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WIP HQs for my Crimson Fist


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First up is a simple Chapter Master/Captain with Artificer Armor, Relic Blade, and Storm Shield. He has the cheast from the company champion though its hard to see right now cause of light and its not painted.



My version of Vulcan but if he was Crimson Fist. Need to get a friends drill and drill out holes in the gauntlet for the heavy flamer. I really like the beefy shoulder pads from the company champion the just give a nice big and manly look to the models.

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They look good so far and the useage of a halberd for the vulkans 2nd cousins aunties uncles brothers mothers nephew (if that makes any sence as somewhat of a running joke to something like that in the GW whenever someone uses a 'coutn as' HQ such as vulkan. I being the very first do such an act in the GW). One thing I'm wondering, is that heavy flamer another under-slung version?


On another matter, is it legal to take a storm shield and relic blade and benefit from them in CC (since relic blade is two handed and the storm shield requires a hand to use)?

Great models, they look a little bland right now, but they aren't finished yet, no?



On another matter, is it legal to take a storm shield and relic blade and benefit from them in CC (since relic blade is two handed and the storm shield requires a hand to use)?

In the new Codex, one-handed or two-handed does not matter when selecting equipment, but I'm not sure in combat, I don't really play, yet.

Thanks, ya they are not even close to being done yet. I was working on some other stuff for a tournement this weekend and through these two together since i was going to prime stuff anyways. They are kinda on the back burner right now as I finish up stuff I know i need for the weekend.


And on the weapon choices yes you can take both and use them as a storm shield does not say it takes a hand just says you can get the benefit of an extra attack with it. Its kinda of weird setup but since they don't really spcify hands its a grey area and best for the rules forum there are lots of threads on it.


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