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Building a Moondrakkan


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I'm planning on starting up a white scars army. Since I dont really want to wait for GW to take their grand old time coming out with a model for Kor'Sarron Kahn, I figured I'd just make my own. I plan on using the white scars command bit set for the torso and front mantle of the moondrakkan. Anyone have any ideas on how I could make the moondrakkan look a bit bigger and better than just a basic space marine bike?
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Since Kor'Sarro is the Master of the Hunt and he hunts those that battle the White Scars and lived to brag about it maybe add some sachel hanging from his bike that appear to have severed heads in them.


I am aslo building White Scars and I am considering useing a Scout Bike as the base for my conversion along with the fairing from an Eldar jetbike


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