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DIY Brothers Repentant


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Im going to be using this thread as a log and a point hear discussion on a DIY chapter.

the first model in this log is what will be used as a Captain or a Chapter Master.



If you have any questions or comments on the model please feel free to post and i will be happy to answer.

And before it comes up the wrist holding the storm bolter is bent on purpose so that the model looks like he is raising his weapon in a more natural way with the arm coming up before the gun is leveled.


Im hoping to get the model basecoated some time this weekend so when that is done you can expect to see more.


post Edited to update name. Thank you Shiodome for the new name, does sound much better

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Not sure 'Brothers of Repent' makes much sense (Grammatically... though i assure you i'm deeply ashamed for being even vaguely picky regarding grammar :sweat:), but it does jar a bit and sound wrong. Perhaps 'Brothers of Penitence' or "Brothers Repentant"? Just generally an adjective or noun will work better in a name than a verb.


Oh god, think i'm gonna go hang my head in shame for this post. :)

As for the name im working on something that sounds a little how shall i say "smoother" but for now Brothers of the Repent is a place holder name. And the way i see i can make anything a noun if i Capitalize the first letter ( while i know this is not true the rules on making proper nouns is kind of lax).

This is a good adventure in modeling but you fall short in a few ways

1.The gun is held at probebly the most awkward angle possible using standard GW parts (could have been worse you could have turned it sideways)

2.The pose displays directional movement but his head is looking into the middle distance, not really associated with action

3.I personaly think you use of bitz to be a bit excessive (but im fairly conservative)

4. I see what i think are bullet marks on his legs and knee, but they are not well represented and look like imperfections, the model itself looks too dressed up to have battle damage, the thing with battle damage is you do it or you don't, space marines take every oppertunity to fix their armor so its either shot to :lol: and back or perfectly polished.

5.Also you might want to adjust that seal on his right wrist, it look a little off, try cutting down the seem and then put it back on, also it's really a bad place for it, practialy speaking it would impead use of his hand, if you are using it to cover some sloppy conversion GS may be a worth while purchase.


There are a several things I did like though

1.I love the key on the end of the stormbolter

2.The banner you used was also quite creative


As for the name i have to agree with everyone else in saying "Brothers of the Repent" donesnt make any sense, if you have some kind of backstory involving and even called "the Repent" you could better enphasize that by capitalizing the "T" in "The Repent" showing that it was a singular event rather than an ongoing process, and even then "The Repent" doesn't sound very good. Try repentance, or pennance.


Thats all


where did you get the scythe blade from it looks sweet!

It comes from the Empire Flagellant box set.

Captain: Oh my sweet Emperor, my wrist. Ahhhhhhh

It's even funnier 'cause his mouth is open in a scream. laugh.gif


Mode only slightly funnier since the mouth is sowed shut.


As for all the comments on the name it will be changed once a chance is got to sit down and have a good think, as well as some background so that it makes some sense. Also im working on some story to explain the armor in its current state, not so much battle damaged as poorly cared for.

The chapter is going to have a very strong fanatic presence. Right now the current Idea for the story is the marine are recruited from a penal colony and have been brainwashed and conditioned to the point that they feel that self mortification and flagellation are a necessary step in their redemption that can only truly be achieved in death.


As for the story seeming slightly cut your wrist, its just more what i see 40k as not too many happy sane people in the Imperiam.

The arm is bent that way since, while all a fiction in the first place i would imagine a Space Marines bolter to be very heavy, so when leveling his bolter to fire out straight his arm would come to place before the gun did despite how strong a marine might be. as an example try straight arming a bowling ball, you bend your wrist up after you bring your arm up because that is the most comfortable way to do it.

First update to model:

1. The red armor has been base coated and washed.

2. The flesh has been based and its first highlight.

3. The yellow glove has been base coated and first highlight.




The red and yellow needs its next two highlights still and the flesh will receive a highlight then wash then another highlight or two (depending on how the model looks at that time). once im done with all that i will move on to the fiddly bits of the model.


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