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DA Sketch


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Hey all,

Was feeling inspired (and bored) last night so drew up this Dark Angel which i was pretty happy with since it's been a while since i drew anything. I know the sword's kinda wonky and the right leg is oversized (it should be further back :S) ut for whatever reason it doesnt feel complete enough... im pretty happy with the top half, i'm thinking the robe needs something...

Comments/ criticisms most welcome.

I'm also considering colouring it and debating between pencil or just a 3 coloured artline pen style (green, red and black)



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Pretty nice. Now don't hate on me, but here is some harsher advice.


Not bad. Take a look at the soft armor. It is ribbed if I recall correctly... :ermm:

Also, consider your perspective. The shoulderpad... well, one should only see the bottom part facing you, slightly enveloping a MUCH LARGER plasma pistol.

Also, give him a more dynamic pose. I may be no great digital artist, as it is not my forte, but anatomy is. Proportionally, he is rather good! Next time, though, shrink his head a little to accentuate his size. It makes him seem bulkier and more like he is in a freakin' BIG suit of power armor! Lastly, consider the way a lose garment or article of clothing is tucked into a belt. it wrinkles a LOT more, and spills over the side.

Hope it wasn't too harsh.



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The left (his right) Shoulderpad is too small.

If you look at marines you see barely any of the top section of arm armor.

The Elbowpad is supposed to be quite close to the bottom of the pad.


As far as the sword, it is kinda droopy.

Towards the hilt its good but as it goes up it starts to droop. I would just cut the whole change in dimension at the top to a standard sword shape. Also just use a ruler to kep the blade straight.


His right (our left) hand is wierd. its hard to discern how he is holding his sword.


His PP should be bigger.


I agree with the head comment as well as the robe comment.


His leg armor looks nice and bulky, towards the ankle area of the greaves the armor goes a little farther down. It is supposed to practically touche the ground. Also small pipes come out of the outer section (facing away from the marine)


His right (our left) arm is held wierdhe wouldn't have his arm like that, its too uncomfortable. What I do when I draw a pose I do it with my body. If it feels wierd or uncomfortable to you then why would a huge battle hardened warrior do it?


Hope those help!! Looks nice though!!!

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back again, cheers for the feedback! I briefly updated it again today, scribbling over the printed version (not the original) so the quality isn't as great but i think its getting there, thanks for all the input :) I added some more folds and details to the tabard and changed the sword... at one stage i added some spikes to the backpack but it looked a little OTT or at least less DA..


Hopefully i'll find some more time before i'm back at work to hit him up with some colour :)

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Nice work! I always start good but i mess up when getting to other parts of the body (and i went to art school to boot .... ). I love your attention to detail and to get some feeling in the drawing. That is a badass marine sir!


2 Tips for you though. I think your sketch will get alot more life if you use shadows. It will be less 2 dimensional. Check some easy explaining and examples here > http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/draw...nd-shadows.html (dummy is not ment to be negative or anything personal... sorry 'bout that :) ).


Last tip for future drawings. The size of the feet and legs (the powersword bending was something unavoidable but a good lesson for next time > plan out your drawing) is good. But the upper main body is too skinny. Nothing wrong with a 'skinny' torso as long as the upper main body is big with bigger shoulder pads. This really helps out a huge deal with marines as they are supposed to be retardedly huge.

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I agree.

Bigger chest, Marines are stalwart warrior priests. They definitely puff up their chests, and make their armor do it for them.


Bigger Shoulders, Big shoulders just represent how freaking awesome these guys are. Also it shows how Marines are actually wearing a huge overly cumbersome piece of freaking plastic metal diamond stuff. Yet can still move and react faster then most races.


This guys upper body is too realistic. Thats not good, Space Marines are supposed to look freaking unbelievable and just larger then life.


Also good change with the sword.

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