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800points of marine / IG Vs either Dark eldar or Nids


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so tonight i get my first game of 5th edition so looking foward to that, its going to be me and another guy (IG player) both using 800 points Vs another guy with either 1600 points of nids or dark eldar.


For my list i went witht he following hoping to cover both armies since we won't know until the day:




Alanfaed (Lysander standin)





Tact squad 1

flamer / heave bolter

melta bombs on sgt and chainsword


Tact squad 2

flamer / lascannon

melta bombs on sgt and chainsword





Terminator squad with cyclone missle launcher.


i believe that takes me to 490 points.


heres the query i have, should i swap the termies out to cose combat ones savine me 30 points and buy a rhino? and if i remove the melta bombs theres another 10, so possible 50 points free'd up if i do the termy swap.


Reason i have the normal squad is to guard and shoot with bolter drill and if needs be go into CC with HQ guy and shred some evils.


the imperial guard squad will be the following if it effects choices:




1X Heroic senior officer bolt pistol Power sword carapace and 4x free meatshields (purely for the leadership 9)


2xMortar squad mortars are ace in 5th ed with the no such thing as a partial hit rule (y'know now if a template touches a model at all its a hit) and kill low toughness things well




Troops Will die for the emperor


platoon one


J Officer (Plasma pistol power sword carapace)


2xsquad with grenade dude



platoon two

J off 2 (Bolt pistol carapace)


2x Squad with flamer dude



Heavy Support


1 x Leman Russ demolisher with plasma cannon sponsons






The other option which i can't do due to models not being ready was sternguard but their not as good in CC as termies, though bolter drill might benefit them more andit frees up loads of points.


Any C&C for me?

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