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Doobie's WIP blog (pic heavy)


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Like the title suggests, I have so many projects going on that nothing ever ends up being completed. So I thought I would use this space to list some new WIP as they unfold.


I recently made my own Techmarine for no apparent reason and thought a servitor squad would be a good addition. So I bought a blister pack on impulse to give myself an idea of what the hell they looked like and then set about making another two.


This is how they are going so far.


The first model I nicknamed 'wheelie', he's going to have canisters for oil and plasma juice. He has a 9 volt battery to power the chainsaw motor on the wheel. He also has two pipes coming out of the side which came about after I wondered how on earth he would go to the toilet in this get up. I figured one would be for onesys and the others for number twos, I'll just have to label them.


If you're wondering about the head, so am I. But my original plan was to tie it in with the little siren on the side.










Next model is the multi melta dude, or as I prefer '4 of 9'. Made from an old LATD traitor I had I think, he's basically a hacked up catachan model. The arm and backpiece are from the actual blister pack I bought, but I put it on him to give it a more genuine look since its pretty budget. The servo arm is very basic because I'm still new at all the materials really. But I think it cuts the mustard. I will probably add some more smaller 'wires' to the arm, and GS the joints.


I've got another 2 to show, but I will get them up here later.





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