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My take on MOUT Marines, and an excuse to build up Sternguard Vets. They're also running around as my kill team in our current Kill Team campaign (primarily Ork brutes, hence the heavy flamer) They're actually doing pretty good for such a small team.


Sergeant - Bolter, Power Weapon, Melta-bombs http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j195/optimus_prime_1983/Sternguard/DSCF1197.jpg




The three regular Vets





And the Heavy Flamer carrying Bad-@$$




The HF is made of one off the Sister's vehicle sprue, a regular Marine Flamer from the Tactical Sprue, the tanks are the Guard flamer tanks, and the piping is made out of a carefully bent antenna from the Tank Accessory Sprue.

All the heads are spares from my scout bike kits with green stuff necks, Suppressors are drilled 1/8" plastic rod, and count for Kill Team (sneaky marines! we've got a scrambler too)

Questions, comments, and whatnot.

Oh, yeah, they'll be painted for my Angels of Vengeance army... eventually... when I get motivated to paint infantry again.........................

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very nice!


Very cool look.

You should paint them in the white/grey/black urban camo.



I agree, that comes off as a really good paint-job.. I was gonna do a whole set of marines like that before I got into the ultramarines and doing them metalic blue.. I did one though, the Macragge flamer marine with Codex Grey, Shadow Grey and .. the foundation one, Astronomican I think..

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I really like these. I never would have thought of the goggle-heads to make them look spec-ops/urban combat troops. Bravo.

The heavy flamer Marine looks like he might want a top grip on that beast, or some sort of strap or harness. He's bearing a lot of weight on the back of that gun, leaving the whole of the front unsupported. But full points for creativity!

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Bah, he's a Marine! I was originally going to do a top grip, but I just didn't have the patience for it honestly. He'll probably never see the table all that often after the kill team campaign is done anyway.

I think part of it is the pic's at an awkward angle... it does look more balanced in person.

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  • 1 month later...

Huzzah! Progress. Between work, school, some commission work, and a current lack of decent modeling/painting space, not to mention a new full army of pointy-eared B**tards in yella' armor, it's pretty slow coming with these boys. But I got the first one painted today.






I'm not happy with his face at all, but I got tired of trying to fix it and settled for good enough. I am happy with the scope lens at least.


*edit* wrong pic codes.

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I'm not happy with his face at all, but I got tired of trying to fix it and settled for good enough. I am happy with the scope lens at least.
What's your face technique? I think the eyes ended up a bit unreal, which is very common. Too much eye ball <_<


Other than the eyes, the only other problem is the bolter's red. Red over a black base is hell. It looks like you probably thinned your paint properly, but still didn't get good coverage anyhow. Just do more layers--I was doing a dozen or so layers to get red even over black (Blood Red puddles and pools like crazy, even when thinned with glaze medium).



P.S. The chapter symbol came out really nice. And the scope lens is very well done :)

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The camera kinda ate some of the red... it actually ended up with a pretty cool somewhat battered look, but something about the new washes and my camera just works goofy.

The flesh is, after a few other worse looking things, simply Tallarn Flesh with an Ogryn Flesh wash, and highlighted with Tallarn Flesh... Just makes me remember why I tried to get as many helmets on the rest of the army as I could.

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