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Guardians of the Covenant Army [Wip]


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first id like to say happy new Year to all



Right now then...


pictures of other figures here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=147764

3rd page bottom posts


Christmas has been pretty good to me

with the addition of some new shiny toys to mess with

my good friend decided that as for the new year

he would like take on anew army .. tau



with that in mind i asked him "what will would do with your marine army"

he said "i dont know"


so then i said

" well .. you know im Doing marines again and i have about 2k worth of tau under my bed would you wanna swap?"


*awkward Silence*


then he murmers " yeh ok "




now my marine army stands at

5 man Command squad

2 dreads

5 Terminaters CC and 5 normal ones

3 tatical squads

5 man vet squad

5 man assult squad

pred annililator

las razorback



that will be alot of Silver and dark red



but im up for it


im starting work as you read this


updates soon

[probly vehicals as they are already basecoated black :P ]





Update for anybody of interest ... ;)


right i have been busy over the weekend

and have been sorting out a few models ;)


[-] please Excuse photos , as they are taken on my Phone DSLR is currently of being de-dusted :P [-]


first of we have the Dread heavybolter arm i wiped together,

still needs alot of work done

but what do people think of it so far..? ;)





next we have Dread Close Combat Arm with better .. lets say fingers

Cookie to anybody that guess's the parts :)



also slightly Reworked Commander




New Company Campion



and my Vet Squad ..




and a picture of the Whole party :P




Comments wellcome

scrutiny Wanted ;)




  • 2 weeks later...

heyy guys

just a Quick update


was wondering if you could put my Dread under scrutiny :nuke:


i Tryed Beefing it up a bit

and im not Sure if i should add more stuff to it or not...





[These intakes are from an old 1:72 Scale jaguar Fighter Plane :nuke: ]






thanks for any comments



Some great stuff you got working there, though Dread's the left arm (Close Combat) the thing holding the "fist" and the "shoulder" togheter is abit thin, looks like an Guardian could break it in melee.. And the right arm with the bolters looks to long, shortern it down abit perhaps? Then we got the "head" holder-thingy in the center, add something so that you can't place an bullet from bellow through his head, looks like an gap so to say. Perhaps GS something?


Keep up the good work!


Best Regards



Some great stuff you got working there, though Dread's the left arm (Close Combat) the thing holding the "fist" and the "shoulder" togheter is abit thin, looks like an Guardian could break it in melee.. And the right arm with the bolters looks to long, shortern it down abit perhaps? Then we got the "head" holder-thingy in the center, add something so that you can't place an bullet from bellow through his head, looks like an gap so to say. Perhaps GS something?


Keep up the good work!


Best Regards




yeah i see it now haha thank you

it was kinda rushed .. i wanted to make something along the lines of an ironclad

so now the CC arm is a hammer

and the gap under the front torso bit has GS and im shapping it into a loin cloth so to speak :D

and the Heavy bolter is a stand in for when i can order the propper thing from Forgeworld,

along with the red scorpians assault squad & Macharius Vulcan Heavy tank [think king of having death korps detatchment with my guardians / or just giving the tank to the Astartes :) ] it just looks so ..so Killy :P




just a quick update




tactical Squad



all 90%










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