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My New Crimson Fists Army


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I'm returning to 40K after a multi-year break...I got really inspired after joining the B&C and checking out the great work on here.


I pulled out my old Black Templar Army and checked out my level of painting when I stopped. Although my army was painted cleanly, I didn't highlight/shade anything. Bases were Goblin Green with the standard green flocking on the top.


I looked through the new codex and decided to "keep it in the family" and go with Crimson Fists this time around (along with a lot of other people as it seems). My goals for painting this army are to work on shading and highlighting (in conjunction with the new foundation paints and washes) and to create more detailed bases.


Currently finishing up a 5 man squad and the Dreadnought from the AoBR box set, I think I'm ready to take the plunge and open up to public scrutiny.


Here's what I've done so far:


[Photos Deleted. Scroll down for better, happier pics]


and a close up of the Dreadnought:


[Photo Deleted]


Thoughts so far: I like the highlighting on the figures, and I got the decals down pretty well. I really enjoyed working on the Dreadnought, where I experimented with chipped paint and actually writing something on the scrolls this time (my entire 1st army has completely blank scrolls on everything).


Any comments and suggestions would be welcome!



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Hey Joe - Your Fists are looking pretty good! I like the highlighting and weathering on the dread. The areas that are chipped could maybe use a touch of black/ brown ink/ wash on them and maybe something on the dread's base too, looks a bit empty. Other than that looking good. What base colour did you use for the dread?



Nice start to the army I recon B) I've recently bought the AoBR box myself and am painting my army as CF as well. Mine aren't ready for public scrutiny though ;)


One thing I would like to know is how you got those transfers on so nice. I cut mine around the shape of the circle and then make 4 slits on the diagonals (as if it were a square) but still can't get the transfers to sit nicely like yours seem to.


I really like that dread as well, I'm leaving mine till I get a bit better at painting.

Thanks for the encouragement! I'm trying to use this army as a way to experiment and expand my skills


I'm a little disappointed at how my bases turned out so far, so I haven't done the Dred base yet. I've been looking at a bunch of pics to see if I can get some inspiration, but nothing has hit me yet. I'm probably going to scrape off the whole lot and try something else.


Everything is sprayed black, then painted either Necron Abyss or Mechrite Red. Armor gets Regal Blue (leaving Necron Abyss in the recesses), with highlights of Ultramarine Blue and Enchanted Blue. Reds get Scab Red, highlighted in Blood Red and then I go over it with just a touch of Blazing Orange. Most metals are Boltgn Metal drybrushed over Necron Abyss.


For the decals, I use 3 things: Micro Set, Micro Sol, and patience. Whoever came up with the idea of putting round markings on a curved shoulder pad should be dragged out into the street and shot. First off, I paint over the area I'm putting the decal with 'ardcoat. A gloss coat under the decal reduces/eliminated silvering. I dip my decals in water for a few seconds, and then put it aside. I then brush the Micro Set over the decal while its still on the paper and on the model. When I can move the decal with my brush, then it's ready. When it's in position, I like to use the corner of a paper towel around the edges to stark soaking up the liquid. Once it's down, I start using Micro Sol over the decal to try to smooth out the big wrinkles and remove any air pockets. Once all the major wrinkles are out, I put the model down and get the heck away from it. I've destroyed countless decals by trying to do that last little bit. The more you work with Micro Sol, the more brittle the decal is going to get. I've found that as the decal dries, a lot of the minor wrinkles will work out as the decal "settles in". After everything is dry, I go over any cracks and holes with the appropriate color.


I picked up an assault squad the other day, and I'm looking forward to putting it together after I get the Tactical Squad finished. I want to try to do more dynamic poses (even having a few airborne) and working in a little more battle damage.

Thanks for the Basing Kit suggestion, Blood Raven. I'm going to pick one up the next time I'm out.


Right now, I'm working on the Tactical Squad Sergeant and bulking up what I've got to a full 10 man squad.


I've also been figuring out what poses I want for my assault troops, mainly by posing in front of a mirror.


Wife's been giving me a few odd looks, shaking her head, and moving on... :)

For my bases I've just been covering them with the modelling sand that came with the hobby starter kit, undercoat black, paint astronomican grey, apply badab black wash, and then very light white drybrush for highlight. Then I've gone with black trim around the base edges rather than the usual brown.


I like the way it looks for my CF guys. I'll take a photo in a few hours and post so you can see what it looks like if you want.

Haven't gotten too much done lately...with the holiday over and having to go back to work, my painting time has been reduced.


For a majority of the squad, they are less complete than before, I went ahead and scraped the bases clean. It was annoyingly easy to pop off the white glue and scrape off the remaining bits. I went ahead and ordered the Basing Kit from GW (local store didn't have it in, so it should be coming this week.


On the plus side, I assembled and painted a proper Sergeant for the squad, and used the marines from the AoBR set to fill out the rest of the squad. I'm not too fond of the standard troops int the boxed set, but I figured if I divide them among 2 or 3 squads, they can stand in the back.


[Photos Deleted. Keep scrolling down for the good ones]


For the Missile Launcher, I wanted to try something new. The marine's power armor is painted as normal, but I attempted to "metalize" the backpack by painting it metallic colors and then washing it over with blue and red. Not sure if you can make out the detail with the pic, I'll have to take a better one during the day.


[These Photos are gone too]


So, the final count so far is 1 dreadnought and 7 marines complete (minus bases), 1 marine being painted, and 2 that have been basecoated.


Of course, I still have a box full of Orks that came int the AoBR set that I plan to... (Deleted by Order of the Inquisition)

  • 1 month later...

Well...it's been a while and I with work, home life, etc... I've finally had a chance to work on my new army some more. I ended up wiping out some of the older photos, so I apologize for those of you reading through the posts and not seeing what the others were commenting on.

I now have a complete tactical squad, Dreadnought, and Captain done!






It took a while to finally figure out something I'm happy with for the bases. For the Captain, I'm pretty happy with how he came out. There were quite a few 'new' things that I wanted to do with him, including better face, cloak, and tabbard shading, new "power" sword, and seeing what I could do with the banner.

I'm not fully satisfied with my Sergeant. He's OK, but he's missing something. My other Sergeant is from the AoBR box set, and I like him a lot better, but he's going to be leading 2nd squad.

Next up: I put together the Termies from the AoBR set, and on a whim picked up Captain Lysander and Pedro Kantor. With the metal models, I'm going to grab some paper clips and take a hack at pinning. I've also been thinking about taking another look at my old Black Templar army that I put together before my multi year hiatus and seeing about updating and salvaging what I have there.

They're looking good, just some things to keep in mind:

- Crimson Fist veterans have both fists painted red, so your sergeants and captain should have two red fists instead of just the one.

- The mold lines on the tactical squad's helmets are pretty noticable.


Nice paint jobs though, I always love to see some well painted Fists!

Yeah, I'll probably cut down the peg a bit (or switch to some other form of elevation) when I put him on the final base. He's more of a proof of concept than anything that would make it to the field right now. My goal with my Assault Marines is to get them off the ground, at least a little bit.

Looking over my first squad, something really bugged me. I hate the way my Sergeant looks. The way he's holding his chainsword, looks like he should be out in front of a marching band instead of a tactical squad:


I ended up grabbing him out of the display case, popped his arms off and figured out a better pose for him:


I like the new pose much better, kind of like he's sizing up the battlefield type of look.

In other news, I've almost got my first AoBR Termie done...more pics to follow soon.


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