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Death Guard Tactica


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So I'm building a 2k list for a campaign and I'm not exactly playing DG but a secondary chapter based on it. The list is as follows


6x Raptors

1x Flamer

1x Melta

1x AC w/fist

Icon of Nurgle


6x DG w/ 2x Plasma Gun

1x AC w/ Combi-flamer and melta bombs

Rhino w/ Combi-flamer

Personal Icon


6x Infected Beserkers

1x AC w/ P-fist

Personal Icon

Rhino w/ Combi-flamer


7x Lesser Daemons

7x Lesser Daemons

7x Lesser Daemons


6x Terminators

1x Termie Champ w/ Lightning Claws

1x Reaper AC

1x Chain fist

3x Combi-Flamers

2x Combi-Meltas

Icon of Nurgle


Chaos Terminator Lord w/ Daemon Weapon, Combit-melta, MoN


3x Obliterators


7x Havocs w/ 4x Missile Launchers, Icon of Chaos Glory

Rhino w/ Havoc Launcher



I'd love to have a Icon of Nurgle in my Havocs, but can't afford it. Figured the re-roll for Leadership will work. The Beserkers are infected which is the background fluff for my army, the Sons of Decay. Its based on an infection of the mind and you become loyal to Nurgle and my Daemon Prince. Anyways, the idea is to start with the raptors and 3 Rhino squads on the board, and DS all the rest off of Icons. The army should be able to handle anything my gaming group brings as well as superior numbers to anything but the IG player. What are your thoughts. The lists sports 60 models, all with 3+ saves and plenty of 2+ as well. And tons of mixed firepower. Oh, and on a side note, the Lesser Daemons are there for suprise assaults or to assist if I get stuck in with a particularly nasty assault unit. Or to even contest/take objectives by going to ground if need be.



Also, heres a link to some of the models in my army, basically my painting blog.


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I have a quick question about Nurgle Terminators for DemetriiTZ..... I love the idea of them and I want to use them, as, according to Death Guard fluff, they are used quite a bit, so what would be the best way to outfit and field them, in your opinion?
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Hello fellow Warriors of Nurgle,


I am going to attend a tournament April 23, 2011 with my growing Nurgle contingent of CSM's.


Here is an excerpt of the composition rules associated with the tournament and I plan to maximize my list on comp; so my list choices posted below reflect that.


Composition Points: Armies must use the Standard Force Organization Composition. Each army will begin with 30 Composition

Points. You can gain or lose composition points based on list construction. Bonus points can be earned by being favorite

army played against by your opponents.


Composition modifiers work as follows:

Codex Selection:

 -15 Points Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Imperial Guard

 -10 Points Tyranids, Dark Eldar, Eldar, Space Marines, Grey Knights, Daemons of Chaos

 -5 Points Chaos Space Marines, Orks, Tau

 + 10 Points Witch Hunters, Necrons


Unit Selection:


 5 Troop Selections: +10 points

 6 Troop Selections: +20 points



 2 of the same selection (note, the same = unit, not wargear ie a Leman Russ Punisher is the same as a Leman Russ

Demolisher as both are Leman Russ Squadrons): - 5 points

 3 of the same selection: -15 points

 At least one unit taken from every category (HQ, Troop, Elite, Fast Attack and Heavy Support): + 10 points

 At least two units taken from every category: + 30 points


Here is the list I am working on for the event:


1700pt CSM, max comp (For CSM) at 75pts




DP, wings, MoN 150

Greater Deamon 100



5 PM, 2melta, AC 150

5PM 2 melta 135

5PM, 2 PG 145

5PM, 2PG, AC 160

5 PM, 2 FL 125

5PM, 2FL 125



Dred, +1cc 100

3 terminators, 2 combi meltas 100



1 spawn 40

3 CSM Bikers, 2 melta 119



Pred, AC, HB 100

Defiler 150


Comp (30) - 5(Codex CSM) + 20(6 Troops) + 30(At least 2 units from every selection) = 75 (+45)


Looking forward to applying some of the tactica learned in this thread...even though this army construction does not bluntly apply to the docrine here (no rhinos,etc)...I feel much of it is still useful.


