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Apostles, Iron & Spikes!

Fire Harte

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Haha! here we go!





No icon yet, I'm at a loss as to what to stick on. They will be chaos glory hogs because I don't really want to have my iron warriors dedicated to a god.


Although the model does seem rather flat, I like it. Yes, those are catachan muscles you see there. Thought it would be fitting for one model at least.


As for the icon: This is actually the first time I have used the icon. I have used other things that I found more fitting. Pne guy has a Zero Wing quote on his banner. :ph34r:


But yes, thoughts on this one?

Haha! here we go!





No icon yet, I'm at a loss as to what to stick on. They will be chaos glory hogs because I don't really want to have my iron warriors dedicated to a god.


Although the model does seem rather flat, I like it. Yes, those are catachan muscles you see there. Thought it would be fitting for one model at least.


As for the icon: This is actually the first time I have used the icon. I have used other things that I found more fitting. Pne guy has a Zero Wing quote on his banner. :D


But yes, thoughts on this one?


That is a really cool model, mate. If they were selling that in a Blister in GW, I'd definitely buy :)


As for the pole... I think a banner would be cool. The one from the Space Marines Command Squad Boxed Set would be perfect - you should be able to find it on ebay or whatever.

Heh, talk about mind-reading and such :D


Anyway, I think he'd be cooler with a bolter in place of that wimpy bolt pistol. If you're not too far into the process of doing the bolter with a strap, then I'd seriously reccommend changing the bolt pistol to a boltgun.

I'm getting the hang of straps. This will be the fourth model to have a strap in this squad alone! :devil: (Even if they look crap I don't care! :D)


Although I can't find the banner, I do have a bloodletter one and with a bit of work I have adapted it. The cloth can just be from the banner. I'll post up pics soon.

...he'll have it on the side. I just don't think it will be aesthetically right what with the bulk and size of the bolter and the fact he is on the move and just pausing for a quick shot. Regardless, update! I think his arm is too straight to brace the re-coil of a bolter. But I will see what others say. I am greatful for your interest blood_raven_240. Most appreciated!





Just cut down the banner top but left enough to glue a new icon on. I will paint a tattered banner (bloody flag!) of the crimson fists. ;)


As you can see the bolter will be hanging from a strap. Need to greenstuff it on though. I also am aware the banner should be posed a bit more vertical, but it is beyond my skill to do that.




This guy is ready to rip apart a few bodies.





Bolter and knife. Just 'cause it is cool!





THe back of him is unusual, I will add a few things onto the top of those thingys I ssure you.








Yes, High Marshal Helbrecht's back pack with the candles trimmed off! I shall leave the scroll on because I can.


He is posed like he is about to hit something with a bit of power behind that chainsword.




Last Guy:





Not much to this one, all I did was trim down a berserker head.


So comments and critoscism are appreciated. Although I can only do some work when I get home. (I have a laptop you see.)




I have a final model to make which will have a melta gun. I am tempted to make a 'Totally Worth It' marine, but I will save it for a chosen squad of alpha legionaires.

Right then:


Last model of the squad. Sorry the pics are not the best, but I am in a rush. (It's getting far too late; my friends!) Although photobucket is not the fastest website in the world.






He is the melta gun man. He is posed to be striking down a smaller foe (guardsman anyone? :))


1) The melta gun is a club.

2) There was a shotgun beneath his chainsword arm, but I have removed it, far too clumsy looking. (The shotgun shall be placed upon another model)

3) Flamer heads are there for a little conversion twist. I have many spare yes and can afford the luxury. ;)



I'll be doing the bolter straps although no pics, my computer will be turned off. The guy with the dodgy looking one is having his re-done.

MR next got a lot of nice comments at my local store.


Right stacked up on supplies and miniatures. Would have done some painting but I got caught up in a huge battle. Choas and orks vs imperium. My team won (I was the general coincidentally). Another game is set for next week, so I will take pics of that with my guys in action.

The last five are painted. :P





NEXT! Marine.





The Dodgy One...





Stabby Hack ;)





Icon Bearer:






I will be adding some crimson fist heraldry that is defiled to have a tattered banner (bloody flag!) to spite Khaine. :)

What's next?


I did a lot sorry, I just forgot about my thread here sorry.


I have done work on the Apsotle Squad:





Basically a guy running with a flamer-pistol.


Drum-fed underslung bolter marine (Irvin Kruss):





It is the aspiring champion like, but I forgot to take a pic of his powerfist arm. Hephesto likes his champions for conversion. I do to. I just like converting them in many different ways. Generally a sort of command from afar sort of pose. Powerfist is mandatory though. :)





There is a chain on his leg so I get away with no bolter strap!



A corvus marine... (Yeah!!)











Inspired by:






This next model is the second flamer guy.





he is hiding behind his shoulder pad to avoid incoming fire hitting his face while advancing.

Thank you daemon claw! ;)




It has taken me 356 hours and 24 minutes to paint these twenty guys. :D




Right then, this is the final product of the last fourteen and a tid bit days. Enjoy!


Gribbly Teef:





Woop woop woop!




The Bloody Flag Icon Bearer:







I thought the pulse carbine would be better off Silver :)




The Inspiration for The Tattered Banner and Bloody Flag Models Can Be Found Here By CLicking this Link Here :P

Then I declared myself finished for the month!







So that is the mechanicum adept you can see above. Yes, I think it is fine for the iron warriors to have them. They do have heavy vehicles and all of that...




So the images of the full squads:


The Apostles:





The Iron Warriors:







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