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Black Templars Army

paulson games

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a while since my last update, I've been somewhat distracted away from 40k by my conversion intensive troll-gators project for hordes Link


After several disappointing games I sold off the thunderhawk, so that will no longer be part of my army, although I may resurrect efforts on the scratch built one. Link It just didn't perform how it should for the costs and is very fragile compaired to all the other superheavies. If you want something big just go with a warhound titan, it'll have more damage output and far more survivability. (plus it'll cost half as much money)


Anyways I found a small loophole in the templars biker rules that I want to test so I got a pair of ravenwing boxes that I'm in the process of building as templars, the bike squad has a techmarine and since there's no models for that it was conversion time! Here's what I worked up, it's still in the rough phase I'll be adding all sorts of wires and cables to it and the techmarine needs a lot of greenstuff to pair up the legs to the chest, and he'll need a backpack of some sort. I'm particuarly proud of the servor harness, it took a lot of experimentation to get one that looked good and wasn't just a servor harnes stuck on the bike. I think it's very cool looking and has some nice minor details to it like the screen and keypad.


Not sure if I want to keep the plastic techmarine sholderpad or go back to the metal one as it has more detail. Later on I'll be adding on some templar bits and icons to tie it into my army theme a bit more.











The current templar arsenal stands at:




4 techmarines

15 sword brethern

75 initates (20 w bolters)

50 neophytes

15 assault marines

20 devastator marines

50 terminators (15 w close combat weapons)

5 dreadnoughts

5 landspeeders

5 landraider crusaders

3 landraiders

1 landraider terminus

5 rhinos

3 predators

3 vindicators

6 drop pods

12 bikes (2 will be techmarine bikes)

2 attack bikes

2 bike chaplains

wip thunderhawk


2 thunderfire cannons for apoc

I also bought a stormlord for apoc that will be converted into a templars techmarine superheavy, although that conversion is a ways off.

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If you're going to be greenstuffing the legs to resemble artificer armour or what have you, you could do the same to the plastic shoulderpad and thus differentiate your techmarine further from how the metal techmarine is strictly out of the box. The Ravenwing sprues also have some nice techmarine bits.
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Interesting idea. I think his legs need to be significantly bulkified, though. Maybe not quite as big as the legs of the techmarine models, but bigger none the less. Maybe use the same overlapping plated armor look, too.


Nice work!

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A few hours of pushing greenstuff around and I've just about finished the first leg, I'm pretty happy with it as it's the first time I've ever done any sculpting in GS, previously I've only used it for gap filling. Starting to get the hang of it, the surface is much smoother than it appears in the pics as the way the camera picks up the lighting it makes the surface look slightly lumpy which it isn't.



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fantastic take on the techmarine, and your army imagery in general :D


Your GS work is damned impressive, It causes nothing but grief for me. :P



- T14

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Great work! I fear that the thigh may be a little too unsubstantial, though. While the sculpt is fantastic, I think it needs a little more bulkiness.


As a side note, once the other leg is done... will he still fit on the bike? Didn't think of that before, but hopefully it's not an issue.



Great work!

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The rear mount of thd servor harness was made from a pair of landspeeder assault cannons, and pair of lights from the ravenwing box. Also there's a piece from the standard vehicle sprue, I think makes up part of the missle launcer. Looks kinda like a flat box, and then mounted the assault canon housing on top of that. The computer pad is from a drop pod, I didn't use the center collums or harnesses on my pods so I just chopped one of those. (You could do simular using parts from a rhino or landraider interior)



As for the techmarine himself he'll still fit on the bike, when I started adding putty I made sure that it didn't go past where the original inner leg edge was. The stock techmarines thigh isn't super bulky just the lower, what gives the impression of bulkiness is that he has all sorts of cables and purity seals that serve to fatten his hips and thigh areas. Additionally the stock bike marines hip are already very bowed looking, and the hips are very wide compaired to a normal standing marine, given that the hip already juts out I didn't want to exagerrate that even more. Otherwise it'd look like he had legs that had popped out of socket or something as they are already so stretched out.


I put in about 5 hours of work on the sculpting so far, I read a lot of tutorials and it's paying off ok IMO. The feet were probably the hardest part, as there's multiple sets of indentation and trying to keep things square at the same time was problematic since greenstuff wants you bulge out in other ares when you pressing down to add details. Had to do alot of revisions and used a hobby knife several times to remove excess material. In compairision the leg armor was much easier to do, I kept getting finger prints on it which drove me nuts but they smoothed back down ok with some water and tool work.


The key this time around has been waiting for the greenstuff to harden up slightly before doing the harder details, I think my past failed attempts were because I always tried to make it work right away while the greenstuff was too soft and sticky. This time I put small clumps down and waited about 15-20 minutes before trying to do any actual shaping and about an hour before adding any clean details or lines.

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Holy crap! You are my new idol. Your Black Reach conversion is simply stunning, and the techbike is phenominal! For a "first" GS sculpt, that artificer leg looks very good. I can't wait to see these two models with some paint on them!
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I'm also trying to do my own take on the BT, and you sir, are simply a genius. I had turned down buying the AoBR set becaue I had heard that there isn't much detail in it, but now I am considering it. I'll most likely jack you're techmarine bike idea...hope it's okay.
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You guys are more than welcome to use the ideas, so steal away. :D


The blackreach set I think is an awesome deal the models have slightly less detail in their sculpts but most of that can be fixed if you do just a bit of trimming. For the cost you can't go wrong, the commander has potential for modification as does the dreadnought.


