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Chasing Shadows

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I am going to keep this as short and simple as I can,and try to include as much pictures as possible.


I have been playing 40k for a couple of years now,and since day one I have found Daemonhunters fascinating for many reasons:


-Beautifull models

-Small elite army

-I have always played for the Good Guys in any part of my life(previous army was Tau) so I wanted to play the fanatical irational killers for a change

-always liked being the underdog


Enough of my rambelings,on to the army.


I currently own the following models:


6x Grey Knights

10x Storm Troopers

Vindicare Assassin

Grey Knight Terminator


2x Gun Servitors

Tech priest


With that I came up with the folowing list:


Brother Captain



Storm Bolter

Gun Servitor with Heavy Bolter

Gun Servitor with Plasma Cannon


6x Grey Knights



Frag Grenade




10x Storm Troopers

Grenade Launcher


Veteran Seargent with Power weapon and Hellgun


Vindicare Assassin



Missile Launcher

Plasma Cannon

Extra Armor





Now for the fluff part:


Go here, I already have a discussion going on the fluff in the background section





Finally here are the pictures:


First,here is a group shot of the army,so you can get a good feel for the army




If you are wondering what are those bitzs at the back,that are the gun servitors and a soon to be built Inqusitior.


Next the the only unit I have actually painted:D

It took me about 10 hours for the entire unit.I suffer from ADD so I really cant focus on one thing for too long,so the members vary in detail,depending in which order were they painted.







I still need to add markings to their right shoulder pad,and touch up a couple of details,but I will do that when I finish the second unit.


Anyway,here is a close up of the Veteran Seragent,so you can see a close up of the models.He was painted third,so he isnt the best nor the worst painted in the squad.






Finally here is an EARLY WIP of the second squad:the Vindicare Assassin






Please comment,say that it sucks and it hurts your eyes,even that is better that no comment at all.


I hate it when my threads get ignored

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i like the storm troopers. How much does it end up coming to? can't be much more than 1000 points right? its a great start. i love the paint scheme for your troopers, good ammout of detail. i will be following this as well so update regularly capisce?



First,I would like to say that I will update the original post to include all finished units in one place.


Now,onto buisness.


This week I have been mostly living in the real world,so little painting has been done,but I am 90% finished with my Vindicare Assassin:






I am not really please how he turned out,especially the base,but I will return to him before the end of the week,to touch up and put on markings.


Also,here is the my first attempt on freehand,I forgot to put it in the first post:




All five of them have "11" painted on their shoulder pads,and if you follow the fluff link,you will find out why:p

Very nice, but a little criticism. I think I can see why you're not pleased with your Vinidicare. It's the color. He just doesn't look right in olive. Olive green is ok for the Stormtroopers, but I more see the Assassin in black or something like that, perhaps urban camo.
  • 1 month later...



Been away a while from the computer,but had plenty of free time on my hands(injury) so finished a couple of squads:










My limted knowladge of Latin says that banner should read:Death And Glory!


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