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Chapter Fluff

commander alexander

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Well everybody, I've decided to start this disscusion because i want to hear about your chapters and tell you about mine.


Chapter Name: Lions of Shadow

Chapter Master: Instead of a chapter master the captains hold a council and decide who should lead a campaign.

Chapter Description: The Lions of Shadow are a very odd and mysterious chapter. Unlike most chapters they have eleven companies instead of ten. the tenth company is not the scout company but the armored company, which contains more armor than the araura chapter has total. The Lions are also privy to large amounts of psychically "gifted" and mechanically adept initiates. No one, inquisitor or brother chapter knows of their origins and they are shrouded in mystery. if your are ever fortunate or cursed enough to behold a night-time assault you will see how truly they embody their name.


Feel free to add pics from the SM painter ( i lost mine so i will add it later)

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This entire sub-forum is basically people talking about and refining their DIY chapters (which is why your post got moved here from the general discussion forum). So just dig around in here and you'll find more DIY chapters than you could shake a stick at. In the meantime, if you want more feedback or criticism on your DIY, we'll need more info - particularly on why they're so much 'better' than a normal SM chapter. kil78 might have been a bit curt in his post, but he's got a point - without a really solid backstory reason, baldly stating that your chapter has tons of special gear, exceptionally gifted recruits (and remember, they'd be compared to other space marines, so you're saying exceptionally gifted when compared to 'regular' superhuman killing machines, which is a pretty bold statement to make), and yet shrouded in utmost secrecy... with all due respect, it might be a bit much. Maybe focus on one of these aspects, and then explain why this is interesting to you, or what theme you're trying to evoke? We'll be glad to help out if you give us more info.


(EDIT: accidentally cut off part of my post initially)

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I'll bite


Chapter name

Panzer brigade


Combat doctrines-

Air cavalry/precision strikes, favoring drop pod and thunderhawk delivery. there are no land raider or rhino based chassis in their armory but they have a proficiency at producing dreadnought hulls. which incidentally work well with thunderhawk delivery as it can carry one in the nose plus several tactical, assault or scout squads. because of their air-mobile nature they diverge from the codex in the fact they do not maintain a devastator company, also because of their reliance on thunderhawks, bikes and speeders see limited use.



Due to their small size nothing is wasted and almost every battle brother who falls and cannot be healed by the apothecarium is elevated to the high status as a dreadnaught commander. in effect becoming one with the machine and the machine god. these traits along with being skilled artificers, and concern about the plight of everyday imperial citizens has put the in good standing with both the salamanders and iron hands first founding chapters.


With a strong personal hatred of chaos they have many times come to the aid and attention of the inquisition, often finding their small force bolstered by sisters of battle and grey knights, inquisitor lord karamozov has taken a personal interest in their development, where this leads who can know.


Chapter fleet-

Battle barge/fabrication ship/X4 strike cruisers.




chapter HQ-

forge masters, captains, chaplains and librarians.



1st company-

10 venerable dreadnoughts


2nd company-

100 tactical marines


3rd company-

100 assault marines


4th company-

10 ironclad dreadnoughts


5th company-





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I'll take a chew too:



Emerald green ceramite plate clad bastards. To them, change and adaptation plays an integral part to their warrior culture. Akin to the Kroot in that instead of worshiping change or shunning it, they accept it. They have no real set structure. A Captain, his Sergeants, and a Master of Atomics lead companies large enough to adapt to any eventuality, be it pitched battle or counter terrorism.


The Conqueror's embody the theory that "the end justifies the means". Any mean is valid (as long as it does not include consorting with xenos and/or worshipers of Chaos) to accomplish the extermination of the foe. The Conqueror's will not bat an eye at committing to a decade long counter insurgency in a hive world nor would it particularly care if Imperial citizens perished during an atomic purging of a suspected opponent's position. They are not so much clinical as they are bloodily single minded. To them, camouflage is as valid as orbital bombardment, as long as the goal, complete eradication of all traces of the enemy, is achieved.


My friends and I have created a scenario, where 500 points of Conquerors must last out four turns against 2000 points of opponents. If the defenders (Conquerors) last all four turns, they successfully call down a martyring nuclear strike on the board, destroying everything on the table. The enemy must take out the Conquerors or else they'll be destroyed. It gives an impression of what the Conqueror's are like, just about nothing is sacred, virtually no law cannot be trampled upon, no mercy, no respite.

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Chapter name

Iron Hawks


Combat doctrines-

Gurilla warfare and lightning strikes. All scout units are mounted in landspeeder storms, and most power armoured marines are fitted with jump packs. They are heavily airborne with no tanks, dreadnaughts or even terminator armour.



Once a strict codex chapter, the Iron Hawks were nearly entirly whiped out apart from the 8th and 10th companys, to survive they were forced to rely on guerilla warfare and lightning strikes. Their scout company is twice as big as a standard scout company and the 8th company has traditinaly become a fighting company. They have repainted their armour in camouflage patterns to suit their fighting style. The chapter numbers only around 500 strong and is still rebuilding.


Chapter Home

Nova (formerly Spes II)





chapter HQ-


1st company-

30 Vanguard Veterans


2nd Company

100 assault marines


8th company-

100 assault marines


3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th and 9th company's are rebuilding. No armoured vehicles or bike squadrons listed.

30 Land speeder storms

20 Land speeders (and variants)

8 Thunderhawk Gunships


10th company-

200 scouts.



by no means a solid reprisentation because im still working out my chapter.

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If you wish to see all the finished chapters which have been submitted to the Librarium, check out this thread, all the images are links to the full IA.


Hey Ferrata, what's the procedure for presenting a finished IA for inclusion in the Librarium and that thread? I think I'm basically done fooling with my current DIYs, maybe throwing them into the official list will motivate me to get back to painting....

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To the Librarium Generally rules apply for getting an article in. Submit it via the basic route shown here. They'll make sure it is up to a certain quality.


To the Index Get into the Librarium (and then maybe pester Sigismund for a funky image of your chapter)

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