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2 questions, Spec Ammo and Storm Bolter? ATSKNF and..


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Good questions both.


I don't have my rulebook in front of me, but I think the special ammo only applies to the bolter, but I could be wrong.


I'm not going to touch your second question without the rulebook in front of me.

Okidus Posted Today, 07:21 PM

Can Sternguard use their spec ammo in a storm bolter?


No. Bolter and Combi-Bolters only. It says in the Sternguard entry that "Each boltgun armed model . . . automatically comes with several ammunition types . . . Each special ammunition type replaces the boltgun profile (including boltguns that are part of a combi-weapon) with the one shown here."


Also, the 4th ed. Deathwatch Kill-team's special ammo worked in exactly the same way, and included a specific note saying that the special ammo can't be used with a Storm Bolter.


The same deal applies to Hellfire Rounds, they are Heavy Bolter only.

I'll be the only one to say YES to special ammo in storm bolters. Army Builder v3.1 states it as a given no matter the weapon. "All bolters in squad may be given special ammo..."

Here is a little screenshot from the roster which is certified and brings back no errors


  jay79 said:
I'll be the only one to say YES to special ammo in storm bolters. Army Builder v3.1 states it as a given no matter the weapon. "All bolters in squad may be given special ammo..."

Here is a little screenshot from the roster which is certified and brings back no errors


However, the Codex says specifiacally that it can only be used in bolters (see Codex for bolter) and combi-bolters. As a Storm bolter is not a bolter, you cannot use it.

2nd, isn't this better off in Official Rules?

  JamesI said:
Army builder gets stuff wrong, a lot. And Stormbolters are not bolters.


Technically yes they are in fluff-wise, they are basicly just two boltguns put together which is what a combi-bolter is, difference is that some bright spark found out that if you ensure the wielding is done right and that if you make it one ammo hopper it's far better.


adeptus mechicus researcher guy: 'my fellow adeptus, i have refined the combi-bolter'


random adeptus guy: 'how have you done such?'


adeptus mechicus researcher guy: 'i made sure wield it properly!'


-several sounds of metal heads resting on the metal hand is heard-


but seriously, why doesn't the adeptus astartes not use them? sternguard would have a lot of fun with them ;)

  jay79 said:
Serious? Wow... that sucks. I wonder if Armies of the Imperium is more accurate in its verification. I'm tempted to call GW for this one.


I wouldn't bank on that. It is notorious for being worse than Army Builder in errors, and is rarely updated. ;)

If you read the sternguard special ammo section its says "boltgun" not even bolter.. otherwise it would say any boltered weapon like the effect of bolter drill from Lysander does. Also if that were the case most people would shoot the special ammo out of the bolt pistol and charge with 3 attacks or 4 with kantor.
not to mention that army builder didn't get what was posted "wrong" as the post contained the seperate entries for special issue ammo and the strom bolter. it was still the user's error to believe that the word "bolter" meant the same thing when prefaced by "storm" as when seen on its own.


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