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WIP - Sternguard


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In accordance with the Librarium Painting Vow, here is my WIP for my current sternguard squad.


It currently has the 5 minis from the box set, the veteran from the WD subscription and the Mk8 veteran from the Veteran Sergeants blister.


Also, if I manage to get them done then I have an additional 2 sternguard to complete made up from various bits and pieces from my bitzbox.







(Combi-Flamer is made up using a combination of Rindaris and Marius Perdo's very good tutorials.

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Looks good. I promise.


But for those last 2, I would advise trying to find a couple more metal minis (hint hint, maybe Masters of the Chapter (its what I might be doing)) BECAUSE, I feel that these metal minis are SOOO awesome, that plastic ones just won't have the detail level of them, and will stick out.


Nice solid blue on that walking guy too.

They look like they're off to an amazing start from what I can see so far, and I've just bought my own to paint so I'll be looking towards this thread as a target of how to paint them well.


As an aside, any particular reason why you're painting 9 of them? Optimum tactical number?

Looks good. I promise.


But for those last 2, I would advise trying to find a couple more metal minis (hint hint, maybe Masters of the Chapter (its what I might be doing)) BECAUSE, I feel that these metal minis are SOOO awesome, that plastic ones just won't have the detail level of them, and will stick out.


Nice solid blue on that walking guy too.


Well, with the Red Scorpion Torso's as well as the other bits and pieces I have planned for them, I think The plastic ones will fit right in (or at least I hope they will)



They look like they're off to an amazing start from what I can see so far, and I've just bought my own to paint so I'll be looking towards this thread as a target of how to paint them well.


As an aside, any particular reason why you're painting 9 of them? Optimum tactical number?


Nope, only reason I am doing 9 is thats how many mini's/bitz I have. I have ordered a few thinks from a bits website so there maybe a heavy flamer dude in at number 10 but thats only going to happen when I finish the 9.


I will try an get another WIP picture up tonight if I have time. All that I have managed so far is to do the detailing on thier legs and am now highlighting the legs.

Why I've chosen the that route, doing sections of them at a time i.e all the legs, then the torso's etc, is so that I feel like I am getting something done. And also the thought of doing all the detailing on all of them, then all the highlighting fills me with dread and foreboding ;)

Looking very good :D With my Silver Skulls being metal they are very easy to highlight, I don't envy you having to do all that blue.


I tried using scopes on combi-weapons myself but found they became too "deep" and obscured the helmet of the marine. Interested to see if you can get it to work, I hope you do because I couldn't :)


As for heavy flamers I made one from the plastic devastator multi-melta and plastic terminator heavy flamer. The running one looks quite good (I think I posted it a while ago). I did one standing (as opposed to running) in mark VI (studded shoulder and beaky helm) which is passable but not very impressive, but it will do for now. I'll do piccies at some point soon.


As an aside if you are going for a ten man squad eventually it is worth bearing in mind that up to two veterans can take heavy flamers. Nasty in a five man squad but probably overkill, but if you go ten man and combat squad the squad, each combat squad can then have a heavy flamer :( Depends who you fight against regularly. For me its orks/tyranids so each combat squad has two combi-flamers and a heavy flamer.


Then again it took four space marine commander boxes, two devastator boxes, and two terminator boxes, but it did leave me with four combi-plasma guns to build alternatives for when I fight my mates necrons. I'll probably swap the heavy flamers for plasma guns or plasma cannons for when I fight heavily armoured troops. Also I have all those lovely bits left over for other projects and a plethora of heavy weapons for swapping in my tactical/devastator squads :)

Ahhh, I've used bits of your combi-flamer tutorial to make mine so many thanks there.


I was going to try and use the scope but will have to see how it goes.


I am also going to use the "termi-flamer/combi-melta" combo for my heavy flamer as its just such an easy conversion. (thanks AngryJohhny)


Sadly I play lots of marine armies so am going to stick with 1 x heavy flamer, 1 x combi-flamer, 2 x combi-melta's and the rest boltguns. Its also alot easier to build as I wont have to mod/cut too much.


I have a thread up with my "Counts as Pedro" which is how I am hoping these guys paintjob will turn out. You can have a look Here

The scope will work when pointing, I had problems when I did them two handed. Looking forward to seeing how yours turn out.


I'll need to check AngryJohhny and see how he did it, sounds the pretty much the same and I was pleased with the results.


Gone the other way myself reagrds armies, and amalgamated all into one (used to have Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and spare marines, mostly unbuilt). If you have to arm multiple armies I can understand why you'd have to pick and choose.


As for that web site sergeant...brilliant! I never thought to convert him into an officer. Looks great. I find the original pose looks like a flamenco dancer, but the change in the firing arm position as you've done it is an improvement :jaw: Another idea I'll be nicking..erm, borrowing B)

As promised, here is an update on the squad. I have almost finished their legs, only 1 more guy letf to highlight. They are still very shiny as they only have layers of gloss varnish on. I will matt coat them when the whole mini is done.




I also did one of their helmets as a trial. I think it turned out ok with the blue and I think I will do all of them like that.






Edit: Hmmm, looking at the helmet at this magnification makes it look manky. It really does look much better at normal mini size :lol:

Hmmm, hate double posting but anyways....


I think I am going to be painting thier weapons this weekend and havent been able to decide on a scheme for them. I dont know if I want the bog standard black and metal bolters. I did that with my "counts as Pedro" and felt that it looked very drab and boring against the model as a whole.


May go with blue casings or I may just go "ye olde school" and do the old fashioned red casings just to make the weapons stand out a bit more.


Any thoughts about this out there in B & C land....?


Edit: Just thinking about this, what about white casings? Would they be too glaring or could it be pulled off?

I did it with this recipe


Black basecoat,

Foundation grey (Astronomicon grey I think its called)

About 3 or 4 layers of very thinned out white

Then a layer of white that was mixed with gloss varnish and a bit of water. This smoothed out everything.

Very watered down enchanted blue for the lines.

Another layer or 2 of watered down white to fix up any messed up spots.


After doing a few samples, I eventually went with a dark red for the bolter casings. It actually turned out looking far better than blue or black for some reason.

Like I said, I have finished 3 of the minis though they do still need basing and maybe just a touch more matt varnish in places where there is still shiny bits. I really should wait till they are all done but meh, what the hell, here they are.






White Dwarf Subscription Marine




Thanks :tu:


Like I said, I think the red bolters compliment rather than detract from the mini's. When I tried a white bolter it was just too bright (I know, they have white all over) and blue casings was just too much blue.


I agree that a bright red casing would have been too comical but I like the dark shaded red much better.


It was also my first attempt at quartering which I think turned out very nicely on the sergeants helmet though you cant see it that well.


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