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Dark Apostle.

Corpse King

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While looking through my display cabinet of old models I stumbled across an old favorite of mine. Origionally painted to lead my Lost and the Damned army (which is now no longer existing), this old traitor marine was perhaps my best attempt at painting Word Bearers marines.

So, onto the pics;










As you can see, the base has only been painted a dark brown colour. I could not base the model properly as at that time my only means of glueing the basing material had all been frozen solid during a rather cold winter a couple of years ago, and as such I couldn't get any glue out :lol: . That's what I get for keeping the stuff out in the garage.


Would like to hear what you all think of my (then) amatuer work.

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That may very well be the flash from my camera when I took the pics. :) I had actually used two thick-ish coats of red gore to get the effect before applying watered down black to darken it further. I'm pretty new to taking pics with my camera of small things such as models anyhow, so I still kinda need practice.


I am pleased you find the face to be scary. :devil: As is mentioned in the title he is a Dark Apostle. I chose that head from the old CSM kit's mutant frame (when a box had eight marines rather than ten) as I found that it perfectly showed his allignment to the Ruinious Powers without him being too 'blessed'. It could be that he has only recently become the Dark Apostle of his warband. ;) The paint job was just simple bronzed flesh over black undercoat, then watered down black on the head. This made him look old, hard as nails and a general overall bad guy.


Keep the comments and criticisms rolling please.

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The conversion is nice, I like the head and I hate it that I can't find any mutation sprues anywhere...


But you need to take a little more time for your mini. Water down your paints and apply more layers. The red looks rather patchy and is not fully covering up the black underneath. Also you should do a little cleaning up. Also, why is the helmet on the pole lacking detail? Just because it's chopped off doesn't mean it looses all its colors.


I don't want to be rude, just giving you some basic critique. I like that you are not too shy to convert your mini, and with practice, everything gets better ^^

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. . . I like the head and I hate it that I can't find any mutation sprues anywhere . . .



The GW online store sells the sprues at $6 a pop http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...GameStyle=wh40k


Back on topic, I would like to say that there are four problems with this model.


1) The paint is vastly too thick and looks very goopy. Water down your paints and do them in nice even (but thin) coats.


2) The contrast of colors on the model is a bit odd. The purple and orange on the shoulder pad just looks silly.


3) The base (bases?) is a quite odd looking, I'd smooth the second square base down a bit to make it look more organic, or alternatively paint it so it looks inorganic.


4) The pistol is also place in an off place. Wouldn't make much sense to have to reach around to your back side to grab your pistol (not to mention the position of his backpack would prevent him from being able to grab the pistol anyways :rolleyes:).


Otherwise it's alright...sorry if I came off as harsh but you said you wanted to hear what we think.

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That's quite allright Darth Bob.


To be honest, I never even noticed that potential problem with getting his pistol :blush: . Must remember to hit myself with my overused and rusty sledgehammer in the morning.


Epic Thoughts, thanks for the appreciation for the accursed crozious. Looking back to when I did the mini, almost two and a half years ago, it was this weapon that I was mainly concentrating on, as I was more worried about not making the weapon look daemonic enough to count as a daemon weapon (this was around the time the old C:CSM was around before 5th ed came along). With hindsight, maybe I should have spent longer on this mini.


:) DOH!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't be too harsh on yourself, everyone has to start of somewhere. The main thing is that you know how to improve upon what you already know and do, and have improved too. I remember you making this mini, and aside from the issues addressed above, it is still a reasonable conversion. There's nothing stopping you from stripping him down, reworking the kinks, and giving him a new improved paint job :P
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I feel this miniature would be greatly improved if it were more clean - removing the mold lines prior to doing any painting, staying "in the lines" with the paint, and painting several layers of thin paint (rather than just one or two of thicker) would make this model really shine.


I think the look you were going for is a great idea, however, and with a bit of refining you'd have yourself a fine and dandy CSM.

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