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Black Templars Army

paulson games

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Finally have most of the assembly done on my templars army, thought I'd post a few pics for feedback.


HQ models.


Emperor's Champion:



HQ Champion:




Chaplain: http://www.paulsongames.instantecom.net/i/warhammer/btchaplin2.jpgCenobyte: http://www.paulsongames.instantecom.net/i/warhammer/btcenobyte2.jpg Standard http://www.paulsongames.instantecom.net/i/warhammer/btstandard.jpg



Teminators: http://www.paulsongames.instantecom.net/i/warhammer/btterminatoraxe.jpghttp://www.paulsongames.instantecom.net/i/warhammer/btterminatorstormbolter.jpghttp://www.paulsongames.instantecom.net/i/warhammer/btterminatorblack.jpg


In Progress Chaplain http://www.paulsongames.instantecom.net/i/warhammer/btchaplain3_1.jpg


In progress terminator http://www.paulsongames.instantecom.net/i/warhammer/btassaultcannon2.jpg



The Big Daddy in progress http://www.paulsongames.instantecom.net/i/warhammer/thunderhawk.jpg



Finished drilling out weapon barrels, I'm currently prepping models for paint, greenstuffing cracks and lots of scraping. The thunderhawk is waiting on magnets for the canopy and weapons, & will be adding etched brass and greenstuff templars icons. Tons of gap filling and filing still needing to be done on that model. Has been a nightmare to put together as several pieces were warped/miscast, definately don't recommend the model unless you are a very serious modeler.


The Chaplain I started last night, needs more work on the chains and I haven't begun highlighting the armor yet, but work on the robe is just about done. Will likely need dull coating when it's done, much more shiny in the pics than in person.


The Terminator I did a while ago as a test color pattern, not sure that I'm happy with it. Didn't add much detail as it's a test piece. Not sure if I want to do armor highlights through careful drybrushing or by grey lining.



I also started on a squad of Initiates last night here's a couple in progess shots, I need to go back and remove the mould lines on the bolt pistols and drill them out. I wanted something to paint right then and there, but didn't want to clean as I'd already spent 3 hrs drilling and scraping all the terminators. This should be the standard pattern for my initiates.




shot of all 3 http://www.paulsongames.instantecom.net/i/warhammer/btsquad3.jpg





All of the standard marines and terminators are fitted in the tabards from the conversion sprue.


Just about everything is built, (been building slowly for about 4 months) although I'm still toying with modifications, mould scraping and greenstuffing before I get to paint. While the list will vary depending on the game size, so far the arsenal of models consists of:




4 techmarines

15 sword brethern

75 initates (20 w bolters)

50 neophytes

15 assault marines

50 terminators (15 w close combat weapons)

3 dreadnoughts

3 landspeeders

2 landraider crusaders

1 landraider terminus

5 rhinos

3 predators

5 drop pods


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Thanks guys glad you like them. :tu:


For game play the champion would probably be a castellan or even a commander, or whatever HQ I want a really badass looking marine for.


The metal model for the emperor's champion is a sword brethern model, I did a head and sword swap from the emperor's champion model. Thought it looked much more dynamic and imposing than the regular empror's champion model. Took some work to get the heads cut out correctly but otherwise a realitively simple mod.


The chaplain is grimaldus with a head swap and a bit covering the vox caster looking thing he has. The bit is actually the midsectio of a templar torse piece cut down to fit.


The double sided axe was somewhat inspired by the masters of the chapter mini, I saw his huge axe and thought I needed to make something along that line for my templars, a fairly simple conversion that has a lot of flair. You have to remove the power cord on the back of the axe in order for the blade to fit but doesn't require much else other than lining up the part straight and a touch of greenstuff to fill the crack between the haft and the blade.


The storm sheild I used clippers and a file to remove the bulk of the plastic, then I rescored the cross shaped lines where the previous icon had covered it. Added the sword bit and seals, gefore I paint I'll be adding in a power cord running from the hand grip to the sholder pad with guitar wire. I've also converted some of the smaller storm sheilds to have templar icons, although IMO they aren't as impressive as the towering sergeants sheild.


I have some of the forge world sheilds and they look awesome but the iconry differs slightly from the stock GW design and while it's very minor it bugs me and decided to make my own storm sheilds that fit the look closer. I'm a bit obsessive about keeping everything in unified theme as closely as possible.


The bases are 40mm blasted ruins bases from dark gae gaming. I sell them in my online store and they available through most game stores, they have a pretty sweet range of bases and look great without any work beyond glueing them down. I like converting but I'm lazy about bases and I'd rather buy them than make them. I'll probably be using some of the dragon forge bases as well.


Here's some shots of the commander:




I think he looks good but he's all stock parts and doesn't seem buff and imposing enough when standing next to the guy with the double axe, so I may end up changing him so he's a bit more bulked out.

Wow!! Why have I never seen this before?!! This is amazing stuff. All those models look REALLY BTish!! Awesome awesome stuff.


Following with great interest.

I ask you to join Rogue-Market, and share this amazing project. We have a lack of Black Templar players, and you'd be a great addition to the family!

The bases are cast resin, 40mm blasted ruins bases from dark age gaming. They aren't too exspensive and looked pretty hot, I hate making my own bases so laziness wins and I just bought bases. There's a several differant varieties available, ice, junk metal, lava and the blasted ruins. The smaller infantry size bases are 30mm as opposed to the standard 25 mm for GW bases, so they overlap the plastic base ever so slightly, but look amazing. They also make a big 50mm base, that I'll be using for my techmarines and the high marshall.


The only downside to the bases IMO is that they are so beautifully detailed that I hate to cover them up, as even with the oversized bases the models cover a lot of the base due to their cloaks & tabards. Also they only have a single variety of sculpts, so you want to mount the models on them in various posistions so the repetition isn't as obvious. A few of the bases I made minor changes to with clippers & and a knife so the stone edges don't look quite as idenitcal. You also need to wash them in dishsoap before you glue or paint them as they have a coating release agent that keeps stuff from sticking to it.


The 30mm come in a pack of 3, 40mm is a pack of 2, and the 50mm is a single base.


Not trying to flog my site but I sell the bases in my online store www.paulsongames.com and they should also be available through other sites as well. I think they are an awesome product which is why I'm using them for my army.


Dragon Forge Games, and Micro Art Studios also make good resin bases.



As for the various model parts, everything is from stock GW kits, no real greenstuff sculpting or cross product swaps. I'm a stickler for keeping everything holding to the same design and imagry. The only thing I had to go out of standard GW range for was the thunderhawk, and that will be somewhat recitified by using stock plastic icons where ever possible. I picked up the oversized forge world storm sheilds which I think look amazing but am holding off using them in my army as the forge world BT logo differs from the GW one and while it's a very minor detail it annoys the crap out of me when I look at it. I may end up replicating their design with styrene provide I can modify to hold stock iconry like the marine champion I did.


The majority of the chains and skulls are from the chaos marauder standards and flail weapons, I bought a box but you cna probably find just the bits you are looking for much cheaper through a bits site. The robed HQ bodies are from the dark angels veterans box, something I'd definately pick up as it has a huge amount of juicy bits and even if you don't need the DA bits wwith their chapter logo all over they make good trade bait. I also used a few bits from the empire fantasy line, the sheilds are from the empire knights and I think you can still get those direct from GW. On the emperor's champion I used some chain bits from the empire flagellants, which has an awesome number of chain and book bits as well.

Paulson games, do you prime your minatures black first? if so wat primer do you use, or type(i know some people dip them in ink). and finaly if u prime them black do u repaint their armor with shades of black or do you leave the black areas your origional prime color.


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