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sisters or knights


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wondereing which way is a "better? way to go- a base army of gk with sob allies, or base sob with gk allies.

i have been playing gk for a little while now, with some inquisition mixed in here and there, but have been playing more for fun to spend quality time with my son. but i would like to be more competitive in my games and start winning some. the info in these threads has been quite helpfull so far and now i want to make a competetive army and am exploring options.

thanks for any help.

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I would recommend going with the one whose fluff you like most. Its as simple as that. :D


If you do choose Grey Knights, however, always take some sort of Allies at first, whether it be Inducted Guard or Allied Sisters. Pure Grey Knights are really characterful, but require a lot of practice to get right.

Like GM Tyrak said, choose whichever force you like most! And if you can't decide, get a mix of both and run your army as DH with allied WH and vice versa to keep things fresh. Neither army is "better" than the other, though I think it's fair to say that a strong Sisters-based army is probably a bit easier to master and learn to win games with.

I would agree to go with the one you most like.. but there's also a simple question:


Which of these two options do you want as your Heavy Support choices for that game?


Option A: Retributors, Excorcists, unattached Immolators, Orbital Bombardment

Option B: Dreads, unattached Land Raiders, unattached Land Raider Crusaders, Purgation squads, Orbital Bombardments


Since you can't ally in Heavy Support, it makes the choice much easier. Also if you're like me and don't own any Dreads or Grey Knight Land Raiders (heh.. working on the dreads maybe.. kinda.. one day...) it makes the choice relatively simple.

i agree with the heavy weapons dilema. i currently play gk and have 2 land raiders and 3 dreds to choose from.- looking to add a little more versatility to my force, like seraphim and maybe some battle sisters for troops(power armor).

might be acquiring a friends sob army(2000 pts?), so will have the option of fielding them as a base army too, hence my bit of confusion as to which way to go.

I agree that some experimenting will be in order. wasnt sure if there are any pros or cons that arent immediately apparent that i should be aware of.

plus, i am still learning how to play my gk, which these threads are definitely helping with.


Definitely don't discount the exorcist. It is a dedicated tank hunter with good frontal armor, good range, and good power.


A Land Raider would cost a minimum of 250 points, and a Dreadnaught would cost around 170-180 points if fitted out for long-ranged tank hunting (at least, if I have my numbers right). Although the Exorcist has fewer purposes than a dread or raider... it makes up for that by having less cost.

  Melissia said:
A Land Raider would cost a minimum of 250 points, and a Dreadnaught would cost around 170-180 points if fitted out for long-ranged tank hunting (at least, if I have my numbers right).

Most commonly, a DH hellfire dread costs 145 pts (148 if you also include smoke launchers, 158 you also splurge for blessed), so you can almost get 2 for the price of 1 land raider.


Still, I agree with the positive assessment on Exorcists. Definitely my favorite tank in all of 40K. It's cheap, cool, and effective.

  • 4 weeks later...
  Inq. Rok said:
hey, i couldn't help but notice wot was missing in option a: pentinent engines?

i love these guys, very colourful addition to my sob army, helped sway me WH over DH wen i started up....


Yeah I love em too. problem is they just arent effective, in my opinion.


Every marine has krak grenades now and they get to hit first. Penitent Engines should have furious charge.


I pulled mine out again today, was in assault on turn two but got wrecked before she ever got to swing.


I still love em, but I only field them against new players when I need to tone down my list a bit.

yer, the initive really sux, furious charge would be great! would also makes lots of sense...


however even with they're lowly 11 armour, i find a squad of 3 at 240 pts also attracts a srs amount of shooting


i.e. "oh no! specialsed D6 attack str 10 cc unit, must shoot before it gets close" kinda thing, helps save the exorcists anywys.


and tbh its pure hilarity watching them flame and cut a swath through patoons of heratic guardsmen and such like XD

  • 3 weeks later...
  Skyhawk said:
So am I seeing this right? I can add any SoB unit to my GK army without any "compulsory HQ" or anything? Just the points cost of the SoB unit? (Seraphim for instance)

Have a look-see at the allying rules box in the WH codex. Once you've satisfied the minimum force org requirements for your base army (1 HQ + 2 Troops from DH codex), you can legally include a limited number of WH units.

I had the same delima, and had to make some of the same choices. For me, though, I had a lot of Sister figures from 2nd Ed days, yet to fill out all the vehicle requirments I wanted for a mech force, Sisters far exceeded my budget. Knights, on the other hand, have a really low model count, and there a low overall total build cost if I include as many of my Sisters as I can as allies to defray the cost.


Now, I have an effective Knights army that can stand on its own, have Sister allies, be allied to my Sisters, or just sit it out this time as the Sisters play on their own. It openned my options, I love the synergy, and it made my painting choices easier as they all now sport the same color scheme.




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