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Firedrakes, close combat.


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I´we been going greenstuff crazy and another firedrake squad is up and running.

This one however is an effort job though.

First of all, is it only me who thinks the 3+ storm shields are to whimpy?

I´m leaning more towards the roman legion shields covering more and being sturdier when I think 3+inv saves.


But then roman stuff is far from flames, drakes and salamanders so I went nutts and sculpted something more suited for the 18:th legion where artifice and quality wargear are important.


I also used another kind of shoulderpads to separate each squad from the one before.


And then I went and made some thunder hammer experiments with greenstuff, I´m keen on giving the minis a feeling of unique mastercrafted weaponry (as it should be when Vulkan is leading them).



The hammers were simply done by removing the original head and replacing it with one of my new pinned.


The shields have knuckle guards and I had to take the original shield arms with shields and cut away the shields around the fists, sand down the outer edge and simply put my shields on the original fists.







Whole squad:






Closeup on some:








Hope you like them as more and even weirder squads are coming up with HQs to go.

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-Love- the shields. If you made them from scratch you're the man. They're great even if you didnt. Wonderful painting as well. Generally I'm not a fan of salimander stuff; I think it looks goofy, but these look good. the bases are are little over the top for me, but nothing that would take away from the model.


These are the nicest Terminators I've seen in a good bit.

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You, sir, are a genius. A genius. Give us more. MORE I SAY!!! MOOOOOORE!!! I love those shields... Reminds me of a mix of the shield of the Saurus shields and the shields on the Dragon Prince minis from Warhammer Fantasy... Perhaps you could use those as components???

Anyhow, keep it up!!! Glad to see a Brother who's enthusiastic about the "green goo of life" (That is, greenstuff...) :)

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Yeah I made them alright.


Here is a wip of one (I made 3 different all in all, they are fun to sculpt):








I also repositioned the arms a bit, here are some more close ups:







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Yeah I made them alright.


Here is a wip of one (I made 3 different all in all, they are fun to sculpt):








I also repositioned the arms a bit, here are some more close ups:










I hope that one day my salamanders would be half as good as those, i also wish i could sculp 1/12 as good. In case you didnt get the message.



They are awesome

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