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[LPC] Three Marines, and a Biker.


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Getting a jumpstart on my LPC minis. The Razorback I pledged can be found in its own thread.


However, I also pledged to finish two missile launcher Marines, a flamer Marine, and a Marine biker:




Just a quick shot to establish my thread. All but the biker use refurb parts, and the biker was a Christmas gift from my wife.

I had fun posing the middle missile-armed Marine. I didn't have a spare supporting arm, so I grabbed him an old-school boltpistol. I am not always a huge fan of the older boltguns and bolt pistols, but this one seems to fit just fine. I was amazed that a current-gen shoulderpad fit on the arm, as well. I thought the pad would be too big.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The first of my missile launcher Marines is done!

Here he is:











Now, I'm not too sure about this guy. I realized after Dullcoating him that his paint was VERY splotchy in areas. I think I rushed him or something. On one hand, I hate it because it's not my normal, smooth paint job. On the other, I like it because he looks darker and grittier, and he's now a playable model! He'll be staying as-is, because I just have too much more to paint to be going back over stuff like this.


Next up is the other missile Marine.

Thanks for the feedback, Speaker.

I'd struggled with the decision not to edge highlight the casing, as I don't do it on my bolters, either. It looks OK when I skip it the bolters, but since this is so much more space, with different levels and sections, I think you're right, and that the HEH would help.


Missile Marine #2 is complete! I also went back and added some grey hghlights to the missile launcher of the first guy to make them pop more. The more I look at this guy, the more I like the old-school bolt pistols.











The flamer Marine has his basecaot on now, bike rider upper body is primed, and Razorback hull is half-primed. I hope to finish on time! *crosses fingers*

  • 2 weeks later...

My flamer-armed Marine is now complete!











Now just the biker and the Razorback left to go, both of which are primed and ready for paint.

  • 2 weeks later...

Biker complete!











Just the Razorback chassis left to go!

You have a clean painting style, I like it. The metals look a bit dark compared to the rest of the models, maybe highlight them with Chainmail?




The metals suffer when photographed, but they are indeed darker than the rest of the model. This is by design, really. I've never seen a piece of military field gear that was shiny or glossy. Chromed or brassy gear is a poor tactical decision! So, I left the dark metals with minimal highlights (which don't really show in the pic) to contrast with the bold blues.

The Razorback chassis is coming along nicely. It's the first time I've painted anything so large, and I'm working out how to properly paint it before all the paint in my palette well dries up and I end up with mismatched areas due to pigment separation. I only have 4 days left, too! Oh no!


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