I will definitely be looking at re-reading parts fo thread before the event.



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Hello everyone,


I have to thank DemetriiTZ for this wonderfull tactica. It really made the final push for me choosing Death Guard as my first 40k army.


There are a few things I was wondering and was hoping someone could help me on it.


Since Death Guard consists mostly out of infantry with special weapons would it be a reliable option to take the following squads and give them a mark?

1. Chosen - due to 5 special weapons

2. Havocs - 4 special weapons and it's base cost is the same as a basic CSM


What are the thoughts about these two?

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There are a few things I was wondering and was hoping someone could help me on it.


Since Death Guard consists mostly out of infantry with special weapons would it be a reliable option to take the following squads and give them a mark?

1. Chosen - due to 5 special weapons

2. Havocs - 4 special weapons and it's base cost is the same as a basic CSM


What are the thoughts about these two?


Both are fluffy choices for Death Guard. Sadly, neither is optimal in our current codex. They can be used (effectively with good tactics), but other units tend to outshine them.


I like using a Chosen squad from time to time. I go with 7-8 dudes, 4 with Plasma Guns, riding in a Rhino. Deployed out of their Rhino, they can position with Infiltrate for a nice firing lane (it might make certain armies reluctant to get close, but they tend to get overrun eventually), or they can outflank in the Rhino, and give you some behind-enemy-lines fire support later in the game. They like to go after MCs and the like. The outflank tactic with meltas instead of plas is solid for IG gun-line armies (knock out all those Basilisks, and Russes sitting back).


The Nurgle Icon on such a squad is just too pricey, though. Take IoCG if anything. Making each Chosen with IoN cost more than a Plague Marine without getting most of the benefits is just a bad choice. The standard PM quad (two squads with melta, two with plasma) brings a lot more reliability to the table, and the same types of guns you'd put on Chosen anyway. With the overall high-priced army we field, the Elite slot often gets neglected, but we're not giving up much by doing that. Chosen can be a nice surprise if the cookie-cutter list is getting stale, though.


Moving on to Havocs, there are, again, ways to use them that add to our army. Clearly Oblits are the number one Heavy choice. Defilers are also quite good. Preds and Vindis can work as well, but all that right there is a lot of competition for our Heavy slots. Havocs just didn't make the cut.


The one set-up that does give a Chaos general something unique is a four autocannon option (with filler bodies to taste). Since Oblits lost that choice from the last codex, and it's such a nice gun, it can be worth fielding alongside other quality Heavy choices. This squad helps a lot with transport-heavy armies, or light vehicles (Dark Eldar would want to kill these guys fast), or too many MCs. They need to find a good spot, and sit there all game to be effective (while the rest of your army is generally concerned with getting in melee range), but if that gives an extra distraction for your opponent to go after while your troops clean up, that's fine (Defilers serve that purpose in a bigger, scarier way).


But again, no IoN. They'll do fine in some nice cover. The extra toughness wouldn't help them much.


Both these squads can fit right into a fluffy DG army without Icons, though. Paint them the same scheme, and there ya go ... or maybe they're more fragile with zombie bits converting them. Explain it away however you want.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for your reply Dave. After reading your post I think I'll postpone the thought of getting the Havocs/chosen for a while.


Atm I'm working on my basic army worth of 750 pts consisting out of 1 dp, 2x 7 PMs with meltas, flamers + transports and 1 vindi.

In the future upgrade towards 1000 pts I want to add another PM squad with meltas just to strengthen my troops. After this point

to 1500 pts I'm pretty clueless of what to do. It's certain I'll be replacing my vindi with a DP but I'm not sure how to fill in the

remaining 500pts.


I was thinking of maybe getting 3 preds with ac/hb's just to pull off 6 str 7 shots against light vehicles and MCs

+ HBs to thin out squads before my PMs rushes in. I don't know if these would serve as decent target saturation for my PM squads

while offering solid fire support for fairly low amount of points.


So the overall view of 1500pts w/o any precise details given would be:


2 DPs

3x PMs with FL, Melta, transport

3x Preds w AC/HBs (maybe adding a Havoc launcher)

with roughly 150-200 pts remaining


What are your thoughts about this?


