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Going on a bug hunt!

Captain Cabble

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Ok guys, my list is ready and all boxed up so here is what I'm taking:


Librarian w/Plasma pistol, Quickening and Might of the Ancients

Tactical w/Power fist, flamer, missile launcher and Razorback w/heavy bolter

Tactical w/pwer weapon, flamer, heavy bolter

5 sternguard with 1 powerfist and 5 bolters

5 terminators w/assault cannon

Landraider redeemer

dreadnought - basic option

2 Vindicators


How I play will depend very much on the mission/deployment but the general plan is blast them from range as the advance then deal with anything that gets close with rapid firing bolters and flamers from the tacticals and counterassaults by the terminators, librarian and sternguard if needed.

The razorback will be kept back incase i need to go after objectives as the game nears the end.


Not sure how it'll play out but thats the fun of the game.


Any thoughts still welcome but the list is set in stone, thanks guys.



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Hmm, if you can, add a Chapter Master with a Power Weapon and Plasma Pistol, and any other upgrades you'd like. His Orbital Bombardment will be of great use when you have to whittle something down or destroy it entirely. I'm also recommending for the Dreadnought you give it it Extra Armor, an Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer, and quite possibly the Venerable rules. Also, if you're dead set on taking that Librarian, especially against Tyranids, I suggest replacing Might Of The Ancients with Avenger, as it'll kill Tyranids rather quickly since it's a "super-flamer". And is that really 1,500 points of Marines? It just doesn't look like it. If it is, then I honestly recommend dropping the Terminators for more Sternguard and possibly some more Scoring Units.
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Wow... I'm seeing a lot of strange pieces of advice for list creation...


If you are tailoring a list for use against Tyranids, take WHIRLWINDS. They ignore cover saves and disallow armor saves on all bugs that you would possibly want to fire at with them. They're 85pts each. You can't find a better choice anywhere in the codex.


Flamers are of course the second best choice, but you absolutely need a transport vehicle of they'll never get used. Combat squad your tac squads, and stick the sergeant (with combiflamer) and flamer into a razorback or rhino. Rush them to a genestealer squad, drop them off, and unload everything the squad has.


Dreadnoughts are one of the nastiest things you can use against tyranids because they HAVE NO POWERFISTS. No Meltabombs. No way of killing the dreadnought besides monstrous creatures, once it gets in combat. As soon as your dread has engaged a gaunt or genestealer unit, it's only a matter of time before that unit dies. Best part about it is that due to mandatory pile in moves, against larger units the dread will be entirely surrounded so it cannot be countercharged by his monstrous creatures. Equip your dreads with 2x heavy flamers and a drop pod, for extra super-fun-times.


The best way to deal with his monstrous creatures is either massed heavy weapons fire, or assault terminators. Heavy weapons fire however, will give them cover saves, be restricted by LOS from buldings, be restricted from range, and becomes useless if they manage to hit your lines. The Assault terminators however have a 3+ invuln save to weather the MCs attacks, and plenty of S8 armor-ignoring attacks returning. They are useful in the range where taking out the MCs is most critical and most practical. Don't be mislead - normal terminators are nearly useless against most bug armies, as they have a similar fire output to 1.5 tac squads, and then get crushed in close combat by MCs or swarmed in close combat by gaunts. They excell at fighting neither.


Last thing you might want to include in your list - the single option that synergizes well with the above. Vulkan He'Stan. The list will certainly do fine without him, but you'll be unstoppable with him.

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Hm, looks like a decent list.

Anyway, the guys up above have some good plans. Heed them. I've never played a Vindi vs Nids. Mainly cause I don't have one. But I have played a lot vs Nids.


A store army you say? Watch for those Zoanthropes. Their warpblast can make quick work of armor or marines! Especially when they get within 12". Check if they have synapse! If so, kill m first, but don't let them soak up all your guns he has to deploy them seperately! So It'll take more than one unit.


Store nids tend to lack leaping warriors, so that's a breather. They're easy meat for anything better than a flashlight unless they're loaded with extended carapace. Look out for that stuff! It gives MC's the abillity to shrug of anything short of a plasma/lascannon. He'll most probably be fielding a broodlord. It's a real piece of hurt when it gets into CC. No marine short of a squad of thunderhammer termies or an epistolary with quickening stands before this mother. It also gives a unit of stealers the abillity to form his retinue and infiltrate.


If he has a flying Tyrant here's what you do: Combat squad a tac unit. Catch the bugger (or lure him in to catch you). Put some plasma guns or whatnot close behind. Let them get killed/break off after his round of CC and let it rip. (same works with broodlord) Flying Tyrants can't take carapace so even Krakmissiles kill it! If he has one he wants to get it as close to you as quickly as possible! It's the fastest piece of synapse in the game!


Some guys mentioned Raveners. If he fields them they'll be packing rending claws. Don't threat, in the overall game they're :cuss. Now if they hoard up with stealers, kill 'm dead before they reach you (some well placed bolter fire).


There's one thing you'll have to keep in mind though!

Nids do have guns. I know with 5th ed a venom cannon is hardly the gun to worry about when you're riding in a Vindi, but do not underestimate the power of luck. A walking tyrant will ALWAYS carry one. That and a LOT, and I mean A LOT of their basic guns get a reroll to wound. And a store army? expect fleshborers. Maybe only flashlights, but 20+ shots with a reroll to wound is everything but a tickle.


All in all i agree with the other guys.

Drop the plasma pistol and the quickening get him a basic bp to spare pts and add avenger. It can kill a Tyrant or whatnot using the above mentioned tactic. Seeing the small amount (imho) of infantry in the list it might not be viable, but if you do end up in that situation do it!


The points spared on the plasma pistol need to go into changing the dreads weapon outfit.


The rest is up to deployment, who goes first and your ability to prioritize your targets. Refused flank has always worked very well for me.

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