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Death Guard Tactica


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Have had quite a few games against the Nids recently, and I can´t stress enough how good Typhus is against Monstrous Creatures, especially those with Initiative lower than 5. I know I´ve said it before, but it just completely keeps blowing my mind. Having a huge number of Attacks that wound on 4s is one thing, having them ignore Saves is another, but needing just one of them to set of your Force Weapon is something sooooo good. Even with Perils of the Warp you´re only slightly punching above your weight (3D6 is 10,5 on average, your Ld is 10), so that´s an almost guaranteed intsa-kill right there.


As Typhus can cast two spells per turn, you can use Nurgle´s Rot to thin out the little gribblies while you wade up to the next big guy.


Rinse, repeat.


I had him in a Land raider with the ubiquitious squad of 7 Plage Marines with 2 flamers and a combi-flamer.


Roasting gribblies with three templates (4 if you include Typhus´ Wind of Chaos) - Good.

Insta-killing Tyranid Warriors with the Champion´s PF for those nice combat resolutions - Great.

Popping a Tervigon in one go with the Daemon Weapon - Priceless.


Keep the feedback coming guys, would hate to see this thread go the way of the dodo.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Bump, I'm currently at College, and one of my Apartment buddies who recently started attentinding has multiple thousands of points armies, so I'm when I get some money I'll be able to rearm.


I just wanted to bump this almighty topic, and ask if Sorcerers with Warptime and Wings and Defilers can still be tactical and if anyone still has any ideas or army list ideas. I intend to make a fluffy based army list without using Demon princes or Obliterators, and at the time I'm using chopped up Marines from a previous experiment as I like to use my somewhat crappily assembled units, aka Possessed.


By the way, nice to see you guys, the Epic Arma community I was recently lurking is all but dead, atleast you have life :).

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I have been running lists using the following:


Daemon Prince

Mark of Nurgle, Wings - 150


Daemon Prince

Mark of Nurgle, Wings - 150


Plague Marines (7)

Rhino, Champion, Powerfist, Meltagun (2) - 256 (as many as I can field while still letting me fill out at least 2 heavy)



CCW (2) - 150



CCW (2) - 150


Obliterators (2-3) - 150-225


Lordy, lordy, lordy has this list been brutal at all points levels. I just can't believe how much this tactica has helped my game. I have mentioned in a few other threads about how sweet Nurgle Princes are without psychic powers as long as they have wings. I play a Space Wolves player quite a bit who runs two Rune Priests. And I play an Eldar player who plays Eldrad and it just seems that Chaos psychic powers just get in the way and open me up for more danger and waste points. So I just skip them! Those 50 points (I used to get warptime) tend to come in handy when trying to make the right squads or get that extra obliterator or what-not.


My Plague Marines do great against hordes and haven't missed not using flamers. The Defilers are great all around and am considering using a third instead of the Oblits.


In games, I tend to just try to get in my opponents face as much as possible. It hasn't really backfired on me yet. I use the Princes as either a counter-attack unit (if I'm facing MEQs) or as a bum-rusher (against pretty much everything else) that holds a sign that says "Shoot me or I willl wipe your army!" My Defilers use the Rhinos as cover and lob pie-plates before charging unlucky foes. The list runs very synergetically, with really only one flaw: my stuff tends to get bunched up. Defilers take up a lot of room, as do Rhinos and big winged Princes. It wouldn't matter that they are all big except that they are all going in the same general direction and want to occupy the same space.

Anyone else have this problem?

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I have been running lists using the following:


Daemon Prince

Mark of Nurgle, Wings - 150


Daemon Prince

Mark of Nurgle, Wings - 150


Plague Marines (7)

Rhino, Champion, Powerfist, Meltagun (2) - 256 (as many as I can field while still letting me fill out at least 2 heavy)



CCW (2) - 150



CCW (2) - 150


Obliterators (2-3) - 150-225


I run the exact same setup! It is a great list, no crappy expensive stuff in it. Only thing I am thinking about dropping are the Oblits also. I tend to roll 1 and 2 w/ them. I know its not their fault but still frustrating. I think its a great list that if other would run they would see a lot of success.

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That looks like an effective, nicely different list, guys. I must try it myself.

Rfreshing to see not everyone fields their DPs with Warptime, and to actually hear some criticism against Oblits.




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Hey guys, I want to try a Demon-Bomb or Demon-swipe Army, would any of you like to share some ideas and or tactics to try? I want to field a GD and a few squads of Lesser Demons.


I also want to try to fit in a Defiler, but that's because I bought one a while back.


I'll get back with an army list, I just wanted to ask how you guys would field Demons :P.

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Well you have a couple schools of thought on the subject of Lesser Daemons.


1) Get a big blob of them in one or two large squads with large bases.

