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Master load out

gil galed

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Bike, any sort of power weapon, hellfire rounds.


You increase his T to 5, making him take fewer wounds in both CC and shooting.

You get identical CC to whatever weapon selection you take without the bike.

Rather than spending 10 points on a storm bolter, you spend 10 points on making your twin linked bolters (better at 12" or less than a storm bolter) better at wounding. Hellfire are a 2+ poisoned weapon.

You get similar mobility to that of a jump pack.


Hellfire rounds in a twin linked bolter on a Master's bike.


Hit on 2+ (83% of the time), and hitting on 83% of your misses puts you in the 90%+ hit range, wounding 83% of the time before any poison. Something like 75-80% of your shots will wound any creature with a T.

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twin linked bolter? i searched through the whole codex, and couldnt find anything about twin linked bolter of a master. Did i miss out something or...?


edit: o wait. checked the second time n yes i realised u meant on the bike....in wargear section. my bad

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twin linked bolter? i searched through the whole codex, and couldnt find anything about twin linked bolter of a master. Did i miss out something or...?


Hellfire rounds in a twin linked bolter on a Master's bike.


Emphasis is mine. :)

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If you were taking a lightning claw, I would take another lightning claw as my second weapon.


I second the thoughts on the bike (or a jetpack, if you want to have your command with an assault squad, but I prefer the bike).


I always take a power fist or thunder hammer for mine; I feel like they are not the insane close combat beasts you see in some other codices (C:CSM, Tyranids, etc), so I tend to go for the instant-kill threat against a lot of opponents and the very, very high chance to wound anything that even might have looked at some point like it was sort of possibly on the other side. Basically, I know the things most likely to kill me are also the things most likely to go first, so if I'm going last, I'd rather hit really, really hard...


I also don't normally use my captain to butcher troops solo. He's always escorted, so this probably influences my views.

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Hammers n Fists are good, but it seems a waste of high inititive to give it to the HQ unit. I could see using Hammer and Storm Shield to reduce them to Inititive one in later rounds. Other than Kantor who comes with one I can not see ever taking a leader with a Fist.


I try and keep my Captain away from anything with higher inititive and use him to kill weaker foes. keeping him with a squad in the aim, but sometimes they can be more efficient breaking away. In my game on Sunday the extra wounds from "No Retreat" allowed him to wipe out a Combat Squad in a turn!


Paired Lightning Claws are the best weapon choice against T5 or weaker foes.

However Relic Blade or Hammers leaves you a hand free for a Gun or Storm Shield and gives you a chance against tanks and MC.

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You don't have the "hands free" problem with a Master on a bike when you use lightning claws. You still get the bonus of the lightning clawws and the ability to rapid fire a bolter.


I don't have a model to represent this, but I'm thinking that it might be a good idea to get one.... That may actually be better than the Relic Blade for what I use my master for.

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You don't have the "hands free" problem with a Master on a bike when you use lightning claws. You still get the bonus of the lightning clawws and the ability to rapid fire a bolter.

I don't have a model to represent this, but I'm thinking that it might be a good idea to get one.... That may actually be better than the Relic Blade for what I use my master for.

Having used a grey Knights NFW to make a nice Bike Cpt with Relic Blade I am also thinking that the Wolverine approach may be better. Hellfire rounds are useless against Armour anyway so it might be better to make the HQ very focused on anti-infantry. Although I am still thinking about the Storm Shield for survivability...
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Here is my current Master, he is 180 points


Chapter Master


-Auxilary Grenade Launcher

-Lightning Claw

-Artificer Armour


Here is my current Captain, he is 165 points



-Relic Blade

-Auxiliary Grenade Launcher

-Hellfire Rounds

-Digital Weapon

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Right now I'm running a captain with twin LC's and a jump pack.


Most of the time I add melta bombs as well. You never know when you'll end up miles from something to skewer to your claws but right next to a pricy piece of armor. Other than that, add auxillary, digital or artificer per taste.

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My chapter master is armed with a Storm bolter and LC and I thought he rocked till I got a captain with Relic Blade, Storm Shield, Digital Weapons, Auxiliary grenade launcher he is a machine. I used him in my first game the other day and he was joined to a tac squad. They got charged by a unit of genestealers who took out most the squad. Captain struck back with who was left and sent the genestealers running them I got charged by a carni fex and a hive tyrant. Squad died in short order but Captain took four wounds off the fex and one two of the Hive tyrant before he was insta killed by an angry carnifex on its last wound.


Will definately stick with him in future.

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