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Blood Angels Rhino, Lemartes and Tac Squad


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Hey Guys

My BA successor, the Crimson Ascendants has some new members, enjoy!

PS : My Girl bought be the awesome Forgeworld Chaplain dreadnought with a drill arm and close combat arm, its going to make a sick Venerable Furious Death Co Dread, I think that ones going to be painted up as soon as it gets here :mellow: )

PPS : I also put this thread in the BA forum for my BA brethren to see, if it violated forum rules to have both at once, please feel free to delete either thread or pm me and I will attempt to remove them myself







Tactical Squad




Comments and Crits welcome as always!

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Capes on all marines does look stunning.


But there's still a little detail painting needed on bolters and backpacks. So far, the Tactical Squad looks a bit boring, even with the capes and shoulder plates. Maybe a freehand chapter badge and some white on the small skulls could break the sea of gold and red.


Is the skull on the Rhino freehand or some sort of decal?


And kudos on the Forgeworld Dread. My girlfriend FORBID me to get any new stuff until everything I own is painted. Which means never, I guess.

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Thanks for all the wonderful comments!


@Captain Malachi : I actually found the wings in an old box of LEAD DnD minis from like the 80's or early 90's, I have no idea where they came from they were just kind of hangin around, so i figured it would look cooler then a jump pack (and i sure wasnt going to use the Lemartes model.... UGLY)


@cathar the great


The Skull is a freehand (my first freehand ever, turned out like 200% better then I thought it would, I cant even draw stick figures (im not kidding!) )


As for the shoulders, I think your right something on them would be cool, but since im going to be doing up a whole battle company like this, I dont want to do freehand on all those marines. Some sort of decal would be cool, but I cant for the life of me think which one (hmm maybe the Red triangle/skill one on the SM decal sheet, but you only get 3/sheet :( )

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I have about 20 completely unused decal sheets around somewhere, and I am sure some people have more. So getting those shouldn't be a problem.


I think its funny, though, you telling me you don't want to put too much effort in each mini when you give EVERYONE a cape ^^


To fit the skull on the Rhino, you could put a skull decal on every one and apply some wash or thinned down brown paint to make it look like your freehand.


And if that was your first freehand ever, wow, keep practising and you'll be really really good!

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I play Red Templars, so this scheme is fairly close to the one I use. I am a big fan of that tac squad. The mixture of gold helmets with red is really nice, makes them look like a bunch of rough and tumble guys. The capes are very interesting and nice too. I am always a fan of someone who has the time to individualize each guy. Very cool. Keep up the good work.
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I also can't draw to save my life, and thought eff ever having a chapter badge that I have to freehand... until I tried it. I am 90% sure that it takes less time to paint a simple 2 color chapter badge than it would to "properly" prepare and apply a decal. Try it on one, you can always paint over it, and you may surprise yourself.
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