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The Knight and the Wolf

Marshal Rohr

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Welcome, one and all, to my first WIP thread, and hopefully it is worth your visit. First, I must warn you that I am no great painter like the more famed members of our humble message board. Second, I only play Loyalist Space Marines, I had a guard army once, I lost a lot with it. Being the immature baby that I am, I swore never again to touch something unless it wears the most blessed Power Armor. Since then I have forsaken all others (including Chaos for reasons I wont go into without a lawyer present), and to this day have only collected Space Marines*.


I own several Marine armies, all in various stages of completeness. Starting with the largest and most complete are my Black Templars. They were my first real army, as the Ultramarines I own didn't quite do it for me, so now they wait until my skills are worthy of attempting Calgar and his Honor Guard. I have somewhere around 6000 to 8000 points depending on the day I count.


Models marked with an * are in line to be stripped and repainted.

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Castigators 3rd Company, 'the Lightbringers'

Squad II 'the Sentinels': Veteran Sergeant Deiad

Squad II, Combat Squad II, Team Vorenus


Team Leader Vorenus




Brother Lucius



* Hopefully, you can see the improvement in Chapter Symbol. The Mistake I made on the first was to start with the Shoulder. On the Team Leader's I stared by Drawing the circle, to provide boundaries and then at Mol's suggestion I began the arm at the elbow and it panned from there. I am pleased with t and I hope You guys like it too.

Guardians of the Covenant:

Yes, I have hopped onto that band wagon as well. Dark Angels was the first Codex I bought and I decided right then that eventually I would have an army of them. I didnt know it would be five years later. I chose the Guardians because of the simplcity of the color scheme and after seeing Midian's test mini, I decided I would copy his to help with the speed painting process. Luckily, it really only does take two hours and I was able to complete these two in one afternoon. I just wish they looked as good as his :D .

Test Mini's





The Darkness really messes them up, but I kind of like how dark it makes the robes. I wont go out of my way to paint them like that, but I think it adds something ominous.

Imperial Fists:

Yes, thats right. Imperial Fists. I am officially a Band Wagon rider. I see soemthing I like, and I copy it shamelessly. I will be using the Chaos Bunny recipe and the scheme will be the same as King Mong's awesome artwork. This test figure will be a Sternguard so I can try to get a handle on the complete color pallet(sp?).


The magazine looks at an unnatural angle because of the camera, IRL it looks like the metal models. Ignore the base attache tot he bolter as it is there to hold the bolter steady when I remove it from the model for painting.

Well thats all for today. Next update should be soon as I have a GotC Terminator, Imperial Fist, and 3 Black Templars to finish as well as the freehand Chapter badges on the last three members of Team Vorenus.


Whoa, Ninja compliments! Thanks guys, but I really want to see if I can make them better by spending alot of time on them, as they were painted for a tourne. Except Todt, he was just rushed for a game...

I am glad that people have even looked lol. The other threads I write die slowly.


-GoTC Terminator has been primed and basecoated. Pics as soons as my camera recharges.

-Second Combat Squad of 'the Sentinels' has been primed and basecoated.


-Sirius is still WIP. I am trying to chose what Wargear I should give him.





-My Imperial Fist Captain is also WIP. He is based off of the Master of the Watch but I dont know where I am going with him.

Pics of the Captain and Terminator up soon!

Here are WIP's of each Castigator Sergeant in my Demi-Company

Squad I the 'Torchbearers': Veteran Sergeant Meridius


Known for his expert marksmanship, Veteran Sergeant Meridius spent time as a Squad Leader in the 10th Company. Upon elevation to his current position in the 'Lightrbingers', he was gifted with a Karch-Pattern Bolt Pistol by Captain Sirius, although he notably does not use the extended magazine traditionally employed with such a weapon. It should be noted that Team Leader Scipius was a member of Meridius scout squad.

Squad II, the 'Sentinels': Veteran Sergeant Deiad


Known for his bombastic personality, Sergeant Deiad is the comic releif of the 3rd. However, do not take his lightness for weakness, for none have seen a greater fury than Sergeant Deiad amongst a melee.

Squad III, 'the Illuminators': Veteran Sergeant Solemnas


Sergeant Solemnas personifies the Zealot. Rushing into combat at the head of his Illuminators he swiftly deals justice to the impure. He has a keen tactical mind none, save Captain Sirius, can compare to. He has persoanlly carried the day during many battles and as such holds a position of great influence in the company. Captain Sirius gifted Solemnas with the 'Helm of Patronus', the noble warrior who know pilots the Dreadnaught Godslayer.

Squad VII, the 'Eagle's Claws': Veteran Sergeant Asprenus


The 'Eagles Claws' are Captain Sirius' trusted reserve. He uses Sergeant Asprenus as a quick reaction force when the company comes under heavy weapons fire. It is Sergeant Asprenus who will lead his men in a quick charge to silence the heavy weapons so that their brothers may continue, all the while covering them from counter assault by the elites melee units of the Enemies of the Imperium.

Squad IX, the 'Hammers of Dawn': Veteran Sergeant Asturias


Captain Sirius has a particular fondness for devastator squads, and Sergeant Asturias is a capable battery commander. His squad will target the vehicles that speed enemy fast attack elements to the front, denying them vital reinforcementsand allowing for the Tactical squads to finish them off.

...will finsih when I return home

My Emperor's Champion stand-in until I finish the current one.


Sword Brethren Lukas







WIP Honor Guard





I love this guy. I think that this is one of the Best GW models ever made. He still needs some serious detailing on the other portions of his armor and things of that nature.

Guardian Terminator



This guy needs a little more ink on his back and his face needs to be done, and some other obvious stuff.

Hope this update was satisfactory, luckily my schedule allows me all of Friday off so expect either some more Castigators, Black Templars, or a very special WIP of either Grimaldus or Helbrecht depending on how I feel.

Thanks for looking :tu:



It's awesome to see you making some progress (at last you've got your camera) but please, please, please, please reduce your pics in size. My connection at university's a bit sporadic and I can't see half the pictures because they've been loading for ages. Crop them to remove the needless space around them, and/or reduce them in size a bit! Especially as this thread's only going to get more and more pic-heavy as you go along.


With that said, it's cool to see you making progress. You technically now have more painted Castigators than I do! :P I'm liking what I can see of your Sergeants thus far. As for Sirius, I'd advocate the Storm Shield. Personally I'd suggest sawing off the left arm and replacing it with another, allowing you to have a normal Chapter symbol. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with him.

Whoa, I seriously overslept!


@Terminatorinhell: :D


@Hopefully this thread gives me the motivation to work more on my models than I have in the past. Hopefully I will be able to expand these into full armies at some point. Right now I am really excited over the Fists, but I can't seem to paint yellow!


@Mol, I didn't know that would be a problem, and now I feel like a jerk :( . Ill try to do that on future pics. Is it in a photo editor? Can I do it on the BnC? I'll try to make them more slow connection friendly.



Thanks, but which HQ model? I am unfortunately cursed to buy more HQ than troops :D .



Ferrus If you like the idea of the plasma pistol, I have a conversion coming soon I think you will really like alot ;) . Stay tuned because as soon as I figure out how to use GS, he will be posted.


@Cpt. Mick

Thanks! Together I hope that my armies will one day rival yours. I always pop into your thread for some inspiration when deciding whether or not to stop where I am or expand on. (I usually expand on ;) ).


Thaqnks for looking, and the kind words. Todays first update should be soon, with none other than the High Marshal and Chaplain Grimaldus WIP.


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