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Confusion about Apothecary Abilities


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I want to try out a new tactic with my command squad (since it seems to be sidelined for being too expensive). And that was to field it with the Apothecary and 4 plasma gunner veterans. But I don't know if the Narthecium counteracts the 'Gets Hot!' rule.


Some people may say that because its AP2 so no or it doesn't allow armor saves no the Feel no pain rule can't be used. But this isn't true in this case correct? 'Gets Hot!' is stated to cause a wound, but normal saves apply.

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Another question to do with Apothecaries:


Does the FNP rule apply to any charcters who have joined the squad? Under the Apothecary's Narthecium wargear description on page 55 fo the codex it states "As long as the Apothecary is still alive, all models in his squad have the FNP universal special rule".


I'd just like to point out the "in his" part of that sentence, because I'm unclear if it's referring only to the command squad or to the unit as a whole if any characters have joined it.


I plan on possibly making a command squad with 4 plasma gunners, the Captain with plasma pistol, and a MotF with a plasma pistol (and the harness mounted pp). That would be 11 plasma shots on the move, up to 12".

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That's a point of debate actually. The 2 main sides are:


1. According to page 48 a unit's special rules are never conferred on an IC, so no, they don't get it.

2. The special is not one of the unit's regular rules and is bestowed upon it by wargear. As an IC is considerd part of the unit it is bestowed upon him as well as long as he is in the unit.


I myself am a supporter of number 2 if only for the fact that I can't see an apothecary look his Chapter Master in the face and say: "No, I won't close up that hole in your chest, you just walk it off mister."

But fluff does not rules make :)

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That's a point of debate actually. The 2 main sides are:


1. According to page 48 a unit's special rules are never conferred on an IC, so no, they don't get it.

2. The special is not one of the unit's regular rules and is bestowed upon it by wargear. As an IC is considerd part of the unit it is bestowed upon him as well as long as he is in the unit.


I myself am a supporter of number 2 if only for the fact that I can't see an apothecary look his Chapter Master in the face and say: "No, I won't close up that hole in your chest, you just walk it off mister."

But fluff does not rules make :)




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I'd like to know this too as I'm also using a 4 plasmagun command squad and plasma pistol equipped captain.


Is his squad the command squad or the whole unit, now that's the question. ;) I'd want it to be the unit, but I'm afraid it's just the command squad...

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1. According to page 48 a unit's special rules are never conferred on an IC, so no, they don't get it.


Actually, it says "unless specified otherwise ," just before that... meaning it sometimes can, which leads to:

2. The special is not one of the unit's regular rules and is bestowed upon it by wargear. As an IC is considerd part of the unit it is bestowed upon him as well as long as he is in the unit.

...and that's what I'm also leaning towards! The squad only gets FNP as long as the apothecary is alive, and the narthecium benefits all models in "his squad"... his squad meaning the unit. When an independent character joins another squad it is said to be a part of the unit.


I'll use the hole-in-the-chest example if someone at the local GW doubts my logic, lol


If only I used bikes, that would be a deadly unit...

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That's a point of debate actually. The 2 main sides are:


1. According to page 48 a unit's special rules are never conferred on an IC, so no, they don't get it.

2. The special is not one of the unit's regular rules and is bestowed upon it by wargear. As an IC is considerd part of the unit it is bestowed upon him as well as long as he is in the unit.


I myself am a supporter of number 2 if only for the fact that I can't see an apothecary look his Chapter Master in the face and say: "No, I won't close up that hole in your chest, you just walk it off mister."

But fluff does not rules make :devil:


I'm in favor with number 2 as well as it would be his duty to use it to heal any battle brother no matter what rank except maybe scouts.

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That's a point of debate actually. The 2 main sides are:


1. According to page 48 a unit's special rules are never conferred on an IC, so no, they don't get it.

2. The special is not one of the unit's regular rules and is bestowed upon it by wargear. As an IC is considerd part of the unit it is bestowed upon him as well as long as he is in the unit.


I myself am a supporter of number 2 if only for the fact that I can't see an apothecary look his Chapter Master in the face and say: "No, I won't close up that hole in your chest, you just walk it off mister."

But fluff does not rules make :sweat:


I'm in favor with number 2 as well as it would be his duty to heal any battle brother no matter what rank except maybe scouts.