With just a little work the basic marines can be cleaned up, they only really work for bolter troops which isn't always the best option for templars but they are dirt cheap when compaired to a regular squad of tactical marines. Makes good if you want bolter troops or making tactical squads for other side chapters, I bought a couple boxes with a friend who used the orks and I'll be using them for a secondary chapter at some point.


They need a little scraping around the elbow and on the leg, but look pretty good all in all, I used a black reach marine for this conversion Link plus some of them have very cool looking helmets that the regular tactical marines don't have (mark 8 helmet?)


There's also some tutorials for making the terminators into templars, I haven't done it yet but it's just extra incentive to pick up a blackreach set, very good deal for the money.

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There's some plastic parts underneath that are grey (like the arm and leg towards the background)


The "greenstuf" that is covering the leg and hip is actually brown in color, it's the epoxy sculpt brand version of greenstuff. It's slightly harder than GW's brand of greenstuff so it takes sharp edges better. (like the armor edges and details)


Is that what you were asking about?



(If it's the grey on the gator-trolls from my link it's because it's the privateer P3 brand of greenstuff, I was experimenting to see which one I liked best and they all have differant colors)

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  • 3 months later...

Wow it's been quite a while since I've tackled anything for my templars force but I was getting the itch to play some games and decided I needed to finish off the models for my bike list. I still need to convert another chaplain and a commander but the core of the list is finally assembled. I ran the list on monday which performed amazing on the charge due to some ruleslawyering & beardy-ness with how the templars codex is printed. With tons of powerweapon attacks it's a beat stick although it's a bit fragile against certain lists, but it's awesome as it can beat the tar out of a bike nobs list.


The first techmarine I'd posted a long while back, his greenstuff/brownstuff is finished and all he needs now is a good backpack. The second techmarine I decided to keep much simpler and went with a plastic marine rather than chopping more pewter and sculpting. The bikes with the axes have their arms magnetized so they can be switched out for meltas, if I think I'll be up against armor.


The bikers all have the robed legs from the ravenwing sprue, Mark 8 templars chests, helmets, and shoulder pads from the templars conversion spure.



I only wish that I could take bike neophytes or stick the emperor's champion on a bike.










I'd been putting in a lot of time on my star wars marines for a while, and have also been messing with my Tau the last couple weeks, with having 3 armies in the works it's hard to juggle the time between lists, but at least it gives me enough projects that I don't get too bored while making progess in random areas.


Here's the links to my other projects:


Star Wars Marines: Link


Tau Army: Link



(I should have an update on the star wars marines soon)

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  • 3 weeks later...

After much debate about what modifications I wanted to do I finally started putting in some work on the promo sicarius, cut off all the ultra marine icons and replaced them with templars ones as well as adding a Mark VIII armored collar. I'm not sure if he'll be a chaplain or one of the HQ's but I think he's definately intimidating. I am going to add a few more templar marking bits to him and a small chain to hold the cross on his chest.






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Lol glad you like it, and you're welcome to copy ;) Be careful cutting all those tiny bits, easy to cut yourself when they are that small and I dropped them like a billion times. The collar is from the tabard torso and cut to fit, you will need to remove a lot of the armored collar back behind the head which really helps if you have a dremmel tool.
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Yeah been bouncing forums as my gamer ADD takes many forms and not all just power armored. :huh:


Been working on my casting skills quite a bit andI think I have it down quite good now so I can replicate all sorts of small parts without needing to spend on full kits just for a random bit. I also bought some new modeling tools including a punch and die set which has been awesome for styrene conversion work.


The forge world thunderhawk I sold off to another templars player, I wasn't overly happy with it for game play and needed some cash. With planetstrikes release I've got the itch to work on the scratch built one again and I may try finishing it over the next couple months. Moved all my pics of my various projects to my photobucket gallery so you can check out all the crazy non-marine stuff I've been busy with.

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Jeez...it's conversions like yours that keep me pushing myself forward, hoping one day I will be that epic. My ONLY complaint is that your bikers are looking a little to stale...they need more personal stuff (and lances...but then again I really like lances on BT bikes). Awesome work Battle-Brother, truly inspiring!
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It's a very valid critique, I like the bikes but the problem is that there's only so much you can do to the riders as there's fewer pose variations availabe and it's very hard to do a dramatic bike rider.


I had considered lances but I was sort of at a loss for how to do them, lances drafted over from fantasy are wood and look too flimsy, I'd think a marine sized lance would be pretty huge. I saw a few really cool lances in a templars bikes squad but they were converted from choas bits that are long out of print.


I'm not keen on the swords, and would prefer to replace them with lances if I can figure out a way to do it, they are magnetized so I can swap them out with no real effort. I totally love using the templar axes in my army and also like how they look on the bikes but the only down side is that there's a very limited range of motion/posistions for it as they get tied up on the handle bars or look like they are being held to high.


I'll be adding a bunch of saddle bags and equipment to the bikes from the raven wing sprue, but removing the chapter icons. It'll help the bikes look a bit more rough, and battle ready, but the limited range of templar heads, one body and leg set means that the non character bikers are probably not going to be as cool or as imposing as the infantry models. I'll just have to make the charcters extra cool to make up for it :(

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  • 2 months later...
After much debate about what modifications I wanted to do I finally started putting in some work on the promo sicarius, cut off all the ultra marine icons and replaced them with templars ones as well as adding a Mark VIII armored collar. I'm not sure if he'll be a chaplain or one of the HQ's but I think he's definately intimidating. I am going to add a few more templar marking bits to him and a small chain to hold the cross on his chest.








I just registered. I'm starting a Templar army myself and I'm really flabbergasted with your work, you really inspire me! I have a question though, what pieces did you exactly use for this model if I may ask? (or if any other knows).

Would be greatly appreciated!

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