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Forge World - World Eaters Army Blog

Danny Cyanide

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Thanks guys,


Yeah I didn't have to do much on the Jugger Lord. I liked the look of the Fantasy style armor, and getting the Jugger to rear onto his rear legs wasn't all that hard!


Here's the WIP of Angron. TOns, and I mean tons, of inspiration was taken from the WIP pictures at Hellrics Nightmare Miniatures!


Here he is:








As always, C&C are always helpfull.



  • 1 month later...
Call of Chaos

Hey guys,

So, I have pledged 5 units for the call of Chaos, and am already flying through the first 2. The units that I am pledging are:

2 Squads of Bezerkers
World Eaters Termie Squad

Here's my first update. I'm working on Khârn and a bezerker squad first.

Khârn is still in need of some Brass trim, Bone skulls, painted weapon (except for axe head) and other small details.


My World Eaters Squad is still in need of flesh, weapons, and metal washing.


All in all, I feel pretty good about my progress.


I really love the look of your berserker squad as well as your bloodthirster. Good luck with completeing your pledge. And with your Khârn his flesh needs to get some wash or ink on it to give it more depth (looks rather pale and flat).


Cheers, Messanger

Worrywort -


I'll do a big group shot when I have a little more painted. So far, all I have are these guys and one other squad. By the end of the challenge, I'll have 3 squads of bezerkers, a squad of termies, Angron, and An'ggrath!. Possibly some Land Raiders if I finish early.


The Angron WIP is at the top f this page. There's stil more GS work to be done on him before painting.


Messanger -


I'll give the arm another go soon. Thanks for the CC


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