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Crusade of Brotherhood

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Belated New Years greetings to all. I hope everyone had a joly nice xmas. I have decided to start a project that I have always wanted to start. A Crusade of Brotherhood force of Crimson Fists, Black Templars and Imperial Fists. I may even add some Soul Drinkers later (before they turned). My old Crimson Fists have been sold to help finance this, so I have a nice big pile of plastic metal and resin. I'm no great painter and the thught of painting yellow scares me s***less but hopefully the foundation paints and washes should help. I hope to have an army list and some WIP photos this week also. Here's the first Templars:



Just need basing - any suggestions of style?


Imperial Fist - needs basig, matt varnishing and also tidying up a little (need to get rid of that mould line on the head)



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Thanks for the feedback guys. I've now got a rough army list that I put together in my lunchbreak at work today. Points values still to be worked out.






Command Squad

Sternguard (6 Marines) with Razorback

Scouts (2 squads - one with a CF version of Telion)

Venerable Dreadnought (Mk IV)

Dreadnought (Mk V)

Land Raider Crusader





Command Squad

Terminators Squad

Devastator Squad (5 Marines)

Assault Squad (5 Marines)

Ironclad Deadnought (looking forward to building this one)

Scout Squad

Vanguard Veteran Squad






Command Squad

Chaplain Dreadnought

Mk IV Dreadnought

Tactical Squads x3

Terminator Squad

Predator Destructor

Land Raider Redeemer

Vanguard Veteran Squad


May still play with this list a little - I have 95% of the models already so hopefully I will start posting some WIP shots.

Well I've fnished first Templars, matt varnished them and based them. The Imperial Fists Termie just needs basing. Currently awaiting finshing I have the first squad of Crimson Fists Scouts, an Imperial Fists Chaplain, Black Templar Vanguard (a plastic version I have built) and a Black Templar Chaplain. I got a little side tracked with my warband for Mordheim though....oh and a Crimson Fists Dreadnought.


Finished Templars




Crimson Fists Dreadnought


It's good to see another Crusade army from the Sons of Dorn. I've done the same thing mixing units from these chapters. Here is a link to my crusade, maybe something in there might help.




The templars look really good. I'd like to see those scouts when you get them done.

Evening all...just had time to finish the two Chaplains and finish off the 1st Imperial Fist Termie. The yellow has been a lot easier to paint than I thought. The foundation paints and washes are a godsend. So here, to guard the souls of my Crusade are...


Imperial Fists Chaplain (may add Chapter symbol to his knee)




Terminator (you will notice that the Chapter symbol is a bit bluish. I did this to highlight the black instead of using grey. The flash makes it seem much lighter that it really is)




Black Templars Chaplain



Hopefully tomorrow I should have the first squad of Crimson Fist ,Imperial Fist and Black Templar Scouts to post. Keep trying on that army list but I keep adding things and then restarting..AAARGH! It makes my remember far off days with the first edition when army lists were but a dream and you could roll for your marines weapons and kid friend that you REALLY DID manage to get the dice scores to arm your entire Astartes force with shuriken catapults. (Wipes tear from eye and looks dreamily into the distance).

Well it's taken me about a week to sort it all out but here is the finished army list. Went to my local GW yesterday and got the remaining pieces I need - Termie Assault Squad, Land Raider Redeemer and a box of Chaos Warriors (some helmets for Templars, some bits for Iron Warriors and some bits for Mordheim also). I give you...


CRUSADE OF BROTHERHOOD - The Tannhausser Gate Atrocity



Chapter Master Pedro Kantor – 175 points

Codicier (Space Marine Librarian, plasma pistol) – 115 points

Reclusiarch (Space Marine Chaplain) -100 points

Sternguard Veteran Squad (6 Sternguard - Power fist, combi-plasma) – 155 points

Vanguard Veteran Squad (5 Vanguard - Power fist, power weapon, lightning claws) – 180 points

Scout Squad (10 Scouts, Telion, missile launcher, camo cloaks) – 230 points

Scout Squad (10 Scouts, Heavy bolter, power fist) – 175 points

Scout Biker Squad (5 Scout Bikers, plasma pistol, 2 Astartes Grenade Launcher, cluster mines) – 155 points

Dreadnought (Space Marine Dreadnought, twin-linked autocannons) – 115 points

Land Raider Crusader – 250 points

Captain (Space Marine Captain, thunderhammer, boltgun, hellfire rounds) – 140 points

Command Squad (Flamer, combi-plasma, storm bolter, plasma pistol) – 158 points


I have made the Crimson Fist elements of the crusade reflect a battle hardened core of veterans of Rynn’s World, combined with the inexperience of the neophyte Scout Squads.



