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It's not all that stupid if you think about it. Although it is a shame the rules do not allow for units ambushing from cover (where they would typically gain the initiative), it does represent the idea that them stumbling over difficult ground makes them easier targets for the defenders. S'n'P troops incur that movement penlty, no matter what ground they move over, giving the defenders ample time to snap off a few shots and ready themselves for the combat.


This in no way suggests that S'n'P units are naturally slow to strike in close combat or that they are unable to ready themselves in the same way, if they are assaulted. S'n'P is a movement penalty, nothing else. As much as you might expect it with some effected units, it implies nothing about their reflexes or their ability to respond to threats.

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  Kairos said:
Okay, so in the BRB it says units that need to take a difficult terrain test when assaulting strike at intitiative 1, so does that mean a unit with slow and purposeful will always strike at initiative 1 if they charge, but normal initiative if they get charged?



On pg 76 of the BRB it also says under slow and purposeful that it counts as moving through difficult terrain even for purposes of assaults, maybe you should have read the rule first.

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