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Project: Guardians of the Reef


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Here we go. Fresh out of receiving magnet implants, the captain has started to get some paint on him:







It is far from done but I will add more pictures as I progress. The legs haven't been painted codex gray, and what codex gray is painted hasn't been washed with badab black yet. Also the eye is going to need some work so as to not look so vibrant compared to the rest of the model.

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Thanks Captain Mick. I'll be working on him a lot in the next day or two and correcting some of the current problems.

Nephilim... here is the scheme:


As you can see the codex gray is too blue for my original concept... so I think I'm going to tone it down with a blend of charadon granite foundation mixed with the codex gray.

I'm a fan of KISS. I think the green wrists, elbows and belt is too much work to do. But they do break up the grey and it's working on the scheme. Noticing your sig, I see it's not replicated on the standard marine and that is a good move. On the model, I am really loving the dark red helmet and matching cape ;).

Hi Race Bannon. Thank you. Yes, only veterans and HQ get the red helmet. You can see this here:


I really need to get the codex gray areas to be darker... the scheme does work as evidenced by the sm painter, it's just a matter of getting it right. ;)

The paint scheme looks nice <_< The little details (of wrists elbow guards and helms) distinguish the ranks/specialties quite a lot.

And about the codex gray,are you sure that's codex there on the torso? seems to me that after the flash of the camera its something like shadow grey or space wolves gray,codex is the "true gray" and also quite "flat" as a color.For the codex gray areas to be darker you can always wash it with badab black..

Thank you. <_<


The Chapter Master and Captain are the only two models that are going to be "blinged" out like that. I think this will create a good distinction in rank like you said. About the codex gray... yes I'm positive I am using codex gray, but the flash of the camera is making it much brighter than it looks in person. Even to the naked eye without bright light the gray areas look... wrong. Not true to what the sm painter came up with. The charadon granite foundation (on the legs in those pictures) are closer... but without the aid of a flash, too dark. Argh. Frustrating.


So it's just a matter of getting a blend that I like. On the right arm I did wash the grey areas with badab black... I can try mixing badab with granite though to get a deeper color.

Small update... I'm getting some success toning down the codex gray by mixing charadon granite foundation with the badab wash. I have to be careful with the foundation though as it lays down very heavy with little effort. I hope to finish him up and get his legs in the next day. :D




Narthecium: Thank you! But I do believe your painting skills are great, especially those termies. It's not easy getting helmet markings that precise. :pinch:


Thanks for the compliments on the scheme guys. I really thought of doing the whole Desert Scorpions thing again... but glad I didn't. They were too cartoonish. This new scheme has a militaristic theme that I enjoy painting and dirtying up. He really looks like he's fought countless battles. The other models I've painted were too pristine, too clean.


I received ten AoBR models in the mail on Saturday along with the captain model which I will convert into my Chapter Master. I hope to get pictures up soon. :nuke:

This is really coming along nicely, loving that paint scheme!


If you're having trouble finding the right shade of grey, have you thought of looking outside the GW range? Vallejo Model Colour has some excellent shades of grey, aimed at Military models - I picked up a few different shades - a very dark grey, a greeny grey (the colour of German WW2 uniforms), right up to an off-white - might be worth checking out the range and seeing if there's something that suits your needs?

Really top notch. I like the scheme as well. It lends itself to adding wear to the power armor without looking uncared for. I've always thought too much wear was silly, after all, marines do nothing but fight, train and care for their armor, it should look pretty nice at the start of each mission. (Of course Space Wolves also drink pretty heavily....)



Anyway, your scheme allows some trace of antiquity to the armor without making it look unkempt. Really nice.

Thanks guys. :P


Brother Caedrius: I think I got it down now with the charadon granite foundation > codex gray > granite + badab black wash process. I used to have some vallejo paints and they were always nice, if not a bit too watery for my tastes. I may look into them again if they have just the right color straight ouf the bottle.


Grimfoe: Thanks. :D I was never a huge fan of really dirty and battle damaged space marines either but I think he looks pretty good like that. His armor isn't torn or scratched... just looks like it's smudged with oils and dirt.


I'll try to get pictures up of the first 6 tactical marines I'm working on but it has been slow-going due to work and home life.


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