Brother-Captain Nestor (Space Marine Captain, boltgun, auxiliary grenade launcher, power weapon) – 130 points

Command Squad (Storm bolter x2, plasma gun, power fist) – 161 points

Reclusiarch (Space Marine Chaplain, plasma pistol) – 115 points

Scout Squad (10 Scouts, heavy bolter) – 150 points

Devastator Combat Squad (5 Marines, heavy bolter, missile launcher, lascannon, plasma cannon) – 180 points

Techmarine (Techmarine, storm bolter, power weapon, 4 servitors, 2 heavy bolters) – 148 points

Assault Squad (5 Marines, flamer, thunderhammer, combat shield) – 145 points

Terminator Squad (5 Terminators, Assault cannon) – 230 points

Ironclad Dreadnought (Chainfist, 2 hunter killer missiles, hurricane bolter) – 155 points


The Imperial Fists contain some of the hardest hitting units in the Crusade, perfect for urban combat. Brother-Captain Nestor is the commander of the Imperial Fists 7th Reserve Company and leads a force that contains elements from all of the Chapter’s companies.



Marshall von Salza (Space Marine Chapter Master, Terminator armour with storm bolter and power sword) – 165 points

Castellan Henschell (Space Marine Captain, power sword, storm bolter) – 118 points

Command Squad (Company Champion, Company Standard, power sword x2, power fist) – 200 points

Reclusiarch (Space Marine Chaplain, power fist) – 115 points

Tactical Squad (10 Marines, Heavy bolter, plasma gun) – 180 points

Tactical Squad (10 Marines, Missile launcher, flamer) – 170 points

Tactical Squad (10 Marines, Missile launcher, flamer) – 170 points

Scout Squad (10 Scouts, Heavy bolter) – 150 points

Dreadnought (Twin-linked heavy bolter) – 110 points*

Land Raider Redeemer – 240 points

Terminator Squad (5 Terminators, assault cannon) – 230 points

Terminator Assault Squad (6 Terminators) – 240 points

Vanguard Veteran Squad (5 Vanguard, relic blade, power weapon x2, plasma pistol x2) – 250 points

Predator Destructor – (Heavy bolter sponsons, hunter-killer missile, storm bolter) – 105 points


The bulk of the Crusades’ fighting strength and the hardest hitting assault troops available to Chapter Master Kantor and Marshall von Salza.


*May be changed to Chaplain Dreadnought


All in the Crusade comes to 5,450 points. I have 95% of the models and bits I need so maybe this weekend I will begin assembly and posting of some WIP pictures.


There are some items that I am interested in people’s opinions on. What do you think the Ironclad Dread should look like? I will be using the plastic dreadnought kit and was thinking of getting some textured plasticard (with an industrial type flooring pattern) and using it as armour plates on the body. The hurricane bolter I will steal from my unmade Redeemer. The chainfist I will base upon the old Warlord Chainfist from Adeptus Titanicus.

That's a lot of models, can't wait to see them all painted up.


Are you doing these as an Apoc formation or are you going to use them in standard games?


Are you going to run them as standard codex marines? Since I didn't see an Emperor's Champion in the Black Templar list that's what I assumed. If you play Apocolypse at all you should pick one up since he would fit in with all of Dorn's chapters.

  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies for the tardiness of my posting - work has been a complete sh*tstorm this week. Everyone wants everything all at the same time...AAARGH! But first...


SpudWhitman: I think one of those pesky Neophytes has half-inched it....either that or I missed it in the painting. ;)


Brother of the Temple: I am going to use Codex Space Marines for the BT's but will add enought models so that I can add to the force to play pure Templars. I may add an Emperor's Champion but have the ability to use him as Chapter Champion with two Honour Guards.


I have my first Imperial Fists Scout completed as well as my first BT Vanguard (using just plastic components) and a BT Scout and BT Terminator. Oddly enough though it is the Crimson Fists that are giving me most trouble. My original CF force was painted regal blue, which made them look like Ultramarines with red hands and icons. I did try with Necron Abyss but I just couldn't get a consistent blue (even after constantly mixing the paint again and again). :( Perhaps I will begin with the Scouts and concentrate getting a consistent blue on those before tackling the other CF's. Well I'm off to the Forge World store to traet myself - I did not spend my xmas bonus so I think I will treat myself to some Black Templar goodies. Wil post up some WIP this week - sent most of today sticking BT's together - hardly worthy of a post.