The theory behind this is that you can increase your charge range when they are summoned and effectively put very large areas of the board in charge range of basically Chaos Marines without powerfists or power armor, but with an invul save instead. I, personally, don't use this method. I've tried it twice and both times ended up getting tied up with Dreadnaughts.


2) Get 2-4 small squads as objective grabbers and light infantry killers.

I have ran a list like this before with Berzerkers with Icons in Rhinos. It worked really well. The Zerks were a great counter charge unit if the daemons got tied up in some really tough combat, but mostly, the daemons stole objectives so my Zerks could kill EVERYTHING THEY SAW and not have to worry about taking some pesky objective.


I have had absolutely no success with Greater Daemons. Too easy to run from.


My normal lesser daemon delivery system has been Icons on my normal CSM squads or personal Icons on my zerks or plague marines.

Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey guys, I want to try a Demon-Bomb or Demon-swipe Army, would any of you like to share some ideas and or tactics to try? I want to field a GD and a few squads of Lesser Demons.


I also want to try to fit in a Defiler, but that's because I bought one a while back.


I'll get back with an army list, I just wanted to ask how you guys would field Demons ;).


Why not play a Daemons army ... instead of CSM? :)


You get daemons aplenty, a useful GD, fun options for DPs, and the Soul Grinder, which is kinda a Defiler.


To me, it sounds like they'd do better what you want to do for your army. If you want to stick on the marine side of things, playing one or two units of L. Daemons as Snugsmike suggested is basically your only competitive option. A GD could be fielded, but please don't pop him off a PM champ; that's just so many wasted points. Naked, vanilla CSM champs (or just with a PW) would be the delivery system to use there.

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agreed, if you want to play with daemons, play with codex daemons ;)


I really miss our individual daemons, and always took a squad of nurglings.


I rarely use daemons, though if i had some spare points might use a few squads of 7 to camp objectives, while most of my plague marines run off and kill stuff...

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  • 1 month later...

There hasnt been any extensive talk of battling space wolves here. least not that I remember. I just faced a space marine drop pod army which picked me apart. game was a draw but a hard fought draw. The same friend has made a drop pod SW army which looks like this:


Rangar Blackmane


Bjorn the Fell Handed


Rune Priest


-Murderous Hurricane



9 Wolf guard

-3 combi melta

-4 combi plas

-3 power weaps

-Drop pod



10 grey hunters

-2 meltaguns

-pwr wep

-drop pod



5 grey hunters

-wolf guard leader

-combi flamer


-pwr wep


--T-L lascannon





2500 pts


Im a bit lost as to how to approach this battle strategically. I have most models at my disposal and have been running Dem's army only w/o the LRs and with more troops. Should I sub my LRs back in or take some dreads or both? The drop pods seem to be stacked against me!





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  • 1 month later...

I've seen what's been said about Typhus and his ridiculous points vs. ID flaw.....however, I have had a few games (albeit test games with a DG army) where he just wreaked a bunch of havoc on the enemy.


If you deep strike him successfully, then he is a potent, in-your-face threat that make many people run for the hills, especially when you annihilate a Trygon Prime with one shot, and take out 7-8 gaunts with Rot.


Typhus is godly when given the chance, but the drawbacks are still there.....against Necrons, forgo using him. Too many str8 weapons that like to target that beautiful scythe-wielding maniac that turn him to pulp. Hordes fall to him, unless they're genestealers then things get dicey......


those are just my observations from using him a few times, but please tell me where i may be lacking info.

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My Death Guard list (pretty similar to the one posted above) got decimated by an eldar force.


Most of my problems came from 2 war walker squads with scatter lasers, on which fortune or guide was applied. 24 rerollable shots by squad, more than enough to kill my two deamon princes in the first turn (man, does cover still exists!!?). Brutal lost.


I'll start a separate thread to gather some ideas on how to deal with such armies.

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I'm also looking to create my army of putrescent perfection, but I'm getting a few pings against the way I want to run it. Mostly anti-tank for those people who can't seem to play with an infantry-based army, and something to take on hordes without having to switch things up to face either.


Please check it out.



I've got my two variants that I thought would work, I might stick with the second list I posted, but helpful suggestions would be appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've also recently been converted over to Father Nurgle : )


I usually get in 1k games with a small group of friends and this is what I'm starting with so far. Tell me what you think..



Sorc,personal icon/MoN,warptime



7xchosen/IoN,2flamers,3 plasmas



6xPMs, 2 plasmaguns

1x Champ, power weapon,combi-flamer

6xPMs, 2 meltas

1x Champ, p-fist, combi-flamer


Heavy support

1 oblit

1 oblit


998 points


Now, I originally had a Defiler as I personally love the model but someone brought up a good idea with oblits and icons for answering problems. The first squad of PM would take an objective and hold. Supported by the chosen as a fire base of sorts while the second squad would go with the sorc and take the fight to the enemy.

