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Brotherhood of Jade Fists


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Well it's been a while since I've been on, and the last pics I took were absolutely horrendous. Some said my writing was almost as bad as my pics, so I'll spare the writing for now :) Any rate, I have a new scheme and I wanted to get some feed back on a few of the finished models as well as the works in progress I'm doing.

I had a different scheme originally, but after the move and having several models get damaged in the process, I stripped them all and started over. So I don't have as many troops done as I'd like, but I've got some of the characters done, and I've been working on the armor as well.

Squads are coming, but they've been slow going. Here's a sample of what I've got so far, I'll be uploading more as I get more pics.

BTW, this is the first digital camera I've really gotten to use, so bear with the pics. Any advice is welcome.

Here's the commander


the back view


side view


And a dreadnaught




Captain on Bike


Chaplain on Bike


Squad member


Sgt and Squad member


Redeemer with spaced armor


I have more in the gallery, so please feel free to check them out and comment.

Also here's a few bonus pics. I didn't paint these, but I helped do the conversions on these for a friend. He ended up trading them to me for an ork army. I don't have all of those pics posted yet, but it's a start of a decent Black Templar army with nice forgeworld dreads. It's very similar to how I'm decking out one of my tournament lists, which is going to the be Iron Angels, and should be in white and gold.

Anyways enjoy.




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the colors all look pretty flat. id suggest using highlights and several different shades of the same colors to bring out the shape of the models.


i love the converted templars jumpacks. :) howd you make them?


Never said I was an expert painter <grins> I've been recently experimenting with shading and highlighting.


As for the converted jump-packs


I had originally found these wings and was figuring we could mount them on the back of marines. After some experimentation, we couldn't get the backpacks to sit right. They sat too high on the miniature. My buddy ended up cutting them off the backpack they came with, and cut the vents off of a Templar back pack. The wings fit perfectly once trimmed. Plus, he had the added benefit of being able to pose the wings slightly to give a more dynamic feel to the mini.



The downsides to those wings are, they're resin so they're fragile. The other is they had an awful lot of flash on them, so it was a painstaking process to clean them up.


By the way, Micro Art Studios has some awesome bases as well. You can also get the wings at Neil's warstore. They're just under the terrain section.


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