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Tzeentch... Evil?

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Lying, cheating, stealing for gain can lead to great things. Robin Hood is the most famous example. The British Empire did all of those things, and worse, but it left behind a legacy of culture and science that changed the face of the world for the better.

*facepalm* You really believe in that? It was the Roman Empire that did what've you said. And that's all - no other empire did. The greatest was and is only one empire - Roman one and only it could do it. But i digress.


Limitations we imagine and create by ourselves. Good and Evil've been created to control people, and many believe. But does it really exist? Surely no. And this topic has a lot of proves.


Well I won't argue what the British empire has done (or hasn't done.) but the Roman empire the only one to have done so? Surely not. The Roman empire was a small Empire restricted to a fairly small part of the world. The only way we can count the Roman empire as being large is if we count the Russian empire as being part of the Roman empire.

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Well I won't argue what the British empire has done (or hasn't done.) but the Roman empire the only one to have done so? Surely not. The Roman empire was a small Empire restricted to a fairly small part of the world. The only way we can count the Roman empire as being large is if we count the Russian empire as being part of the Roman empire.

I didn't say it was the largest (though it did have a great territory), but it did was and is the greatest. Z.B., the Russian Empire didn't face (as well as any other empire, even the Ottomans) such enemies, as, z.B., Hannibal (well, except Napoleon, though he was and is not Hannibal). Roman legions crushed all that stood in their way - celtic tribes, those Carthaginian elephant riders ©, greek phalanxes, Parthian cavalry etc. We can argue here for long ;)


Furyou Miko

But they did do almost everything. Such innovations and supremacy on all levels had only they. And it's without that fact the Roman empire existed much more than any other.

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Too much Age of Empires for Menkeroth.

I'd say rather Rome Total War :D though i read and read a lot of historical works and so have such an impression.

Elephants were terrible war beasts. As in, I'd rather field a Chaos Spawn.

Yes, but Hannibal could use them for good, though his victories were firstly for his Numidian light cavalry. And Indians used them quite good though it wouldn't stop Alexander from crushing Porus and Taxilus's kingdoms.

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Hannibal's elephants were effective because no one expected to have elephants romping around the Italian peninsula (not since Pyhrrus tried it). But on that note, he only got a handfull of his elephants across the Alps (contrary to popular belief)


On that note...Elephants in war are the equivalent of a Chaos Dreadnought with a heavy flamer and a Lascannon.

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Just saw. Kind of skimmed through it. The only reason I can think of him as being directly evil is that he is the embodiment of the amoral progression of science. For example, there was that one Nazi scientist(I can't remember his name for some reason) who performed experiments on twins by putting them in separate rooms and then torturing one to see if the other felt it and things along those lines. Some of it was very brutal. But he did it in the name of scientific understanding. So he would be okay in Tzeentch's book. But everything he did was immoral and went against society. I think that's why he is evil. Not because he himself is evil, but because the people who fuel his power aren't the best people to meet in a dark alley. And because these are the people who influence his power, his power does resonate with their malice.


EDIT: That is just my opinion.

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