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D.B.'s painting challenge!

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This is to be my challenge: I am to finish these models before the 28th of February or suffer the consequences! This is of course my WIP article for the Librarium's painting challenge. At the moment I'm doing the finishing touches (modelling-wise) on my True-Scale Sternguard Sergeant for my WIP chapter, the Iron Templars. My Dreadnought I've already semi-completed, however, I've been at that stage for nearly two months, so I'm going to use this as motivation to finally get it finished. ALso, I've decided to throw in a Company Veteran and a Deathwing Terminator Squad.


My Forge World Dark Angels Venerable Dreadnought. This guy looks finished, but there's a lot of detail hidden around that still needs doing.


My Sternguard Sergeant. His torso is as yet unattached to his body, the thighs need filling with GS, and he needs a general clean-up, but other than he's ready for basing and basing.


A Company Veteran for my DA. This one is ready for priming and painting.


The Sergeant for my Deathwing Squad. His back-banner has snapped off, so that needs to be replaced, but other than that he's ready for priming and painting.


Termie 2


Termie 3


Termie 4


Termie 5


Group shot!

Any C+C welcome!

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Hi folks, quick update:


Filled in the thighs for my Sergeant and added a scope stolen from my Co. Vet. who will shortly be armed with some CC weps.


Got this guy today, and he's tall enough to be True-Scale, so why not? Stole the Combi-Melta from my CV after fixing the barrel (thanks for spotting that Brother Richard, I missed that) and stuck it onhim after spending 20 frustrating minutes tearing the Power Fist off. I had to cover a gap between the arm and body with a purity seal though.


Scale shot of the two veterans with a regular guy.

captain_shrike, I used some tiny rocks I found on a beach in Wales. I was just there on holiday, and I happened to have somewhere to take them, so I thought I might as well. I suppose cut-up sprues might work just as well though.


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