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Largest Sisters of Battle Army


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Depends on how you build it. Just basic footsloggers owuld be fewer points than mechanized of course.


Mission: Palatine + Couple to several squads (21-61 models). This would be anywhere from 270 points to 2000 points.


Commandery: Canoness Commander + 200 Sisters. This would be anywhere from 2300 points on up to even higher.


Preceptory: Canoness Preceptor + 1000 Sisters. This would be a minimum of 11,000 points, but would likely get much higher than that with equipment and upgrades.


Order: Canoness Superior + ~5000 Sisters. Minimum of 55,000 points.

  Imperator Mos said:
I have 50+ painted. So I guess that's a convent, give or take. But I rarely play pure SOB. Repressor not pictured.


I have about 6500 in Sisters (both Puriton and Radical), plus an Inquisitorial force (Grey Knights) - Another 2500 of these.

Most of them have gone back into the tank, as they were early paint job and I'm in the midst of repainting and rebasing all of them.

Imperator Mos, I would love to see some closeups of some of your Sister Units and leaders. It looks like a nice paint scheme, but I can't really tell from the far shot you have posted and your gallergy doesn't go into any details.



Well it was originally going to be an addition to my pure GK force to adda little more flavour to the army... I may increase it to be a taskforce/army in its own right, but I have half a dozen more armies to finish before I even get around to taking them out of the box....

I only wish i owned a digital camera :P


Maybe i can borrow my close freinds ...thinks what it might cost me to bribe her.

Yeah i do have a large army of sisters, still enjoying collecting more too.


Am collecting bits and peices for my new conversion of a Shadowsword Baneblade that will be painted same style and colours of my SoB army..... was thinking for Holy Deeds done in the service of the Emperor and saving a Forgeworld they gifted them a new Shadowsword for the conitinual fight agaisnt the unclean, the mutant and anyone else just wanting to smell Promethium up close..


If i can get pics in the next week will post them here for you all.


But as Melissia said thats how i started too, since they first came out i traded my Equally sized Dark Angel army for the startes of this army i have now.

I love the feel of them, the story and uniqueness.

So i only started with a simple battle squad too.

10,000 thats a huge army. I could field maybe 4000 points with options. With my mismatched collecting habits I have almost 20 sisters superiors, but I don't have nearly that many squads of sisters. I prefer a mechanized army to footsloggers. Against many of the opponents I fight I need combined fields of fire to kill people dead and vehicles help that happen


I need more of them to make my army work at that huge point level. Right now, I've got 1 Landraider, 2 Exorcists, and 6 Immolator/Rhinos. I need more Rhinos and Immolators as well as a Repressor or two. I'm guessing I could almost field a whole commandery. Most 2000 point games I field a mission's worth of sisters all mounted except for my Retributors and the Seraphim of course.

As anyone who collects sisters will know ebay is a godsend and because of my successful auctions over the years I've managed to build a reasonable sized force.

So from the top;


Inquisitor Karamazov

2 standard inquisitors

Approx 15 henchmen

4 priests

4 assassins (1 of each)

6 arcos

3 PE's

10 ist's

1 canoness

65 - 70 battle sisters

30 seraphim

4 heavy flamers

4 heavy bolters

4 multi meltas

3 imagifiers

7 immolators

4 exorcists

1 repressor

...All from ebay apart from the exorcists which, as most people know, are like rocking horse droppings. I've never actually added the points up for a basic force but with 5th ed its not about the quantity, its the quality of the choice.


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