Except that what you said has nothing to do with the rules, only fluff, but yeah, I do agree with 2 as well.

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That's a point of debate actually. The 2 main sides are:


1. According to page 48 a unit's special rules are never conferred on an IC, so no, they don't get it.

2. The special is not one of the unit's regular rules and is bestowed upon it by wargear. As an IC is considerd part of the unit it is bestowed upon him as well as long as he is in the unit.


I myself am a supporter of number 2 if only for the fact that I can't see an apothecary look his Chapter Master in the face and say: "No, I won't close up that hole in your chest, you just walk it off mister."

But fluff does not rules make :sweat:


I'm in favor with number 2 as well as it would be his duty to heal any battle brother no matter what rank except maybe scouts.

Except that what you said has nothing to do with the rules, only fluff, but yeah, I do agree with 2 as well.


Actually it does even before the edit, it is saying that i think he would because he would not just ignore them. aThough the rank thing is a bit mis leading.

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That's a point of debate actually. The 2 main sides are:


1. According to page 48 a unit's special rules are never conferred on an IC, so no, they don't get it.

2. The special is not one of the unit's regular rules and is bestowed upon it by wargear. As an IC is considerd part of the unit it is bestowed upon him as well as long as he is in the unit.


I myself am a supporter of number 2 if only for the fact that I can't see an apothecary look his Chapter Master in the face and say: "No, I won't close up that hole in your chest, you just walk it off mister."

But fluff does not rules make :sweat:


I'm in favor with number 2 as well as it would be his duty to heal any battle brother no matter what rank except maybe scouts.

Except that what you said has nothing to do with the rules, only fluff, but yeah, I do agree with 2 as well.


Actually it does even before the edit, it is saying that i think he would because he would not just ignore them. aThough the rank thing is a bit mis leading.

"As it would be his duty to heal any battle brother". That's not rules.

But that's why I give Plague Marines 2 Plasma Guns, because if they get hot, they have their 3+ and FNP.

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The Apothecary's FNP ability will apply to attached characters. Specifically, "The special abilities marked with an asterisk (*) are automatically lost by an independent character joining a unit that does not have the same special rule. These rules are also lost by a unit that is joined by an independent character that does not have the same special rule" - BRB P74.


The Feel No Pain ability is not marked with an asterisk, so firstly the squad will not loose FNP. The codex then says that all models in the Apothecary's unit gain the FNP special rule, so any IC joining the squad will gain FNP.

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I would also agree on the 2nd option. But if you read the "Special Rules" section in the "Independet characters joining & leaving units" it states that independent characters dont get those Special rules the squad have.


But is it really different about the special rule that it comes from a wargear?

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But is it really different about the special rule that it comes from a wargear?


Well that is the very core of the 2 sides. One says "of course they are different, one is inherent in the squad and one is granted to the unit by war gear" and the other says "no difference whatsoever, a special rule is a special rule".

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  • 2 years later...
One of the big stickers to this debate concerns Orks. Snikrot is a upgrade that gives his unit Ambush. If you attach Ghaz to the unit, does he get Ambush? If you attach him to a Nobz squad, does he get FNP? If you attach a Sang Priest and Dante to a Sang Guard squad, does Dante get FNP?
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The rules deal with this rather concisely. If the Special Rule in question is a USR, then the character only gains its benefit if it is not marked with an asterisk in the BRB. If it is marked with an asterisk then both the IC and unit lose the benefits of the USR, unless both the IC and the unit have the same USR, in which case neither loses the benefits. If the Special Rule in question is not a USR then both the IC and the unit lose any benefits it confers. This can be found on pages 48 and 74 of the BRB.


If Ghazghkull Thraka is deployed attached to a unit of Stormboyz led by Boss Snikrot then the unit may not be held in Reserve according to the Ambush Special Rule, as Ambush does not state an attached IC may gain its benefits and it is not a USR. If Ghazghkull Thraka is attached to a unit of Nobz with a Painboy then gains the benefit of the Feel No Pain USR because it is a USR not marked with an asterisk.


[EDIT: Grammar. :)]

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Thanks Dan! I have read the dang thing probably 6 times and never picked up on the asterisk bit!



The BRB has all sorts of secrets tucked away in odd corners. I hope the next one is better organized.

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