PS. I don't want to use Oblits and Defilers since it's commonly used.

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Thank you for your reply Dave. After reading your post I think I'll postpone the thought of getting the Havocs/chosen for a while.


Atm I'm working on my basic army worth of 750 pts consisting out of 1 dp, 2x 7 PMs with meltas, flamers + transports and 1 vindi.

In the future upgrade towards 1000 pts I want to add another PM squad with meltas just to strengthen my troops. After this point

to 1500 pts I'm pretty clueless of what to do. It's certain I'll be replacing my vindi with a DP but I'm not sure how to fill in the

remaining 500pts.


I was thinking of maybe getting 3 preds with ac/hb's just to pull off 6 str 7 shots against light vehicles and MCs

+ HBs to thin out squads before my PMs rushes in. I don't know if these would serve as decent target saturation for my PM squads

while offering solid fire support for fairly low amount of points.


So the overall view of 1500pts w/o any precise details given would be:


2 DPs

3x PMs with FL, Melta, transport

3x Preds w AC/HBs (maybe adding a Havoc launcher)

with roughly 150-200 pts remaining


What are your thoughts about this?


PS. I don't want to use Oblits and Defilers since it's commonly used.


Solid start to the list, though I would specialize the PM Squads instead of trying to make them an all comers unit (2 x Melta + Serg w/ Pfist & Combi-Flamer or 2 x Flamer + Serg w/ Pfist & Combi-Flamer) If you run 1 of each of these in tandem you have a very solid unit group that can attack just about anything. If you need the points you can shave cost with the sergeant load out.


The dakka preds can throw down some serious anti-horde firepower and act as your suppression units, but the list in general lacks a way to pop or kill heavily armored targets at range. Termicide would be a good use of the remaining points as this would give you a way to threaten armor from across the board.


One unit would be good (105Pts), but 2 would be better (210Pts).



Recent GK Update



Played a game against the new codex glory boys and just managed to win in a 2k matchup. Though the win was more likely the result of rolling for a kill points mission instead of my general-ship


The thing that frightened the hell out of me were the Venerable dreads, with 2 x TL Autocannons shooting at S8 they were brutally efficient at gunning down just about anything. The worst part of this being that they could ignore the FNP on my plague marines, and that they could just throw a ridiculous number of shots at anything within range.

He was running 2 x Ven rifleman Dreds + 2 x Regular rifleman dreds, pumping out 16 x S8 shots per turn!!!!


Add to the fact that the vens can force you to re-roll on the damage chart and that they can potentially ignore any stunned or shaken rolls meant these things were nigh unstoppable to kill. I basically just focused on getting cover and blocking their LOS and then killing anything else in his list.


In KP games it seems like we can take the advantage due to our better Long Range AV options (Oblits or Destructor Preds), and the number of transports most GK armies seem to run. But the small units of melta-toting henchmen were annoying in the extreme.

Though I'm not looking forward to playing them in multi-objective missions as they can field so many more scoring units.


But I'm glad to see that abaddon (survived a whole turn of EVERYTHING in the opponents army shooting at him after losing is LR transport.....and still wiped out 2 squads and 1 of their transports) and Khârn are still just as effective at slaughtering GK marines like any other.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Can you work on some tactics for apocalypse? My club evolves around it alot more than the standard game. I'm struggling particulary with long range anti-tank fire. My opponents either destroy all of my armour in turn 1/2 or kite me far to easily (sometimes both). At the moment i'm simply throwing 50ish marines at a single objective and flooding it (we play team games) as i find this is the only role I can fill at the moment. Outside of a triator baneblade I don't do much else outside of holding objectives or storming key locations. Although I have to admit, Death Guard are the masters of this sort of role xD i'm unmovable once I pick a spot lol as I have squads everywhere (and zombies!). But yeah, any advice on dealing with armour at range? Hellhammers / Scorpions ruin me atm :/.




- Sid

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  • 3 months later...

Here is my current 1850 list. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but I think it should work well.http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=242328 Comments or suggestions welcomed.



