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[WIP] Ultramarines Mechanized


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I finally finished up my Tau, and then my Farsight Bomb, so now it's back to Space Marines. So next on deck is Ultramarines Mechanized.


I've got the core army built and primed and am ready to start airbrushing the base coat. I've got a couple questions though:


1 - has anyone used the Vallejo blues for Ultramarines and have an opinion?

2 - I like to paint my armies all at once and am trying to decide on units to push this another 250 pts up to 2000 pts. I was thinking about maxing out the FA slots with more speeders (I love the new kits). It's that or Elite slots but I'd like to keep the vehicle theme.


Thanks in advance for any advice.



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Dude...Mechanized SM..why have I never thought of that!? Thats an AWESOME idea (and far less painting for me) I think I might have to attack this.



For elites, you could add a Dreadnought or maybe 2..


Great Tau by the way, I love Tau. I've seen your "my Tau" before, great stuff! And the Farsight Bomb..man, thats awesome, I love the micro drones.

bikes are OK - they have cityfight issues as they can no longer go up and down levels. they are expensive fore the # of wounds, bu they make up for it in mobility.


as for your UMs - all lascannon RBs and 6-man squads w/BP/CCW sgt is not a "take on all comers" list... I am not a master strategist, so I could be wrong - but I would want some assault weapons and maybe a fist or PW or 2 in the list. speeders and bikes would be welcome, too. go for anti-tank (seems to be your MO now) on the speeders and make sure you have something for CC - counterattack at least! the whirlies will take care of the hordes well enough.

Thanks Shorts!


Masnagj . . . I never thought of bikes. How are they under 5th ed codex?


To be honest, I played around with the idea of adding them to a list I was building for relatively cheap mobile fire power vs. horde as well as another quick multi melta. I have never play tested them, but they seem like they have decent potential. Im sorry im not much help on this, I just thought it would fit your army pretty well getting as much bang for your buck so to speak.

I just thought it would fit your army pretty well getting as much bang for your buck so to speak.


The idea I'm toying with is filling out the Fast Attack with nine Land Speeders, all with their HB replaced with a Hvy Flamer.


My only thought would be how fragile they are because of the armor value. With the bikes you still need to wound twice per bike and fail the armor saves. Granted they are still killable, but I think that the squadron would be less likely to die in a round on concentrated fire. But then im not gaming expert, so I very well could be wrong.


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