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Hold the Line


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I wanted to know if I'm reading this correctly. The specific description for Pedro Cantor says that "you trade chapter tactics for the Stubborn USR and all sternguard gain the Hold the Line ability. So does this require you to take stubborn to get the hold the line ability? Or does that come simply as part of taking Pedro? You know as I'm reading this more and more I'm pretty sure that is how it's required. :D But I'll throw it out to all of you to see if anyone has a different take on it.


So much for Scoring Stern Guard in a drop pod with an OutFlanking army from Kor'sarro I really liked the Idea of simply saying ok I'm setup with an empty board, and having the ability to come in more or less where ever I want. :D And still maintain mobility.

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First, you don't trade Chapter Tactics away. You trade Combat Tactics away for Chapter Tactics (if you quote a rule, please do so correctly). And any unit that previously had Combat Tactics now gain Stubborn instead. On top of that Sternguard count as scoring. There is no possibility of retaining Combat Tactics.


Second, what the other guys said.

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  • 2 months later...

Ok, I did a search in Official Forum and Index Astartes. The latter had so many pages I was not sure how to refine the question, so I am resurfacing this thread as it's title matches my querry ...


According to the CF Chapter tactics, Combat Tactics are traded for Stubborn and Hold the Line. This makes sense to me.


Today I was up against ulkan and Kantor in one list and told before the game that Hold the Line is an ability applied only to the Sternguard because of Kantor, not the CF Chapter Tactics. Thus, Vulkan's Chapter Tactics could be used over Kantor. THUS, I was up against 8 scoring units while Meltas and Thunder Hammers were Master-crafted.


My arguement was that the AND between Stubborn and Hold the Line meant the USR and scoring Sternguard ability are both a part of the Crimson Fist Chapter Tactics, not seperate.


Am I correct? If not, how?

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You are correct. 'Hold The Line!' is part of Pedro Kantor's 'Chapter Tactics'. His Chapter Tactics rule explains that in his army, all units exchange 'Combat Tactics' for 'Stubborn' and his Sternguard squads gain 'Hold The Line!'. After listing those two changes, the rule then proceeds to explain that if more than one character with 'Chapter Tactics' is used in your army, you must chose which version applies. There is absolutely no ambiguity whether the 'Hold The Line!' upgrade that had just been presented the sentence before is included in said 'Chapter Tactics'.


The 'Hold The Line!' special rule is then described separately from the Chapter Tactics entry, which may be the reason for the confusion. But there is no way to get that special rule other than by using Kantors 'Chapter Tactics'.

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  Legatus said:
You are correct. 'Hold The Line!' is part of Pedro Kantor's 'Chapter Tactics'. His Chapter Tactics rule explains that in his army, all units exchange 'Combat Tactics' for 'Stubborn' and his Sternguard squads gain 'Hold The Line!'. After listing those two changes, the rule then proceeds to explain that if more than one character with 'Chapter Tactics' is used in your army, you must chose which version applies. There is absolutely no ambiguity whether the 'Hold The Line!' upgrade that had just been presented the sentence before is included in said 'Chapter Tactics'.


The 'Hold The Line!' special rule is then described separately from the Chapter Tactics entry, which may be the reason for the confusion. But there is no way to get that special rule other than by using Kantors 'Chapter Tactics'.


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