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Been working on some spacemarines (taking my painting skills to a new level) and this is what i've done so far.



Hq: (not sure wether to make him a Captain or a Master)



1st Tactical unit



2nd Tactical Unit





As said before, i´am not sure about a name. I was thinking about Crusading Angels.

And the Bases need work to so they are WIP.

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those are really good, i do like the colour scheme, tho perhaps added shading to the teal as it nears the edges would make it look even sweeter, bar that its all cool, as an aside if you were to paint the plasma gun ribbed bits a nice bright green it would break up the colours on the plasma models nicely as oppossed to the current white and blue
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Very good color scheme, but there are a few things that could be done better. The colors on the sergeant's banner needs a few more watered down layers. I also think the models would look better if the golds were brighter. Highlighting is never a bad thing either.


Any ideas on fluff? That would really help in naming them.

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@{}{: I could do that but those name never suit me.


@MEanBOb: With what kind of color would i need to highlight the gold. I always thought it looked already good as it was. As for fluff i was thinking something along the lines a crusading chapter who often help out other Chapters (explains their Black Templar/ Spacewolves icons)


@gil galad: maybe i should add some of the proposed things to the Plasmaguns, i'll think about it.

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Well, to make good looking gold I always started with tin bitz as an undercoat, then went over it with Shining Gold and hit the high parts with Burnished gold. For really shiny gold, I added a little bit of chainmail or mithril silver on the tiniest bit of the highest parts.

You could also hit it with a thin brown wash (chestnut or Brown ink always worked well, I don't have much experience with the new GW washes, though)

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Nice looking mini's, I like the blue/black contrast a lot. Although the blue might need some more highlighting.

I also see even more dutchmen here today, I've been seeing dutch everywhere today.


Not a fan of the backhanded knife, it looks odd to me.



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1st company? where are the awesome termies? nice minis anyway.


Termies will get in it but for now just check the helmets. (Those Laurels stuff)


Nice looking mini's, I like the blue/black contrast a lot. Although the blue might need some more highlighting.

I also see even more dutchmen here today, I've been seeing dutch everywhere today.


Yeah we're out to take over the world.

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Yeah we're out to take over the world.

Can't argue with that... ^_^


As for the paintscheme; really nice! The blue and black work really well together and I commend you on your colour choice! :tu:


IMHO, the blue could do with highlighting rather than shading, making it slightly brighter still, to add to the contrast. The red on their shoulderpads works equally well as a tertiary colour. Is that their chapter symbol?


Keep it up; really nice work so far... B)

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Its part of their Chapter symbol, the Serg in the Tactical squad has a the complete symbol. The Cross with the wing on it.

I haven't painted it on the shoulderpads at the moment but i intent to paint it on those who don't have something on their left pad.

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