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Movie Space Marine Sergeant

Garden Ninja

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Well, I started converting space marines a little while ago, planning on playing them in a Movie Marines force (a 10 man tac squad is 1500 points, but each marine is an unstoppable force). So far, the sergeant is the only one completed.





I looked through a lot of the 40k artwork to try and capture a look that isn't apparent on the minis themselves. What do you think?

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Movie marines were a list from WD. It is basically what marines should be. Nigh unstoppable killing machines. They get a 2+ invulnerable save and assault 4 rending bolters, S6, T6, etc, etc. They are quite broken. I once used a 1750 pt list of movie marines against 1750pts of grey knights. I killed everything he had and lost only one marine.


As for the model he is quite befitting of a movie marine. Is he the "dude" or just the regular sergeant? I can't wait to see the rest of your squad.

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I live in canada and I just emailed US Gamesworkshop nicely and they sent me a printout copy...which I should have around somewhere...
Is it such that you could send me that?


But to comment on the mini. I think its gorgous. But I dont think the tiger thing fits with the Ultras very much. But maybe thats just me. But I look forward to see the others.

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looks pretty good except his head. i think its too big.


I agree. It might also have been a good idea to do true scale for a movie marines force, as it not only emphasizes their incredible power, but with a small force its easy to get parts for. The head looks abnormal, but the rest of the mini looks damn fine. The scripture is kinda odd though... I like the tiger fur.

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I live in canada and I just emailed US Gamesworkshop nicely and they sent me a printout copy...which I should have around somewhere...
Is it such that you could send me that?


But to comment on the mini. I think its gorgous. But I dont think the tiger thing fits with the Ultras very much. But maybe thats just me. But I look forward to see the others.



I meant more that you could just email them for it nicely and they will send it to you.


The model does look nice, but I would like to see more angles. Right now the view is rather limited.

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On that Movie Marines Link, be careful, the wording is iffy as I think it's been translated from German. It would be best to email GW US and ask for the English copy of the list.


Second, i'm not sure that link is actually allowed to be on here...


Third, really good looking model, but I agree on the head, it looks even more abnormally large than the standard Marine bare heads.

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On that Movie Marines Link, be careful, the wording is iffy as I think it's been translated from German. It would be best to email GW US and ask for the English copy of the list.


Second, i'm not sure that link is actually allowed to be on here...


Third, really good looking model, but I agree on the head, it looks even more abnormally large than the standard Marine bare heads.



Firstly, It does state at the top of the page that it has been translated.


Secondly, If a MOD wishes me to sever the link, then I will bow down to the Omnipotent beings they are and do as they wish. I apologise if I broke the rules unwittingly.


Third, it is a really great model. Don't worry about the head - if it looks right when you build it, then it is right.

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I think I'll be making the other heads a little smaller than this one, because I've gotten that feedback quite a bit (he looks a little dwarfish to me... and I sculpted a dwarf right before doing him, so I probably just used that a little much). Each one is going to be very unique and over the top, but it is taking me a while to get them all together.


- Movie Orks or Movie Tyranids have all of their stats halved, including point value. That's the way they were presented in the fluff anyway.




On Movie Marines: I've seen that PDF before, and there are a few errors in it. I have a copy of WD 300, so I'll try to correct them for you lot:


- The "Hero" is really "The Dude." Official title: Space Marine Dude.


- The Chainsword is just a power weapon, nothing more. The doubling thing comes from a mis-translation of a now outdated rule.


- The flamer hits and wounds on a 4+. He does not have to roll for each. It is rending (ie, if it wounds on a 6, then it ignores armor).


- Combat Knives are Rending. This makes most attacks by Movie Marines rending.


- The Lascannon does not ignore invulnerable saves, but it inflicts instant death regardless of toughness.


- Ignore the Servo-arms thing, it makes no sense. Instead add a Power Armor entry.


- Power armor grants a 3+ armor save and a 3+ invulnerable save. A movie marine may make both saves against a single attack, or only one if he is not allowed both.


- The Stunt Doubles rule is really awkwardly worded in both forms. What it really comes down to is that for each one you buy (at 10 pts apiece) you can automatically pass one armor, invulnerable or cover save. The rules mention rolling to see if the stunt double dies, but it makes no difference if he does or doesn't.

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