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New to Drop Pods..

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Quick question..


As per the Drop Pod assault rule, 1/2 of the pods in your list have to arrive turn one. Does this mean that if there is only 1 pod in your list that it arrives turn 1? Also does a first turn pod scatter as per normal DS rules? i'll admit that I havent used pods before and have read a few different interpretations, but haven't seen anything "concrete." Any help would be greatly appreciative.



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'pods are fun, p[ainful, awkward and a headache for your opponent.....welcome to the fun :)


On the first turn half of your drop pods, rounding up will land. So 1 gets one, two gets one, three gets two etc. thus for economy of points vs number landing it's always good to go with an odd number. You'll need to specify before the game which ones are showing up turn one and whats in them.


The pod is placed anywhere on the board and follows the normal rules for deepsrtiking with a couple of exceptions. If after scatter the pod would land on top of a unit or impassible terrain it moves the shortest distance to avoid this. If it lands off table then it's the deep strike mishap table as normal.


If the pod lands in difficult terrain then it's a difficult terrain test - failed and you've lost your gun. Additionally as the vehicle is not fast (yet) neither the stormbolter or the deathwind launcher can fire as the vehicle counts as moving at cruising speed.


Troops then deploy from them as they would from an open topped vehicle which had moved 12" but cannot assault.


Hope this helps






Edited for rules clarrification-ta legatus

  Oldenhaller said:
If the pod lands in difficult terrain then it's a difficult terrain test - failed and you've lost your gun


It'd be an easy kill point after that though....get either an immobilized or weapon destroyed and it's default toast! But still, some would consider that a price worth paying for almost risk free deepstrike, and if you only have one pod (like me) it's a guaranteed arrival 1st turn..

  Luku said:
  Oldenhaller said:
If the pod lands in difficult terrain then it's a difficult terrain test - failed and you've lost your gun


It'd be an easy kill point after that though....get either an immobilized or weapon destroyed and it's default toast! But still, some would consider that a price worth paying for almost risk free deepstrike, and if you only have one pod (like me) it's a guaranteed arrival 1st turn..


oops - my bad - thought deffensives could fire at cruising speed - must be getting it confused with pintle mounted storm bolters - edited accordingly



  Oldenhaller said:
You'll need to specify before the game which ones are showing up turn one and whats in them.

No, you don't. You simply have to tell your opponent what you are keeping in reserve, and how it's organized. When the first turn rolls around, you get to choose which pods to deep strike, per drop pod assault rules.


Also, I'm not sure how pintle-mounted stormbolters had you confused. They can't fire from a vehicle that has moved at cruising speed, either.


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