Deamon Prince w/ wings, mark of Nurgle, Warp Time 175pts



7 Plague Marines, Champion w/ power fist, 2 with flamer 211pts (in LR)

7 Plague Marines, Champion w/ power fist, 2 with flamer 211pts (in LR)

7 Plague Marines, Champion w/ power fist, 2 with melta gun, Rhino Transport w/ Havok Launcher 271pts

7 Plague Marines, Champion w/ power fist, 2 with melta gun, Rhino Transport w/ Havok Launcher 271pts

7 Plague Marines, Champion w/ power fist, 2 with melta gun, Rhino Transport w/ Havok Launcher 271pts



Land Raider- 220pts

Land Raider- 220pts




TOTAL- 1850pts


Also at my disposal are:

7 man Raptor squad (all armed with bolt pistol and chainswords)

7 man Havok squad (Campion with powerfist, 4 autocannons, 2 standard bolter troops)

5 man Terminator squad

1 Plague Hulk (counts as a defiler)

1 Dread (TL Heavy Bolters, TL Lascannons, Powerfist and Chainfist arms avaliable)

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  • 1 month later...

My my my - it appears that this ageless and superlative work has been allowed to just fade away to Page 2!!!


(Well, it had before I posted this. :D )


Many thanks, OP + all who have contributed to this epic tactica, for dragging me kicking & screaming (with pure puerile pleasure) back into Papa's slimey embrace.


I have struck a conundrum in planning out the vessel of my worship, so opines would be gladly devoured. The context is the 'pure' DG army espoused so passionately on Page 1, so things like Oblits & marked troops are basically beyond the pale. We're also talking 1750pts here


I love the thought of the Vindi Wall (a great name for an Indian restaurant, imo), but how to support it becomes problematic.


I am finding that if I go 2 DPs, I can only get in 4 actual Plague Marine squads in Rhinos (including 3 Power Fisted Plague Champions). But if I drop one DP, I can now raise 5 squads of Papa's Finest Pusmarines in their pusbuckets, albeit with now only a maximum of 2 PF PCs.


Which would be the more viable in practical terms. (I suspect that I'm leaning more to the latter in terms of fluff, but let's not abandon the pragmatic approach entirely).



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Yea, I absolutely love this tactica. When I considered making a Plague Marine army in December, I stumbled here. After reading the first post I was hooked and now I cherish my new army.


I think that if you lose a prince, your plague marines dont hurt as much (vs if you ran Thousand Sons as troops, for example). Go with more bodies.


I like my Vindicators. The 7 Toughness 6 bikes intimidate average opponents, so my Vindicators usually end up surviving the game. At least when they lose a gun I can tank shock/provide my disembarked plague marines with rolling cover as they advance. This is the first time my troops aren't slow and purposeful in years, so I definitely try to keep them moving full speed at all times once their rhinos get popped.


At least if you only take one prince, it's toughness 6 instead of 5. More PM's for sure, like I said before. I have 3 plastic demon princes lying around but my Nurgle lord with demon weapon has done consistantly well so I don't think the princes will ever make an appearance in this army.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Next question for the infected:


I'm opting for two Plague Champions among my squads, armed with combi-weapons.


I have squads with meltaguns and other squads with flamers, so where would the combi-weapons be most effective, as combi-flamers or combi-meltas?

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Can you work on some tactics for apocalypse? My club evolves around it alot more than the standard game. I'm struggling particulary with long range anti-tank fire. My opponents either destroy all of my armour in turn 1/2 or kite me far to easily (sometimes both). At the moment i'm simply throwing 50ish marines at a single objective and flooding it (we play team games) as i find this is the only role I can fill at the moment. Outside of a triator baneblade I don't do much else outside of holding objectives or storming key locations. Although I have to admit, Death Guard are the masters of this sort of role xD i'm unmovable once I pick a spot lol as I have squads everywhere (and zombies!). But yeah, any advice on dealing with armour at range? Hellhammers / Scorpions ruin me atm :/.




- Sid


Titans! Titans are your friends...


Seriously. You don't need to be loaded and buy a FW Warhound. I'm in the process of finishing my first scratchbuilt Warhound Titan, and he's been really cheap so far.

