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support tf

night walker

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just a quick question what do you guys believe would be the best support unit(s) for the shiny new glass cannon of a thunderfire cannon?


read posts about the actual model itself but nothing concerning who would be best running with it


was thinking possibly devestators or sternguard for firepower and the ability to ignore cover with one of its special rounds


what do you guys think though?


cuz ill be running it in a tournament soon and just want to know if im gonna need to swap some stuff around :rolleyes:

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As in what kind of squad to run with it?

I"d agree with a Tactical squad then.


Tactical with Plasma gun, Missile Launcher, TL Heavy Bolter Razorback. You know have a little dakka factory, able to punch out alot of firepower at 24" and beyond.

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hmmm well it given me a bit to think about as im just in the process of getting the army tournament ready (still alot of it is in the construction/painting process) but I can nip down to gw no prob as long as i get it al done before the end of feb lol
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