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The idea of putting actual Heavy Weapons in Sternguard squads strikes me as somewhat heretical. It seems to me that they're designed to be on the move and engaging at short-medium range.


Sure, if you discount the possibility of actually using the 30" rounds to their fullest extent. ^_^


The Kraken rounds only strike me as truly useful to get into a slugging match with Fire Warriors. Otherwise, there are few things I can do with those rounds that a Heavy Bolter won't give me.

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The Kraken rounds only strike me as truly useful to get into a slugging match with Fire Warriors. Otherwise, there are few things I can do with those rounds that a Heavy Bolter won't give me.


The point was, that the Sternguard, while probably at their strongest at close range fire-fight range, are not incapable of playing the long range fire-support role. In fact, a five man Stern squad is one of the cheapest ways to get lascannons into your army. Mmm... Lascannons. MCs and Crisis Suits beware. ^_^

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The point was, that the Sternguard, while probably at their strongest at close range fire-fight range, are not incapable of playing the long range fire-support role. In fact, a five man Stern squad is one of the cheapest ways to get lascannons into your army. Mmm... Lascannons. MCs and Crisis Suits beware. ^_^


I prefer the Missile Launchers for both of those targets. Although, in truth, my Sternguard do pack a pair of Heavy Bolters because they were originally a Deathwatch Kill Team. Mmmmm... Assault Heavy Bolters. :D

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I prefer the Missile Launchers for both of those targets. Although, in truth, my Sternguard do pack a pair of Heavy Bolters because they were originally a Deathwatch Kill Team. Mmmmm... Assault Heavy Bolters. :D


Only real reason I prefer lascannons to Missile Launchers is I face enough Carnifexes with 2+ saves that makes Missile Launchers ill equipped to handle.

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Only real reason I prefer lascannons to Missile Launchers is I face enough Carnifexes with 2+ saves that makes Missile Launchers ill equipped to handle.


Very true, but plasma weapons in the hands of Tac and Assault squads is my prefered method for dealing with 2+ save 'Fexes, and Missile Launchers are still a fine weapon to aim at Tyrant Guard. Or just frag missile the Hell out of those massed light broods.


Besides, I'm generally far more concerned with taking down Wraithlords. Even the mighty Carnifex can be brought down by massed bolter fire. Wraithlords laugh that off, but the humble Missile Launcher wounds on 4s and ignores their armor save. Likewise, the Missile Launcher takes out Crisis suits with a minimum of fuss.

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