Well we ave 8 inches of snow here so we were sent home from work. There was much anger and weeping at this decision. So I have managed to finish off some of my Crimson Fists and take pictures of them in natural daylight. Hopefully this will show the dark blue I have opted for more faithfully. It is basically regal blue with a ultramarine highlight followed by a wash of badab black and asurmen blue. You will note that my CF veterans have crimson helms - the white just didn't work for me so I went with the crimson. Firstly the first Sternguards:






And the first Vanguards:






And a Veteran Sergeant:




Black Templar's WIP (very boring):



And my trial Imp Fist Scout scheme (needs tidying up I know):



And to complete the days' post, the bitzbox(es) I have gathered to complete the Crusade of Brotherhood (loads of stuff not even shown here such as 2 Land Raiders, Rhinos, Dreadnoughts and all the metal figures):



That's all folks!

  • 1 month later...

Greetings to all. It's seems ages since I did anything on the Crusade of Brotherhood. Work is a real SOB at the mo. Seem to be working 12 hours a day (an hour each way travelling to - leaves me with 8 hours). But I've done a little these last weeks so here are the fruits of those toils.


Terminator Sergeant (still some work to do on the RH shoulder which isn;t shown here and of course he needs basing to)



Two members of the Terminator Assault Squad



Two Initiates



And two WIP shots. Firstly an objective for Templars (there being the mortal remains of Castellan Brasak, may the Immortal Emperor protect his soul). One of the new SM casualties with a plastic bolt pistol and a wrecked Chaos helm.



And my WIP Command Squad for the Templars (using the new Marine Codex). The Templar on the left wield a two handed sword which is first attempt at this. Not too bad. I have covered up any unsightly joins with purity seals ans penants!



Well I am hoping to complete the first BT Tactical squad this week as well as a five man Imperial Fist Scout Squad.

  • 2 months later...

Well apologies to all for not posting anything for over a month. I do have a very good (and rather messy!) excuse. Towards the end of april my boss and I went to see a client at Heathrow (I work for an aviation design and production company - interiors mainly). Usual things - lots of talk and that. We had something to eat, another meeting, looked at a nice new 777 aircraft. Got home that night and....I basically spent the next six hours heaving up :) Rushed up to the hospital where I was informed I had food poisoning/gastric bug. Spent a week in hospital (which made me feel worse) and lost three stone in weight. :cry: It's really taken until now for me to feel much like doing anything but go to work, come home at midday and go to bed. I must confess that the Black Templars have been a godsend as they have given me some focus and distraction. So apologies to all - I have had a quick look on the forums and some of the work is truly amazing and inspiring. Some things have changed - my Iron Warriors ahve been sold and will be replaced by another CSM force and I am also tinkering with a the idea of a whole Scout Company (as per Apocalypse Reloaded).


Thank you for your time,


Commander Draaken


P.S. I noticed my boss did not get food poisoning - is this a plot to incapacitate the Emperor's Finest? I think perhaps a day in the Inquisitorial Dungeons would do him the world of good.

First Black Templars Squad is now complete as well as two Assault Termies - another three to go!


Crusader Squad





They also have a WIP Rhino



And Dreadnought backup



Assault Terminators



Another distraction (apologies for being off-topic) is my Blood Bowl Team. I've used the classic and original Reikland Reavers scheme - blue and yellow. Here is the first three linemen.



I've also been in our attic this weekend helping my parents to clear junk out and I found some old Rogue Trader era figures in metal. I'm stripping them at the moment (Seriwash Screen Cleaner - works brilliantly) and they include a metal Conversion Beamer - so I will post pctures once they are clean.


Now for some advice. I want to begin putting together a Scout Company. I originally thought of the Ultramarines but everyone but everyone and their granny knows what they look like. Then I thought of the Raptors...


However in my Insignium Astartes they are shown in all green as they are in IA3: Taros. But on my Adeptus Astartes Black Library post (as well as in the RT era Compendium wher the Raptors took part in the war against the Tiger Claws) they are shown with dark blue bodies, arms and helms and yellow greaves, shoulder pads and fists. What I was thinking was using both schemes. Some Scouts in the toned down variant wih camo cloaks (as well as the Land Speeder Storms) and some in the 'other' scheme. Perhaps I will paint up samples of both and post them.


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