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Dragon's sons Commander


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Hi there, It's been a while...


I'm coming back, I will return, I now possess your body and I'll make you burn....

Huurrr, sorry, I listened too much Iron Maiden in my early years. :D


So, What's up ?

A WIP for the commander of my dragons sons.

Click on images to enlarge.


I made him a Katana, of course, but an energetic one :


The Katana is made in plasticard and the wiring on it with the tiny wires in a domestic electric cable.


I made a test on a shoulder pad :



And to ease my work and allow more options, all that is magnet-stuck :



Feel free to comment, advise or criticize.

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the pose and katana are good but the pommel on the katana has to go, it is too big!

What do you mean by "too big" ?

Too large or too long ?

If it's too long, It's on purpose : this katana is intended to be a two handed one so it needs a place for the other hand.

I believe Terminatorinhell was not referring to the hilt but rather the pommel. Pommels are not generally seen on traditional katanas. I'd agree with him on just getting rid of the pommel leaving your nice two-handed hilt.
no no the handle is fine just the round thing on the bottom has to go (most katanas don't have it just an end cap)

The pommel is a sculpted skull. I can remove it if you think it's better without.


edit: got a closer look at the chest plate is it a GW piece or a sculpt?

It's a "hot sprue" casting I made on a mold realized on a personal sculpt representing the dragon of my avatar.

To see more on my "casting frenzy", check this post : Dragon sons WIP

I have to say that I really REALLY dig that shoulder plate. Looks kinda like something from the Thunderdome.

Sorry, my poor english can't understand the sense of "dig" in that sentence.

The only sense I know for dig verb is to dig a hole and you couldn't come from Danemark to France just to put a hole on my commander shoulder plates ;)


By the way, I made them by pressing a textured plastic I found on GS and then cut 2 straps that I glued on on each other with a pin each side as rivets.

As is, it helps maintaining the plates that, without them, want to come back to their original flatness.


so those are going to be power swords or normal CC weapons?

The Katana shown in aboves pictures will be a power one but with help of the magnets, I could do a normal blade or a master blade.

As the tempest that hit France South West left me without electric power since Friday evening, I couldn't work anymore on my figurines these days.


By the way, just before the sky felt on my head, I had time to take a few pics on how to make the shoulder plates. So I can use my office's net connection to show them...


First, a close look on the plate modeling by pressing a GS ball between a flat surface and some textured plastic :



Closer look on the textured plastic :



A strip has been cut on the plate and one of its side has been thinned :



The strip is shaped using a claw to help its gluing :


(sorry for blurry pic)


first strip in place :



Second one :



and then, the pins :

http://images1.hiboox.com/vignettes/0409/a67910d5bb008714bbccde334e661444.jpg http://images1.hiboox.com/vignettes/0409/5a871b15ab3f45b670f2d83a80c09e03.jpg


And, as you can see, I followed GeoKrush and Terminatorinhell advice, I removed the Katana pommel.


Some more news when I get power back...

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for double-post but no-one commented my previous one and I have some new pics to show...


I added plates to its belt to protect its bol**ks :D and thighs, worked a bit on its back-pack and started to paint it.

Her are some PIP pics :

http://images2.hiboox.com/vignettes/0709/a98ae87779562c67722d8ca67cd22f20.jpg http://images2.hiboox.com/vignettes/0709/c6b07e98c717c4ce7f45d6526c21d878.jpg http://images2.hiboox.com/vignettes/0709/28ced2ab2fb0572bc488ee6ed6389a17.jpg http://images2.hiboox.com/vignettes/0709/ba4925cafa4f658104193a43b9e0e407.jpg


And for those who were wondering "but where is his damn' head ?", here is a W(very)IP of the head :

http://images2.hiboox.com/vignettes/0709/23b8960c96147e3c1c304d9850fc37dc.jpg http://images2.hiboox.com/vignettes/0709/00ea25bd7e1846978979b878cfcc359b.jpg


That's all for today, folks, fell free to comment to avoid me the shame of a triple-post :D

"They" finally repair my phone line (broken on Jan 24th) so I can surf from my home :woot:


I take advantage of this for :


... Some thanks :

Thanks for your encouragements, it's very pleasing to read. ;)

... Some answers :

i think the katana would look fine if it was held with 2 hands other than that it looks great

That's what I wanted to do first. I wanted him to hold its Katana vertical two handed maintained above his rigth shoulder.

I tried many way but his left arm was always too short so I gave up and did it like that.


how did you make the Katana? it looks awesome! please do a tutorial for it :D

Unluckily, I've not planned another Katana for the moment, and I didn't took pictures while I did this one.

But the "How to" is rather simple and I think you should succeed with explanations only.

I promise I'll take pics for the next one I'll build.

  1. Trace and cut the blade itself on a 0.5mm thin plasticard sheet. Cut it longer than required to work easier after.
  2. Sharpen the blade with an X-acto by small cuts with X-acto blade in almost the same plan than Katana blade. You can ease that work by putting the Katana blade on a box top.
  3. Cut the guard (hope that's the correct word for the washer between the hand and the blade) inside a thicker (0,75mm) pasticard sheet.
  4. On the center of this guard, make a triangle hole just as high as blade's width and just as large as blade thickness. Prefer this hole smaller than needed. The blade must force a bit to enter it.
  5. To end the "energetic wiring", I used a point to dig small holes at different places. The wiring itself is made from a single wire from a home electric cable. It has been glued on the blade with its end bended inside previously dug holes. The wires was left longer that needed.
  6. Enter the guard on the blade from its sharpened side and glide it along including the wiring. when the guard is almost in place, put a dot of glue at its final place and slide it to glue it. Cut the wires that pass the hand side of the guard.
  7. Use the part of the blade that passes the guard to help gluing the katana on the hand and then cut it.
  8. Sculpt the hand with GS above the remaining part of the blade.
  9. The handle is made from bass rope and ended with a ball of GS cut after it dried. Glue it on the other side of the hand.


... And some new pics :

Yesterday, I worked a bit on the head :

http://images1.hiboox.com/vignettes/0709/c6c18a6b07d2d4092678707b7e97c367.jpg http://images1.hiboox.com/vignettes/0709/501eaf708407d5a3e93498480a6cf72a.jpg http://images1.hiboox.com/vignettes/0709/c0ecfa280c92dbaace9eede51e6ab6f4.jpg

The "horns" are made with blister plastic (I didn't have such thin plasticard) and the helmet "wings" are cut inside Q-tip. I don't think I'm able to sculpt such thin things for the moment. May be later I'll try, but for now, I don't feel it :D .

I still don't know which colors to use for the mask and the helmet. Yellow mask, lackered black helmet and yellow "horns" ?

What do you think ?


I also painted a bit :

http://images1.hiboox.com/vignettes/0709/1193f41f418c1caf4a60dd714b9faeb1.jpg http://images1.hiboox.com/vignettes/0709/be1e97d71830e16210e108bb4ab658c1.jpg http://images1.hiboox.com/vignettes/0709/a49ae00ae32be974615334abd2b671cf.jpg http://images1.hiboox.com/vignettes/0709/6139c19053f1ac32899f03bd51e1947d.jpg

Obviously, the right arm is not finished. I'm not very satisfied with the halo (a doubt again on the translation of the thing ontop of the backpack) painting.

I'll may apply a "blue energy" painting on it if I feel satisfied of what I'll do for the katana.


And, now, It's your turn to post ;)


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