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Sternguard - Transports


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I've noticed that everyone who suggests using Sternguard, also suggests using them in a drop pod and often with an attached Librarian w/ Gate of Infinity. I can definitely see the wisdom in either choice, though, I'm curious: Does no one ever use them in Rhinos?


My guess for that lack would be Rhinos are easier to pop and thus forcing your Sternguard to hoof it from there on out but it seems like a Rhino would make your dakka-masters a lot more effective on the turns after as compared to a Drop pod.


Any thoughts?

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Yes i guess so, the thing that caught my eye was the rhinos fire points that allows 2 models to shoot per turn (depending on movement of course).

As the sternguard can each have a combi-weapon and still make use of the special ammunition you can effectively fire two melta shots or 4 plasma shots (dicey) per turn from the top of the rhino, until your ready to drop them.

After all theres no rule that says the same two models have to fire from the fire point.


The rhino itself can make an effective barrier/roadblock/scenery once you have deployed the sternguard (even after its destroyed) and is more reliable than a scattering drop pod as to where you place it to best effect.


Of course the other option is 6 sternguard in a razorback for extra fire support.



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Sternguard usually show up in drop pods for two reasons:


1 - Immediate deployment so that you can rapid fire at least once with the special ammunition.


2 - The ability to land on a particular spot to engage a single enemy.


A couple of points on this one:


1 - I don't like putting sternguard in a drop pod along with a librarian; the lib can already gate them. Why pay for a pod?


2 - I do think putting sternguard in a rhino can be surprisingly effective. They can leap out, shoot, re-embark or have other foes screened off by the rhino. It's a different style of play than one would expect from the drop pod. I don't like putting them in a razorback, because I prefer my opponent not having obvious targets to shoot at; if you double down on an upgraded transport for a hard-hitting squad, it's a no-brainer to blow the hell out of them if you can get a shot.


I'd rather put a tactical squad I had combat squadded into the razorback, and then put my sternguard in the rhino.

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I prefer the flexibility of the rhino, assuming its not the only vehicle! One of the biggest surprises I have had with 5th edition is the survivability of transports. In the 4th I wanted my guys out because of entanglement, and I almost never re-embarked. Now I have tacticals doing flamer drivebys. Times have changed. I vote for flexibility.
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I especially like rhinos for two lascan stern squads. Opponents will pour a lot of fire into them and if they try to to assault the rhino to force them out, you can debark for rapid fire and make them pay. So far this has been my best way of dealing with mech eldar. Basically get dev squads that can handle themselves in CC and don't have useless bolter guys crowding the heavy weapons. Hellfire rounds might even make the lascans jealous when they rapid fire that incoming MC
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well the worst of all is that even sternguard cant really hold there own in assalt ether if you dont support them to began with. why not just put them in a land raider and just move them in to a position that make them more effective than a 11 armour vechle just asking here. wouldnt at least serve a better puspose atat
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If they were the same points cost, I would take the Land Raider over the Rhino every single time.


But 250 vs. 35 is quite a gap.


That's why I put them in a Rhino. I'm spending enough on Sternguard as is; I don't want 1/3rd of my army in terms of points to be tied up in a single unit.

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And you're better served putting some form of Assault unit in the Land Raider, sternguard in the Rhino, because your opponents reaction to the Land Raider will be to throw everything he has at it, and your Rhino will be ignored.


And it means that you have a friendly assault unit nearby when you get to where you are going.

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A danger to using a Drop Pod is that of over confidence. While Sterns are able to put a great deal of hurt on infantry targets (or vehicles with combimeltas), if they are not supported they die just as quick as normal infantry.


If you are going to use DPs, then make sure you use enough so that your Sterns do not come in alone :) So I would use Sterns in DP *if* I was using a good number of DPs, otherwise I would play conservative and ride them in a rhino.

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The list I am play-testing right now has 6 Sternguard in a Razorback with twin-linked assault cannon (debating Dozer blade & X-tra armour). I have two of these units, as well as a Land Raider Crusader & a Vindicator. In the 4 games I have played my opponents generally ignore the Razorbacks and fixate on the LRC & Vindicator. I am also running Kantor, so this are scoring units. Aside from all that I think a Rhino or Razorback is the way to go.
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