NemFX: I can't remember the times I was sorry that I gave a certain dyslectic webcomic writer permission to use that joke, as before that fateful episode, nobody even noriced... ;) Still; I will prevail, if only in name of all Lion chapters out there, who won't dare show their faces ever again: the Iron Lions, Purple Lions and Prowling Lions. And who can forget the Nurgle infested Diseased Lions? Cowed into hiding, all of them, but will the Fiery Lions join them? Never! Proud and orange, they will stand at the forefront as champions of all ridiculed chapters and will see their pride (sic) and standfastness vindicated in due time! Whenever that is... :P


@ CMK: no problem. Please feel free to use the idea. The captain pops up on eBay every now and then btw, if you're bent on getting this particular bit.


@ Toddius: Thanks; I'm in full swing at the moment and the jazz is still loud and clear, so expect me to start painting him very soon :P


More updates:


The pelt is finished. I added a small piece of tubing to make it look like there actually is a device in there requiring power, so that's his invulnerable save taken care off...



And here are some shots of him completely tacked together (I just couldn't wait). Still to follow I realise now, is his hair; I completely forgot somehow! He'll be sporting some sort of ponytail I think, so more updates of that to follow. He's a bit more tilted forward here on his provisional stand than he will be on his base btw, so the flames will actually fit into his flow better once he's properly based. Enjoy for now :) :






Really good work there! I'm liking the innovation!


I do feel, however, that the mini is brought down by the fur you've sculpted. Don't get me wrong, I love how you're getting along, but I would recommend using a pair of needle nose tweezers and teasing the sculpting putty with it, to add volume and depth.


Good luck with the mini!


Capt. Jack

Is it just me or does it look like he is falling forward and catching himself with his PF?


Edit: By the way the model looks awsome. It's just a question of maybe leaning to far forward into a charge. Just a thought


a small thing that would really add dynamism, would be to cut the flames off the brazier, and resculpt them to be streaming backwards... basically indicating motion. it's not a big thing but for me once i noticed it the flames didn't look right.

I hate to quote myself guys (OK; so maybe I don't :) ) but here's your answer, from my earlier post:

He's a bit more tilted forward here on his provisional stand than he will be on his base btw, so the flames will actually fit into his flow better once he's properly based.


I do feel, however, that the mini is brought down by the fur you've sculpted. Don't get me wrong, I love how you're getting along, but I would recommend using a pair of needle nose tweezers and teasing the sculpting putty with it, to add volume and depth.

I know; I'm not the most experienced of sculptors out there. Fur and hair are supposed to be easy as opposed to armour and the like, whilst I find myself struggling with hair etc. the most... What do you mean exactly by teasing the putty? I can imagine something resembling obnoxious behaviour reminiscent of playground antics but I suppose you mean pulling strands of the putty? I tried (and succeeded there I think) to emulate the sculpting of the mane of the original piece (a cast from the lion pelt bit on the High Elf LIon Chariot sprue), which shows remarkably thick strands. My own impression was that the fur of the actual cape was too course and long, as lions tend to have really short hair as opposed to, for instance, wolves. I am at a loss as to how to sculpt that. Maybe not sculpting it at all and painting it like lion fur might work?


Anyhow, update:


Here's the base for him. It's largish piece of machinery for him to leap off of. Some rivets and assorted little bitz might be added but that's it really. I've opened up several bases for the FL before and like how it looks, so I did that again here. Cookie for the first one to name the bit that forms the base of the machine... :)






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