I'm going to create a tutorial of sorts with all the individual purchases I've made so far for him once I've completed him, but so far he's cost me £16.44 to make - that's $25.86 in USD. This has been for the base of the structure, an actual base to build him onto, and even things such as pencils, graph paper (for blueprints) and all the foamboard I needed.


Assuming the cost goes up for him to £20 by the time he's finished (I highly doubt this), then I can still make, according to my calculator, 15.85 Warhound's for the same price as purchasing from FW. Now, if you ask me, that kind of saving is worth the loss of detail from an amazing sculpt.


If you do follow this route, I highly recommend you keep it secret from your regular opponents. The look on their face when you stick it on the table will be awesome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few posts up I mentioned that I was starting a Plague Marine army. Here's what I use, and with great effect. Thanks to everyone who has posted advice, especially the OP.


I am very pleased that I decided to make this 2000pt army as a direct result of reading this (your) Tactica.


DP- Wings, Nurgle

DP- Wings, Nurgle

Dread- TLLC

7 PM's- Melta x2, Pfist, Rhino

7 PM's- Melta x2, Pfist, Rhino

7 PM's- Flamer x2, Pfist, Rhino

7 PM's- Plasma x2

7 PM's- Plasma x2

Vindicator- Possession

Vindicator- Possession

Vindicator- Possession


If anyone is looking for specific advice using individual units listed above, feel free to PM me.




PS- Count the total of seperate units. :)

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  • 1 month later...
It can definitely work. But what do they do if a Land Raider full of Assault Terminators rolls up on them? Or a tidal wave of Orks? Or, say, your enemy stands back the whole game and plinks away with mass firepower? I mean, you'll fail cover saves and armor saves eventually.. What do you do, hide 'em in a Rhino, and keep 'em from being shot at until the Rhino pops, or.. ?


Hell yeah park em in a rhino near an objective but try to get the rhino partially out of sight under cover and the two plasma gunners can shoot from the rhino top top hatch (the FIre Point) so now its kinda like a rhino with a twin linked Plasma gun :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since the subject of Chosen came up recently, I thought I'd share my recent battle against my buddy's Eldar list.


List was something like:


Terminator Lord, MoN, Daemon Weapon

Terminators x5, MoN, CFx2, PF

Chosen x7, Heavy Bolter, Meltagun x4, Meltabomb x1, Icon of Chaos Glory

Dreadnought, CCW, Heavy Bolter

Dreadnought, CCW, Melta Gun

PM x7, Champ PF, Plasma Pistol; Plasma Gun x2, Dedicated Rhino

PM x7, Plasma Gun x2, Dedicated Rhino

PM x7, Plasma Gun x2


We started off on opposite corners, 12"+ from center, and my Chosen were positioned nicely just over 12" away from a Prism Cannon, which they pen'd nicely turn 1. Well he did a hasty retreat off his objective, seeing what I had in reserve and noting that the only Icon was on the Chosen squad, so then started laying templates on my Chosen (which were now making a run for the nearest terrain). I lost a man, but was still able to make it to the Prism Cannon and finish it off, (which was now terrain!) and start making my way towards the other Prism Cannon now backed into a corner, desparately trying to finish off my squad before I could call in my reserves (which came in on turn 3 and assaulted and popped it on turn 4).

His Wave Serpents were staying out of range, skirting the objective (presumable to contest it once I took it with a rhino full of PMs skirting the table edge), while his Avatar was busy killing my Dreads (which did manage to get one would on him at least). One of the Dreads went a little crazy turn 2, but they turned on his Scorpions (which infiltrated to the left of my objective) and not me so it's all good. My PM squad protecting the left flank of my objective wiped them out in an assault after their rhino was immobilized via powerfist from said squad.

The Dreadnoughts didn't do much but serve as a nice distraction to his Avatar, and his Warp Spiders were moved in to contest by turn 5 when the game ended. I had no scoring units on his objective because my rhino squad decided to roll a 1 moving onto terrain [facepalm] or I might've won.


Good game and the Chosen did admirably. I'll use them again to infitrate or outflank. Was my first time working with them.

