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1500pt Bike List


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So here's my list and I would greatly appreciate any feedback on your thoughts or ideas to help improve the Army



Space Marine Captain

Artificer Armour, Bike, Hellfire Rounds, Relic Blade


Command Squad

Bikes, Lightning Claw, 2 Powerfists




8 Bikes 2 Meltaguns, Powerfist

Attack Bike Multi Melta


8 Bikes 2 Meltaguns, Powerfist

Attack Bike Multi Melta


8 Bikes 2 Meltaguns, Powerfist

Attack Bike Multi Melta


8 Bikes 2 Meltaguns, Powerfist

Attack Bike Multi Melta


This all comes to 1500pts


C and C would be greatly appreciated

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You're going to suffer against a few bad matchups that have lots of fast monstrous creatures/CC oriented bikes (Demon Princes, Winged Tyrants, Ork Nob Bikers), and against Lash Lists, and have some problems with horde. It would take a really specific list to hurt you like that. Necrons are going to be annoying without better CC capability.


I'd make the suggestion to not have all your bike squads with the same loadout. Save some points and make one or two of them anti-infantry focused with flamers and/or plasma guns and heavy bolters on an attack bike and a power sword instead of a power fist. I'd also try and fit a chaplain on a bike in there to increase the CC viability of a squad.


But it's definitely playable as it stands and will give most opponents fits.


Nice list.

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Good list,

But variety is important, all your meltaguns are limited in range, so its gunna be hard to kite and get shots off without being charged...

A few longer ranged plamsa shots will do well, also for the extra points have a counts as Khan for all his extra rules: Outflank, hit and run etc....


Also a dedicated tank hunting unit like a 3 strong unit of MM attack bike will serve you well (no wasted flamer/plasma shots)



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I've been toying around with bike lists for a bit, and these would be my pointers.


- Try something other than meltaguns. A few squads with plasmaguns would help, I'm a little skeptical about the flamers tho.


-If you're going to have a weapon on the sergeant, you would want to take the powerfist. Since it will replace the bolt pistol you're not going to get an extra attack with the power weapon. I would not put fists on everyone tho considering you don't really want to get into assault.


- If you can stomach the thought of not going "all bikes", consider putting in a tactical squad and/or a assault squad with a jump pack chaplain.


-Consider some attack bike squadrons for some good firepower.

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hey here a question just we write the list with two full squad and spread you points about between both fast attack and troops and you have a bigger army to began with. overall you going to kill alot of tanks after that well that leave you inf and yes anything worse than a 4+ save in my mind is worth shooting a str 8 ap1 gun at no matter what is unless you having to muli wound models that fine by me..
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I've been toying around with bike lists for a bit, and these would be my pointers.


- Try something other than meltaguns. A few squads with plasmaguns would help, I'm a little skeptical about the flamers tho.


-If you're going to have a weapon on the sergeant, you would want to take the powerfist. Since it will replace the bolt pistol you're not going to get an extra attack with the power weapon. I would not put fists on everyone tho considering you don't really want to get into assault.


- If you can stomach the thought of not going "all bikes", consider putting in a tactical squad and/or a assault squad with a jump pack chaplain.


-Consider some attack bike squadrons for some good firepower.


Bike squads, led by a character, or multiple bike squads at the same time, make AMAZING cc troops.


You get to rapid fire your bolters/fire your specials and heavies, killing about 4 MEQs and a lot more lesser troops before moving in to the assault. You've got T5, so the only thing that you really need to worry about are power weapons and dedicated CC squads. You're going to inflict more casualties than they are (dice luck being average or better), with enough of a margin that you're probably going to break most opponents. This lets you do fearless wounds or run the entire squad down.


And flamers really is a personal choice. If I'm in flamer range, against a horde army, there's really no substitute. I get more hits than a bolter rapid firing most of the time, and wound exactly the same. I find that it works very well for me.

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No, I think is the answer unfortunately. Yes you have more than enough anti-tank shots with those meltaguns and fists and the maneuverability to make them effective, but how do you intend on taking on say orks? They can pack 180 boyz in 1500 points. That's a lot more than you can even think about killing. Basically you are a one trick pony. Yes you take any mech list and tear it apart but some lists don't care. There's enough cover running around that that will take your melta weapons out most of the time and even with all those twinlinked boltguns you won't be able to wound that much. More often than not it's not the rolls to hit that are the problem it's the rolling to wound since most of the time you'll wound on 4s. Also getting in rapid fire range means that you are in range to be charged... Not a great thing since in combat you are essentially a nurgle tactical squad. Combat will most likely end up as a draw or a minor win, so unless they run you're stuck.


