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The second firedrake libby done.

Well, the books arent finished yet and the green armour is sloppy but everything else is an effort job.


I wanted him to use a psychic power (open hand) but at the same time carry a storm shield so I figured he might as well let ho of the shield to cast a spell as the shield is attached to his armour by power cables and it might just look cool.


Cant use the ugly terminator shields for a first company librarian so I opted for something else and sculpted up an eagle-themed storm shield and attached it to the libby with a piece of metal wire that is formed to look just like a continuation of the libbys arm power cable. (thus the linked "S" shape he power cable makes all the way from the shoulder to the back of the storm shield)


Everything is covered in greenstuff and painted and here is the finished (almost) firedrake librarian.










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Very well done. I particularly like the metals. No red eyes though? Or am I missing it?

I dont like red eyes and jet black skin, makes the minis look like something out of a bad fantasy movie.

I´ll stick to "normal" africans.


Oh wow! Very nice job, Pyriel. I'm particularly intrigued by the basing job: the rock texture and the fungi are things I'd love to try out myself. Care to share your secrets?

Ok, I will do a tutorial in a while then.


Although I did laugh when imagining the librarian shouting in battle: "I am the mighty Petrok (or other SM name)... and I will smite you with my mastercrafted........ STUFF!"

Well he is kinda smiting the evil mutated mushrooms..

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