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Some of my latest projects


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Lets start with a model I finished last week, but still need to do his base. The master of the Ultrawing!

As some of you know I have a thing for cool diorama bases so I figured the coolest thing for this guy would be a renactment of Red Dawn:






Bike close-ups





Base close up



The masters of the Chapter, finished up last Monday:








I've still got to bits order the commander eagle headed backpacks for them but other than that and basing they're done.

No screaming bald guys in my army. Marines wear helmets for a reason!


A terminator Librarian, finished week before last:





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2 Honor guard to finish the calgar box, finished last month:




Techmarine, finished 6 months ago:







Horus, finished a year ago. realized y'all have never seen the horus vs emperor mini game:




Pics of the actual game we played are here:



On Friday I primed up 9 Devestator marine models and tonight I finished them up!

All 9:



Sarge and bolter with flash:



Sarge and bolter without flash:



Ammo Carriers:



Headless guy and bolter guy (I didn't notce this model was headless until I went to paint his lenses and I noticed he was missing a head!):



2 Heavy bolters and a bolter guy



I'll try to keep this updated as I finish other projects.

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Very nice work, I only have one problem with one of the models. Which was very dissapointing to me because I got all excited and wanted to do the same. ^_^ The master of the arsenal with the iron warrior head. I thought it looked so cool on the model and thought it would make a great preheresy iron warriors captian. Thought, maybe ill swap the sword for a cool thunder hammer... Then ill keep the hand thats all beefy holding the ...helmet. I dunno The painting is great, but i feel its strange that hes holding a helmet while also wearing one. Id swap out one of the two. The emperors champing closed fist arm works well as a replacement for the powerfist on the model. Otherwise keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing more stuff.
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jay79 - Thanks! The power weapons (that aren't cocktail skewers) are Tamiya Clear Gloss Green over a mithril silver basecoat.


DeSnifter - Thanks! The model looks very weird right now but the base isn't done. Expect to see a dead marine on his base, so the Master of the Arsenal is picking up the parts of the arsenal that were left behind.

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YOU STOLE SAMMAELS BIKE!!! ULTRA THEIF!!! :P Nice painting on all your... I cant say they are MArines so they can be smurfs. ^_^ Well done!!


Yeah, Ii was thinking the same. Painting is great. But it just doesn't look right, because its BRIGHT BLUE! Horrible. =-D


Great painting right there, that is.

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Sons of Horus - Thanks! Horus was built the Friday before the game (which was Saturday) after I got home from work. I've picked up the "Dark Lord" kit from Rolljordan and he'll be my next horus, he's big enough to look mean.


Firenze - Thanks! If you don't like that you'll deffinatly hate the Shrike I built a few months ago.


Or Mephiston:


My goal is to be able to field every loyalist ruleset using Ultramarines.


Shortsonfire79 - Thanks! I've found the blue gives it more or a shine :P


Peakey - Thanks! I used thehand and head from Abby, the mace from the dark angels vets box, and the rest of the kit is the plastic chaos terminator lord.

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YAARRGH!!! I rage against the Ultrabastardization of upstanding SCs not afraid to wear a color other than blue!


In other news, I love your conversions and your paint job is very neat (if blue). Unfortunately I must say keep it up and do those honorable gentlemen justice in the Ultrascheme.

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Very good paint jobs you have there. And the running peasant...hilarious. Its the icing of the cake of an already very good model.


And the Horus VS the Emperor mini game...that looks really fun but quite frankly, where are the Imperial Fists and Blood Angels? The smurfs never fought alongside the Emperor in Horus' ship! As much as they would have liked to steal the glory of it... ;) I'm kidding, I'm kidding.


As I said, great figs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The emperors chosen - Mephiston's sword has been installed and he's been painted. The sword is the same as the master of the Ravenwing's.


Espada Azul - I think the problem comes from the oversized forgeworld helm that I use. I tried cutting more off but it looked goofy. I'm going to be making a Corbulo later but I'm not really happy with Lysander so he's down lower on the to do list.



Well here's some of the updates I'd promised!

I'm trying out a new camera and I'm still getting used to it, so forgive the blurryness.

These are some of the plasma marines I painted:





4 new Heavy bolters (bringing the total up to 8 for the company):



And Sicarius:




The blending in the cloak looks better in real life.


The GW Realm of Battle board I helped paint for my work, I also did a pack of GW craters, a GW modular hill, and a GW gaming hill :



Here's a pic of a mug I did as a painting award:



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