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  • 8 months later...
Thanks for this great tactica! I'm building my first army right now (a Death Guard army of course) so this whole thing was very helpful. A few questions though, I was thinking of using some Chaos Cultists (Death Cult of Nurgle) as a cheap Troops choice to help capture objectives and to act as 'meat shields', are they any good? Also I love the new Hellbrute and I wanted to use him in my army, whats the best way to field him? (how can I use him to really hurt my foe?).
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Cultists are very, very good. Not because they have an amazing statline or anything like that, but because you can field 35 of them with MoN for less points than a 10-man MoN CSM squad. Yes, they have a crappy save, but 35 bodies for 235 points is just ridiculous. Especially since they're T4. They make excellent meat shields, which is what I use them for. I run 2 units of 21 with MoN and 2 flamers, and I absolutely love them. The best part is that they WILL kill an entire loyalist tactical squad in one turn of shooting and assaulting, if they have 2 CC weapons and 2 flamers. that squad is only 146 points, and it is surprisingly useful.
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Cultists are very, very good. Not because they have an amazing statline or anything like that, but because you can field 35 of them with MoN for less points than a 10-man MoN CSM squad. Yes, they have a crappy save, but 35 bodies for 235 points is just ridiculous. Especially since they're T4. They make excellent meat shields, which is what I use them for. I run 2 units of 21 with MoN and 2 flamers, and I absolutely love them. The best part is that they WILL kill an entire loyalist tactical squad in one turn of shooting and assaulting, if they have 2 CC weapons and 2 flamers. that squad is only 146 points, and it is surprisingly useful.

Thanks I'll definitely field a whole bunch of them.

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Thanks for this great tactica! I'm building my first army right now (a Death Guard army of course) so this whole thing was very helpful. A few questions though, I was thinking of using some Chaos Cultists (Death Cult of Nurgle) as a cheap Troops choice to help capture objectives and to act as 'meat shields', are they any good? Also I love the new Hellbrute and I wanted to use him in my army, whats the best way to field him? (how can I use him to really hurt my foe?).


I'll leave cultists alone since compgeek said basically the same thing I would have. The large number of T4 is just hard to chew through, though they will break and run, so keep them away from the table edge. I haven't had good experiences with them being killy, but that's not what I use them for, so I may have to try that out.


Hellbrutes, like most vehicles in 6th ed., might work well in concert with armor saturation (ie an all/mostly mech list) but don't expect them to do well in any capacity except a long-range support unit beside your gunline (and that's a maybe) or something like that. They just die too easily. I definitely wouldn't field one with the stock multi-melta from the DV set... too bad we can't give them dual weapons like the grey knights dread. I'll have to look at it some more...


About time this tactica thread woke back up!

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Thanks for this great tactica! I'm building my first army right now (a Death Guard army of course) so this whole thing was very helpful. A few questions though, I was thinking of using some Chaos Cultists (Death Cult of Nurgle) as a cheap Troops choice to help capture objectives and to act as 'meat shields', are they any good? Also I love the new Hellbrute and I wanted to use him in my army, whats the best way to field him? (how can I use him to really hurt my foe?).



Hellbrutes, like most vehicles in 6th ed., might work well in concert with armor saturation (ie an all/mostly mech list) but don't expect them to do well in any capacity except a long-range support unit beside your gunline (and that's a maybe) or something like that. They just die too easily. I definitely wouldn't field one with the stock multi-melta from the DV set... too bad we can't give them dual weapons like the grey knights dread. I'll have to look at it some more...


About time this tactica thread woke back up!

Not worth the points then... no prob at least he'll look cool on the sidelines (Nurgi Hellbrutes look awesome). Whats your opinion on "Kamikaze Termies" (Combi-Meltas & Chainfists)?

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Termicide still have their place, just remember that due to having a champion (and him having to buy upgrades from the character page) they have gone up in price.


Melta is still pretty useful, though I like my 3 combi plasma squad.

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Yeah, I think the plasma is a bit more versatile for an all-comers list, especially considering that the meta has shifted away from the use of vehicles, so melta isn't as necessary. S7 is still useful against most vehicles barring av14, but really how much of that are you going to see? Deepstriking S7 rapid fire is useful against almost anything.
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