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Welcome to the boards, Draconis.


Since this is the tactica thread, and not a place for list critiques, I suggest you post your list in the Chaos Lists section to get feedback on it.


I know some folks have put lists in this thread, but for the purposes of the, it's more of a, 'Here's a list that works,' kinda stuff.

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  • 1 month later...
True, but it seems to help to "bump" the thread without actually saying bump : )



No list this time, but I'd love the communities thoughts on Havocs in a DG list. Would you like 4x Autocannons for their diversity, plasma suicide squads for rhino rapid fire, or suicide meltas? Im personally leaning towards the autocannons. 8 S7 shots at bs3 with plenty of extra wounds sounds fun.

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havocs are BS4 :)


personally, I miss my dg havocs, with 4 plasma and a plasma pistol, they were a great squad for blasting marines, but as I run "pure" deathguard when i do play chaos, the only infantry I take are plague marines, and when I'm playing at 2000 points I take 2 oblit's and 2 vindicators, leaving no space for havocs.


Also, I tend to prefer missiles to autocannons, as you can at least glance an armour 14 vehicle (yes thats what melta is for, but still its nice to have options), and 4 frag missiles can really mess up a squad.

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  • 1 month later...

This reply is to serve two purposes:

One: A much needed bump for one of the best tacticas I have ever read.

Two: Help with a PURE Death Guard army for an upcoming Tourney on March 17th.


I am fielding this so far:

It's 1850, standard force org, random game/setup per the big rule book.


150- Daemon Prince

Mark of Nurgle, Wings


150- Daemon Prince

Mark of Nurgle, Wings


256- Plague Marines (7)

Champion, Powerfist, Meltaguns (2), Rhino


266- Plague Marines (7)

Champion, Powerfist, Plasmagun (2), Rhino


220- Land Raider


220- Land Raider


221- Plague Marines (7)

Champion, Powerfist, Meltagun (2) (in a Raider)


211- Plague Marines (7)

Champion, Powerfist, Flamer (2) (in a Raider)


So that leaves me with around 156 points to spend. And this is the dilemma. 150 is not enough for another Plague squad... but it is the price of two Oblits...

In keeping in the pure nurgle spirit, what do I do here? Spend the points on upgrades? Get a Predator?

I could easily pop on Possession on my Raiders, Warptime on my Princes (90 points right there), a havoc launcher here, a combi weapon there, but I feel it would be wasted upgrades. My Warptimes never seem to go off as so many armies counter my powers. The possession seems to be a little overkill as the Raiders are nigh-unstoppable anyways...

So what do I do? I have access to any models I might need. I have 2 Defilers, Oblits, Preds, more Plague Marines, more Rhinos, Havocs, Bikes, Termis, (TERMICIDE?! Painted as Deathgaurd without the Mark of Nurgle...)

Let me know.

I expect to play lots of different armies but mainly some form of Marines (Spacewolves, Blood Angels, Vulkan, etc), Lashy Chaos and Dark Eldar.

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True, but it seems to help to "bump" the thread without actually saying bump : )

They should sticky it so we don't have to bump. Plus anyone who wants to run nurgle has a good basis to go off of without having to sift through threads or not know this one exists. I know this tactica helped me a lot and was a good 60% push to go DG.

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I would def suggest possession on your landraiders, nothing worse then getting stunned and not being able to move when there's a close combat nasty closing on your tank...


I'd suggest swapping the flamers for meltaguns, and then giving the champion's combi flamers. I tried this out and I love to have 2 squads of that config.


Warptime, well, thats up to you and your experiences. I love it, but against certain armies it might not be that great heh.


Thanks to the tactica I run a similar army to yours (1500 points, 1 prince, 1 landraider 1 vindicator 4 squads and 3 rhinos, but only 2 champs).


Oblit's are good, and so are termicide, although not nurgle I have fluff issues running them at anything less then 2000 points where my need for anti tank overpowers my need to stick to fluff :D

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I took some more advice from here and came to my final list!

Nurgle Prince

Wings, Warptime, Mark


Nurgle Prince

Wings, Warptime, Mark






7x Plague Marines

Champion, Powerfist, Meltagun x2


7x Plague Marines

Champion, Powerfist, Flamer x2


7x Plague Marines

Champion, Powerfist, Meltagun x2, Rhino


5x Plague Marines

Plasmagun x2, Rhino


5x Plague Marines

Plasmagun x2, Rhino


Looks like 1848, pretty brutal, LEAN, I like it. Keep everyone together, make mobile cover, burn up the hordes, melta the vehicles, assualt everything else. I like it!

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