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Space Wolves WIP [Updated 01/10/09]


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Ok so the 20 Grey Hunters and the Long Fangs are for my B&C Painting Challenge Oath, but while I'm at it I'm also painting up a Dread, 30 Blood Claws and when I get them primed, 5 Wolf Scouts. Here's some pics:


Long Fangs and Grey Hunters



Long Fangs



Pack Leader and Heavy Bolter



Another Heavy Bolter and 2 Lascannons



Dread Front



Dread Right Side



Dread Left Side




Dread Back



Lots of Blood Claws!



Wolf Scouts Front



Wolf Scouts Back



Wolf Guard Pack Leader Bolter Closeup, yes that's a chainblade



The Long Fangs and Dreadnaught are pretty much done save for sanding the bases. The Grey Hunters just have the primary shadow grey on and highlighted and the Wolf Scouts need to be primed. 60 Space Wolves... and I'm hoping to have them all done within the month, or no later than the Painting Challenge deadline if I get delayed.

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I like the red alot, it really adds to the look of the wolves. I am stealing that bolter pattern too ;)


Yea I like to add some contrasting colors to my wolves, usually in the form of red, white and yellow details, markings and symbols of various kinds. It really helps to add interrest and character to the models and draws the eye in to each individual model. With the Space Wolves I feel each marine is an individual and I try to get that across with the paint scheme, even though it's a pretty sloppy speed paint.


The thing that really stood out to me in these pics is the dread. The skull and the tusks in particular were what caught my attention. I really like the way the look, it creates a very unique and very fitting dread for the wolves.


Wolves are the first creature that comes to mind with the Space Wolves, but Fenris is also home to all kinds of other creatures and I felt it would be characterfull to add mammoth tusks to the Venerable Dreadnaught and sort of get across a sort of metalic beast look. The skull was sort of random inspiration after I'd initially finished with the model and was a late addition just before I primed it but I'm happy with the way it turned out. Glad you liked it :lol:.

i like the normal tacs but the long fangs don't look so nicely painted. the dread is creative but messy.


What about speed paint doesn't get across? I'm not a Golden Daemon painter, so what. The Grey Hunters or the "normal tacs" as you put it, are painted exactly the same as the Long Fangs were.

I like them Vash. My only qualm is that the red is a bit too stark a contrast for me. I'd suggest darkening it.


Yea I'd previously used Red Gore to do the red details but ran out of it so used Blood Red this time, I may go over the red again in a darker shade when I can restock my paints, or perhaps a black wash might tone it down a bit.

Or possibly a brown wash, it would probably work better than a black wash on red.


Yea, I'll see about it in the morning, I'll be going to a hobby shop to replenish some of my paints.


Here's a quick update, the 1st Grey Hunter squad is pretty much done bar some cleanup work and sanding the bases, here's some pics:


Grey Hunters Front:



Grey Hunters Back:



Also a small update on the Dreadnaught, did a little cleanup work and added some text and kill markings to his "loincloth" thingy:


Here's an update, some Fenresian Wolves, and two packs of Grey Hunters I'd painted previously but hadn't gotten around to getting pics up.


Fenresian Wolves Front:



Fenresian Wolves Side:



First Grey Hunter Pack Front:



First Grey Hunter Pack Back:



Second Grey Hunter Pack Front:



Second Grey Hunter Pack Back:



Army Shot:



Still a lot of work to do. The Wolves are usually divided amongst the Battle Leaders, the Wolf Priest and the Wolf Lord. Gotta love the little wolfy companions and yes 3 of them are missing their tails, one of the disadvantages of second hand models. I went for a different look with the wolves from the usual all grey or black, it turned out alright IMO.


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