Random Guy

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I will admit I was overstating my avoidance of assaulting with bikes. There are situations bikes are great in assault. More or less any unit that can shoot better than they can fight in assault are prime targets (Guardsmen and Sisters of Battle are the examples I run into). Toughness 5 helps in combat, but bikers are still one base attack for 25pts. Characters do help this, my own bike captain has taken down a bunch of stuff and I do want to try out a command squad on bikes for its assault potential. If your target takes a lot of fire, there is always the risk they will just fall back and leave you open to return fire (to be fair, that could happen to any type of unit) and if you do assault you want to be certain that will win take out the unit to avoid being tied down. As you can tell I am still figuring out an approach on this, but I will say that relying on shooting has worked so far.


Given the right situation flamers are good on bikes, I know when I was looking at Ravenwing and White Scars lists/forums a few months ago there was a fair amount of melta/flamer mix. Out of the people in the group I play in (8-10/plus people), there is only one Ork and one Tyranid. I have matched up against Nids, Orks... not so much, but the lack of hordes makes me not taking flamers a meta-game decision.


Yes lists with a lot of bikes can have a tough time against hordes, Orks being a real problem, but to put it into perspective Orks are by all accounts one of the toughest armies at the moment and unless you build to face them specifically you are going to have trouble. However, at that point you are less able to deal with other things. Bike heavy can have lots of trouble in some settings, takes getting used to, and its sure not going to be the new "big bad list" out there, buts I can say that it can work and it is a load of fun.

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I will admit I was overstating my avoidance of assaulting with bikes. There are situations bikes are great in assault. More or less any unit that can shoot better than they can fight in assault are prime targets (Guardsmen and Sisters of Battle are the examples I run into). Toughness 5 helps in combat, but bikers are still one base attack for 25pts. Characters do help this, my own bike captain has taken down a bunch of stuff and I do want to try out a command squad on bikes for its assault potential. If your target takes a lot of fire, there is always the risk they will just fall back and leave you open to return fire (to be fair, that could happen to any type of unit) and if you do assault you want to be certain that will win take out the unit to avoid being tied down. As you can tell I am still figuring out an approach on this, but I will say that relying on shooting has worked so far.


Given the right situation flamers are good on bikes, I know when I was looking at Ravenwing and White Scars lists/forums a few months ago there was a fair amount of melta/flamer mix. Out of the people in the group I play in (8-10/plus people), there is only one Ork and one Tyranid. I have matched up against Nids, Orks... not so much, but the lack of hordes makes me not taking flamers a meta-game decision.


Yes lists with a lot of bikes can have a tough time against hordes, Orks being a real problem, but to put it into perspective Orks are by all accounts one of the toughest armies at the moment and unless you build to face them specifically you are going to have trouble. However, at that point you are less able to deal with other things. Bike heavy can have lots of trouble in some settings, takes getting used to, and its sure not going to be the new "big bad list" out there, buts I can say that it can work and it is a load of fun.


If 2 full bike squads, even without characters, rapid fire into a 30 strong boyz squad then charge them, the boys are going to lose combat. Add a character, and the Orks lose combat BADLY. That's going to account for 30 of the 150 Orks in a single game turn by two of your squads. The other two take on another, and that's 60 boyz gone. You've just taken out a third of their army at the cost of maybe a whole squad TOTAL of your army. You've got the speed to disengage and avoid the other large squads if you did your deployment and assaults right.


Bikes do just fine against orks.

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Nob bike squads are beefy too.


I recommend dropping the pfists in the command squad and maybe taking a couple of storm shields instead.

Get a librarian or korsarro khan on bike as an hq selection. Don't forget that bikes are relentless so get attack bikes in each of the squads, you can combat squad all of your bike squads.

All bikes is a hard list because there are just not enough men for the points you're paying. You might want to invest in some razorbacks and footsloggers. Throw in a landspeeder squadron with 6 HB or typhoons instead of one of the bike squads.

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It'll work, using all of the things people have posted before me.

But, man, will it be BORING! You've got 8 scoring units if you combat squad those bike units. You don't need that many, really. I'd drop at least one of those squads, and use the points for something a little more fun, or unexpected. Predators, landspeeders, a devastator squad in a Rhino, some scouts, anything but a mob of carbon-copy bikes.

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Yeah, 6 HBs on Land Speeders might alleviate your lack of anti-infantry, as would Typhoons, as ShinyRhino said. Take some variety, man. Maybe a squad with plasmas and an HB Attack Bike instead of all melta too.


Bikes do just fine on anti-infantry. Twin linked bolters rapid firing does hellacious damage to just about any infantry unit.

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