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The Unhappy Sasquatch

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I'm planning on making a company and was wondering what weapons to give my devastators, my assault and my tactical squads. I thought for the tacticals that i would keep to the same kind of theme, such as plasma gun with plasma cannon, melta and melta.

i have no clue what to do with devastators, i've seen people use 4 multi-meltas, four heavy bolters and four plasma cannons, but i was wandering what combinations go good together. i'm not to concerned with points cost as i'm more of a painter.

Also with assault marines do i take 2 plasma pistols in one squad and 2 flamers in the other?


The Unhappy Sasquatch

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I like to take two different kinds of heavy weapon in my devastor squads.

Like 2 Lascannons and 2 missile launchers

Then I combat squad, so I have two 5 man squads.


If you just want to paint the stuff have 1 of each weapon.

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For Devastator squads I like to have weapons with related purposes, that way there is an actual decision as to combat squadding them or not based on the game I'm playing.


For instance, 2 heavy bolters and 2 lascannons basically needs to be split apart; they aren't weapons you are often going to use on the same target.


My favorites are:


4 of anything cheap, especially heavy bolters or missile launchers


2 missile launchers and either 2 plasma cannons (for heavy infantry killing squads) or 2 lascannons (for tank hunter squads)

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A couple quick thoughts;


1) I don't like PC in Tactical squads because I'm of the opinion that with scatter weapons I like to have multiple shots. Multiples is a general doctrine of mine but especially so with scatter weapons. I run a Dev Squad of 4 PC.


2) For Assault Marines I don't really like the PP anymore. It's just too expensive. Granted you can take out light armor but you also run the risk of overheating and losing 3 CC attacks which is the point of Assault Marines. You also only have the ability for two wounds with the PPs. With two flamers you lose 2 attacks but gain two templates with the possibility of lots of wounds on the target. Even against other Marines two flamers in concert will cause a good wound / cost ratio for me.

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Assault Marines:


- I take a power fist for the sergeant and have krak grenades, so I think the added utility of the plasma pistols is getting low at this point.


- Given their point cost, I think there is a legitimate argument to be made for the flamers, especially since the main purpose of the assault squad is anti-horde / anti-troop.


- However, mine roll with plasma pistols because that's how they were modeled in the previous edition! Damn!

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:lol I feel your pain, Brother! My Plasma Pistol Assault Marines just look awesome, especially the one with the Hand Flamer. At least I can still employ one of my favorite, but hard to use tactics.


Jump onto a building nothing can climb, and double-tap with two plasma pistols and the bolt pistols. It's even more fun when they can't run away after the first turn of shooting.


Back on Topic: I enjoyed fielding a Dev squad with 2 Heavy Bolters and 2 Plasma Cannons in the past... Anti ALL infantry! Not sure about it with the new blast weapon scatter now though.

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Plasma Pistols can be very useful as a Transport popping option, allowing you to subsequently Assault the transportees. With 2 STR 7 hits, you're likely as not to get a decent hit.


Also, one of the best moments with Plasma Pistols I can recall was an incident where I imobilised a Dreadnought before Assaulting in. Going from 6s to 4+ to hit with the Kraks was a major boost.


I just wish Meltaguns were an Assault Squad option.

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Seeing as Lascannons in Dev squads are so stinking expensive, I prefer Dev squads to have 4 rocket launchers or 4 heavy bolters.


There are basically two targets that you want a Lascannon for: Land Raiders and Monoliths.


I totally agree about the expense though.

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